Facing Tsunade who stood up again, Orochimaru snorted unhappily. It seemed that the plan to kidnap her was going to fail.

"Prepare to retreat."

In desperation, Orochimaru could only issue an order to retreat, and told everyone: "Take Junma Lu, we should go back."

"Did you say him?"

At this time, a voice came from the high wall, and then a person was thrown down and fell in front of Orochimaru.

It was Yang Lei who was standing above, and he only heard him ask: "Is his name Junmalu? I'm sorry, in order to protect your reputation, he has already died."


Only then did Orochimaru know the news of Junma Lu's death. The previous fight was so intense that he didn't notice the situation behind the earth formation wall at all, and this thick earth wall was made by himself.

Looking at the body of Junma Lu who fell in front of his feet, Orochimaru was out of anger, only to feel the qi and blood surging, the two bodies he had prepared for him Sasuke did not come, and Jun Maru was still dead.

"It really pissed me off."

With a roar, Orochimaru pointed at Yang Lei and shouted: "Boy, don't ask me to help you, when I go back, I will burn all the preserved evidence, and I will make it impossible for you to wash off your body for the rest of your life. infamy."

Hearing this, Yang Lei sneered disdainfully, and said, "You really are an idiot, Orochimaru, do you think that I have stated my purpose, and will I give you the opportunity to destroy those evidences?"

As he spoke, Yang Lei jumped forward and jumped down, landed beside Jiraiya, raised his hand towards Jiraiya, and said, "Give me back that scroll."

The scroll that Yang Lei gave to Jiraiya before was nothing else, it was a means for the three generations to leave a way for him and Konoha Village. Although Yang Lei is already Konoha's traitor, it can also prove that he is a member of the Hokage faction. .

Speaking of it, it is very similar to the current Itachi. The third generation still trusts Itachi, including the five generations of Tsunade who later knew the truth. Otherwise, Sasuke would not have been wanted all the time. of.

It was because of that scroll that Jiraiya didn't immediately attack Yang Lei who came to him.

"Give 〃~."

Jirai also returned the scroll that he had put away to Yang Lei, and looked up and down this man, who was obviously about the same age as Naruto, but was found to be an S-level traitor, who could even kill Danzo, a genius to the sky Little monster, finally found the difference in his eyes.

Before, because the battle was too fast and too intense, he never had time to see Yang Lei's pupil technique, and only then did he finally notice, at least two of them were recognized, one was the reincarnation eye with a black circle, and the other was The writing wheel of nine white hook jade.


Jirai was also shocked, who the hell is this kid?He only heard the news that Yang Lei had Samsara Eye, but he never knew that he even had Sharin Eye, and there should be other pupil techniques to see how those eyes looked?

Since even the Samsara eye and the writing wheel eye can exist together, Jirai also thinks that he will not be surprised if there is one or two pupil techniques.

After all, the whites of Yang Lei's eyes are bright blue. I believe that as long as people who have a certain understanding of the pupil technique see it, they will make a guess that it is pupil technique.

Yang Lei ignored Jiraiya's thoughts, looked at Orochimaru and Yin Ninzhong who were reunited, and said with disdain: "I heard that you were killed by Itachi's Yuedu? Do you want to try Yuedu's again? Feel?"

As he said that, Yang Lei's left eye quickly transformed into the appearance of a triangular windmill, exactly like Itachi's kaleidoscope. This scene not only scared Orochimaru, but anyone who saw it would be startled.

Finally, the matter has developed to the present, except for the people he took the initiative to tell, the secret of Jian Jigu's Eye is finally going to be guessed.


Orochimaru swallowed hard and exclaimed in disbelief: "How can you have Itachi's eyes? Or, your eyes can actually copy other people's pupil skills? Is it even the boundary of blood?"

After hiding for so many years, Yang Lei was actually a little tired, as if he could return to his hometown in honor, but he had to walk in brocade clothes at night.

Now, he has grown up, even the fourth generation Raikage was beaten by him, the fourth generation Mizukage Yakura died in his hands, and the undead duo organized by Akatsuki, now he You don't need to be afraid that others will covet your eyes anymore.

If you have the ability to grab it, then if you have the ability to go back alive, don't blame others for being killed by him.


Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Lei nodded and admitted Orochimaru's guess, and changed his left eye back to white. A white bone blade slowly grew out of his palm, and said, "That Junma Lu's The boundary of blood is not bad, no wonder you will like it, after having the corpse veins, my strength has improved a lot."

After obtaining the corpse bone veins, although Yang Lei didn't find a way to grow more bones, he let him strengthen all the bones of his body again, no matter whether it was fighting ability or strength, he had improved a lot.

".Oh my God."

All the people present exclaimed as long as they were still conscious.

Yang Lei was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. Of course, he definitely wasn't just trying to show off. He turned to look at Tsunade, who was already stupid, and asked, "Five generations? I think my value will be very important to the village, right?"

"of course."

Tsunade nodded blankly, apparently she hadn't recovered yet.

"That's good."

Yang Lei stated his purpose and said, "I'm trying to clear my name right now, and I need your help. Otherwise, an S-rank traitor, let alone returning to the village, will be attacked by the village. Bar?"

The reason why he wants to expose his eyes of the ancients is not only that he is tired, but also wants to gain the attention and recognition of Tsunade who will succeed the fifth generation of eyes With the cooperation of Wudaimu and others, he will have a chance to return to Konoha Village and back to Hinata and Sakura.

Even if there is no evidence for him, who shows such great value, as long as he finds a suitable opportunity, Konoha Village will definitely accept him back.

It's just that it can't appear again for the time being.


Tsunade didn't answer Yang Lei's words, but looked up at Orochimaru, and stated directly with his attitude: "If you know the situation, hand over the evidence that the old Danzang colluded with you, otherwise, you don't want to leave today."

Even Jirai pulled up his stance. He was about to be released from the immortal state, and he entered the fighting state again, and slowly forced him up.

Such a heaven-defying monster must be pulled back to the village, which is the consensus of Jiraiya and Tsunade.


Orochimaru's eyes turned sharply for a while, and he first pretended to snort disdainfully, and then said: "It's not impossible for you, but there is one thing, I need some data from Yang Leijun, such as blood or something. I am very fond of your body. interested in."

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