The method Itachi performed on Deidara was not an illusion, but a purely mental oppression, which could temporarily put Deidara in a state of confusion, no wonder even Madara couldn't find it.

"The country of the river?"

Itachi frowned and pondered. At this time, it would be useless for him to rush. The country of the river is not near or far from where he is. When he arrives, I am afraid that the tail will be drawn out long ago. .

"never mind."

Shaking his head, Itachi went on the road again, threw the ring with the red characters on the ground, and continued to rush in the direction of Konoha Village.

The country of ghosts is close to the country of wind and borders the country of earth, but it is far away from the country of fire. He wants to return to Konoha. There are three routes. Either choose to cross several small countries sandwiched between the big countries, or Choose to take the route of the land of the earth, and finally cross the land of grass or the land of rain to return to the land of fire.

Among these three routes, only the route he chose now is the easiest and safest. Going along the border of the Land of Winds, as long as you cross the Land of Rivers at the end, you can reach the Land of Fire.

In other words, taking this route will eventually lead to the country of the river.

No, after walking on the road again for a day, at the border of the river country, he met a group of people.

".. Chidori."

Sasuke was the first to discover Itachi, without hesitation at all, holding a thunderbolt in each hand, he hurried forward like a runaway wild horse after removing the load.

Itachi knew that Sasuke came here in such a hurry, and he definitely didn't want to give himself a long-lost hug, so he didn't dare to neglect, his eyes quickly turned on the kaleidoscope, and he shouted while dealing with the suddenly strong Sasuke: "Stupid brother, hurry up and give it to me. Stop, we'll call after I finish some things."

How could Sasuke listen to him, gritted his teeth and continued to attack Itachi, but although he has made some progress in this period, his strength is still much worse than Itachi. If Itachi was serious, I am afraid he would have been defeated long ago.

But of course, Sasuke's growth is really not to be underestimated, even Itachi can't easily subdue him without moving his ultimate move and kaleidoscope, so he can be entangled by him.

(Good money) "Sasuke, I'll help you."

At this time, it was Naruto who jumped out to Itachi secretly, and there were other Konoha Xiaoqiangs behind him.

"It can't go on like this."

Itachi frowned, dodged Sasuke's attack again, took out an envelope from his clothes and threw it out, and saw the ordinary letter hitting Kakashi as fast as a shuriken.

Kakashi originally planned to use the fire escape to burn Itachi's attack, but fortunately he opened the writing wheel at the moment Itachi appeared, and only then did he find some differences. Otherwise, I am afraid that Itachi would vomit blood, and Yang Lei would also collapsed.

"That's what happened."

Kakashi caught the letter and read the contents of the letter as quickly as possible. He couldn't help taking a breath. Seeing that the Twelve Xiaoqiang surrounded Itachi in a blink of an eye, he quickly shouted: "All stop."

Facing the gazes of the Twelve Little Powers, Kakashi said, "He is not an enemy!".

0233 Arriving at the Sealed Land

After a simple negotiation, Konoha and his party accepted Itachi temporarily, and only Sasuke was still looking at him with complicated eyes.

In any case, even if Itachi could be cleared of all his crimes, the fact that he killed the Uchiha clan could not be cleared no matter what.

And the village also played a not very glamorous role in this matter.

Especially Danzo, the order to kill the Uchiha family was even given by Danzo, and he even threatened Itachi with Sasuke.

If Danzo was still alive, Sasuke would definitely choose to betray the village, and he would even turn around and kill him now.

Fortunately, Danzo has been killed by Yang Lei, which makes Sasuke wonder who else to seek revenge, Is itachi?He really didn't know how to deal with the big brother who did a terrible thing to protect himself.

Sasuke is only twelve years old, and he will only be thirteen after this year. When he encounters such a complicated situation, even if he is precocious, he doesn't know how to make a choice, and he doesn't even know who should be responsible for the revenge of the family Who to hate.


In the end, Itachi said to Sasuke: "You are still young. When you figure it out one day, no matter what decision you make, I will support you, even if you still want to kill me."

This sentence made the four Jounin present frown. Whether it was Kakashi or Asma, or Yuhika and the simple-minded Matekai, they all heard the other side of Itachi's words. layer meaning.

In other words, may Sasuke embark on the road of betraying the village in the future?

"Are you still leaving?"

At this time, Granny Chiyo, the leader of Sandyin Village, became a little impatient, and urged everyone: "If you don't leave, I'm afraid Gaara will be in danger."

"Okay, I'll talk about these things when I go back to the village. The most urgent task is to rescue the five generations of Mu Fengying from Sandyin Village."

Kakashi took a deep breath and greeted the team to hit the road again.

Because of Itachi's spirit, he had been to the cave where Deidara hid before, so when he was on the road again, he was handed over to lead the way.

After rushing for a while, everyone finally found the cave, and after unlocking the seal of the enchantment, a big battle was staged.

Although the plot of this battle has been advanced by at least two years, and the strength of the Genin is not as good as the original, but this time the number of people who came to help is much larger than the original. Therefore, Deidara and Scorpion finally lost, and the two Everyone died on the spot.

It's just a pity that Gaara still died. In the end, in order to bring him back to life, Chiyo's mother-in-law used bans and techniques like the original, and exchanged her life for life to reincarnate Gaara.

After being resurrected, Gaara didn't have time to rejoice or feel sad for Chiyo's mother-in-law's sacrifice, and simply thanked Konoha and his party who came to rescue him, and then shared some bad news.

According to Gaara, before he lost consciousness, he had seen three tails and six tails inside the outsider golem, and then two more people were captured, which means that Akatsuki was only a short In such a short time, the five tailed beasts have been successfully captured and sealed, and the speed is not unpleasant.

"Is there still four tailed beasts left?"

After listening to Gaara's information, Itachi couldn't help but feel a little bit troubled. Except for Naruto, it is estimated that the seven tails will be captured soon, and then it will be the turn of the two tails and the eight tails. It seems that Akatsuki's actions have already Can't be stopped.

Having said that, it seems that Yang Lei has no intention of stopping Xiao at all. Does he have any plans?

. . . . . .

Yang Lei, who was thought of by Itachi, was rushing to the land of swamps with the witch Ziyuan on his back.

"Isn't it here yet?"

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