Yang Lei asked Ziyuan on his back. He has been moving at high speed for more than a day, and he has no idea how far he has traveled. Why hasn't he arrived yet?Could it be that this little girl was playing with him on purpose?

"I'm so sorry."

Zi Yuan snorted and said, "If I didn't lead the wrong way, I should be able to see the entrance to the Sealed Land if I walk a little further."

"Wrong way?"

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows and heard something from Zi Yuan's words.


Zi Yuan blushed, Yang Lei's speed was too fast, and she had only come here once. When she was very young, she didn't notice that she had walked and missed the road once, otherwise she would have arrived long ago.

Seeing that Zi Yuan had acquiesced to his own guess, Yang Lei shook his head a little funny and angrily, just when he wanted to complain to her about being poor.


The open pupil technique suddenly discovered the situation, making Yang Lei's expression serious, and jumping on a nearby boulder with his feet one after another, he looked up and looked into the distance, only to see a volcanic cave in front of him. It is the entrance to the sealed land that seals the body of the sprite.

At this time, outside the entrance, there was an army of black stone statues slowly walking out, it was the undead army of sprites.

"Is it awake?"

Zi Yuan also saw the situation in the distance, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation, shouting: "How could this be? Things have changed, and in my prediction, it is clear that the two of us will be able to re-seal it very easily. ."

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"Someone should have woken up the sprite in advance."

Yang Lei raised his hand and pointed forward, helping Ziyuan to point out that there was something strange in the army of the dead. There was a small square platform there. If he guessed correctly, it should be an altar, and its function was to harmonize with ghosts. Get in touch, you can get the power of sprites.

"How to do?"

Zi Yuan looked down at Yang Lei, she didn't know what to do anymore, so she had to say: "Why don't we go back first, spread the news about the sprite, and let the five great nations and the five great ninja villages send aid, after all, this involves The big crisis in the entire ninja world, they can't just sit back and ignore it."

"Need not."

Yang Lei shook his head and objected: "The sprite should have just woken up not long ago. Now is the best time to seal it. If it is delayed any longer and it wakes up completely, then everything will be over."


"Besides, it's just a bunch of unconscious toys, nothing to be afraid of."

Yang Lei didn't back down, it wasn't because he was a master of art and daring, but because he could fly, neither the army of death nor the sprites were taken seriously by him.

This is a simple and crude reason.

He can fly, but the army of death can't fly, and sprites can't fly either. If he can't beat him, he can retreat again. Alas, it's just so willful.

Zi Yuan didn't know what Yang Lei was thinking, but he could feel that he was very confident, he hesitated, then nodded, and decided, "Then rush in, as long as you can send me to the sprite, I can do it. Seal it up again."

Yang Lei suddenly raised his head and looked at Zi Yuan, and asked, "In that case, would you die?"

Ziyuan was startled and asked subconsciously, "How do you know? Hmm."

After speaking, Zi Yuan quickly covered her mouth. Isn't she saying that to prove Yang Lei's guess is correct?

"No way."

The next moment, Zi Yuan put his hand down again, covering Yang Lei's eyes to prevent him from seeing his expression, his expression suddenly became sad, and muttered: "This is the duty of a witch, the meaning of our existence is to seal the sword. Sprite, otherwise, we would have no value in living."

"What nonsense, what value and meaning, these are just imposed on yourself, right?"

Yang Lei snorted coldly and shouted, "Look at me breaking the sprites. When the time comes, you can find the meaning or value of living by yourself!".

0234 sprite out of trouble?

Hearing Yang Lei's words, Zi Yuan couldn't help but be shocked, her eyes were a little blurry, if she looked at it from such a close distance, it seemed that Yang Lei's handsome face was about to block her line of sight.

Although Yang Lei's eyes were covered by Zi Yuan's hands, it didn't mean that he couldn't see. The pupil technique of Baiyan could easily pass through Zi Yuan's hands. Seeing that Zi Yuan's expression gradually changed, he couldn't help crying inwardly.

"But I can't make trouble anymore, the two in the family haven't dealt with it yet."

The appearance of Sakura and Hinata appeared in his heart, Yang Lei quickly shook his head and threw away Ziyuan's little hand, and also threw away a trace of Qi Nian in his heart.

"All right."

Both of them regained their composure, and Yang Lei said, "It's time to go."

Zi Yuan nodded in response, and was also ready, and clasped Yang Lei's neck with both hands.

"Six Paths Reincarnation Immortal Body, open."


Yang Lei turned on the immortal mode with a single thought, and a large group of Chuck "Twenty Twenty" spewed out of his body, and finally materialized into a set of light blue robes, surrounded by eighteen black Taoist jades. .


Without stopping any longer, Yang Lei rushed forward quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the volcanic cave not far away, before waiting for the death army below to respond.

"Immortal, inorganic reincarnation."

Yang Lei used the immortal technique with both hands and took out the inorganic reincarnation he had learned from Orochimaru. A chakra, the power of nature, swept across the body of the stone statue army, giving them willpower.

It was just a face-to-face meeting. Yang Lei reversed the army of death that he saw with the naked eye, and saw that the army of death that had been orderly before suddenly broke out into conflict. The former army changed direction and collided with the new rear army. The bloody fight begins.

"who are you?"

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