Heitu frowned and shouted: "This is our distinguished guest of Yanyin Village, why should we go?"

The rock ninjas all rolled their eyes, especially the dozens of Shangnin. They couldn't help but complain in their hearts, who gave the previous order to attack?It's not your black soil and your grandfather's dispatch, we won't be beaten for nothing.

"Do not worry."

A Yan Ninja stood up, the one who was arrogant at the beginning. I saw him slowly bending over and bowing to Yang Lei, and said, "We are waiting here to apologize to you for our previous rudeness."

"you are welcome."

Yang Lei waved his hand in response, his attitude was very arrogant, mainly because he saw the dissatisfaction hidden in the eyes of these Yan Ninjas, and guessed that they must not hold back their farts when they waited here, how could they be polite to them .

Otherwise, do you think the black soil will really make you not human inside and out?In fact, she also saw the plans of these rock ninjas, this is the meaning of another round...  

It's a pity that the black soil still didn't stop them. In the end, he could only look at Yang Lei with apologetic eyes. Then, before he could open his mouth to understand, the girl turned around and ran away, hiding behind the gatepost of the village gate, a small head leaking out, and shouting. What kind of refueling, it's really speechless.

"This girl."

Yang Lei was so angry that he called him a guest just now, but now he is hiding and cheering for the rock ninjas. This is hoping that he will be beaten up, it is really a black belly.

"Master Yang Lei."

Because he was defeated by him before, Yannin gave him a respectful title, and only one Yannin said, "We have another request, please point out our shortcomings again, please."

After all, Yang Lei was said to be an honored guest of Yanyin Village by Hei Tu, and they also had to hold the door. They couldn’t beat him up as soon as they came up. No, they all carried the banner of advice on their shoulders. .


All Yan Ninja bowed down together, and clasped their fists with their very aggrieved hands and gave a salute. There was no way. In order to regain the previous position, they had to ask Yang Lei to agree to play another round.

"no problem."

Yang Lei seemed very careless, because he had the confidence that since he could defeat them once, he could defeat them again. This was the confidence of the strong. He was cultivating his own mentality to give birth to an invincible belief.

"bring it on."


Without talking nonsense, Yang Lei first threw the shark muscle broadsword on his shoulders aside, and then untied the ninja bag on the back, and faced the rock ninjas with empty hands. Also without fear.

The rock ninjas glanced at each other, and finally took off all the ninja gear and weapons on their bodies in a unified manner, and also faced Yang Lei with empty hands, and a battle about beating or being beaten began.

Let's not talk nonsense about the process. In short, Yang Lei won the victory once again, carrying the shark muscle sword and laughing all the way to the distance, and behind him, at the gate of Yanyin Village, five Zandie Luohan was left there, and the black soil with a face he couldn't bear to look at was watching over him.

Yang Lei said that since they lost, they would stay like this for half an hour before they could get up.

These rock ninjas are also stone heads, so they are really obedient. .

0240 Return to Konoha Village

After leaving Yanyin Village, Yang Lei hurried all the way, like a wild horse off the reins, rushing in the direction of the Fire Country.

When he set foot on the land of the country of fire, he happened to receive a good news, that is, the wanted of him and Uchiha Itachi have been cancelled.

Not only that, but today's fifth-generation Megumi Hokage Tsunade is really courageous, and actually directly announced the activities of Danzo.

Originally, Yang Lei thought that the village would choose to soften things up, that is, not to disclose those things, just cancel the wanted of him and Itachi, and then let them return to Konoha in a confused way.

I didn't expect Tsunade to be so powerful. In this way, he and Itachi really became heroes, the kind known to the whole world.

It is precisely because of this that he did not encounter any obstacles after returning to the Land of Fire, and even when he returned to the long-awaited Konoha Village, a group of people were already waiting at the entrance of the village.

"You really came back."

At the gate of the village, Xiao Ying and Hinata rushed out first, and threw themselves into Yang Lei's arms in no particular order. The three of them hugged each other tightly, as if they had not seen each other for many years, and were unwilling to let go for a long time.

"Okay, you rest first, let's talk to Yang Lei too."

16 After a while, the group of people all greeted them. Among them, Naruto shouted in dissatisfaction. He didn't really want to talk to Yang Lei that much, he missed him, but at this time his real intention was to interrupt Yang Lei and Xiao. Sakura's hug.

This kid still has a lot of obsession with Sakura. At this time, seeing the goddess being held in his arms by his good brother, this guy is holding both of them at once. He really has mixed feelings in his heart.

But Naruto is Naruto after all. He is nicknamed Little Sun by fans and has his own charm, that is, warmth, which can illuminate any darkness.

Therefore, Naruto did not feel jealous, just a little envious.


Xiao Sakura shouted in dissatisfaction, and then found that they were surrounded by everyone, so she blushed and quickly withdrew, and at the same time did not forget to pull Hinata.

"You boy."

After Xiao Sakura and Hinata stood a little apart, the crowd swarmed up and put Yang Lei in the middle, rubbing his head and patting his shoulders, saying anything in a mess, and the most repeated one was 'You are amazing'.

There were also several adults standing outside the encirclement, who were the leading teachers of the four classes.

"You should be at ease now, right?"

Kurenai Yuhi and Asma were standing next to each other. At this time, she glanced at Asma with her beautiful big eyes. Seeing that his eyes were slightly red, he looked very excited, and he couldn't help but feel amused. They were both almost thirty years old. Excited like a kid, this guy.

At the same time, there were two people standing at the window of Hokage's office. It was the fifth-generation Megumi Hokage Tsunade and the third-generation Megumi Sarutobi Hiyazan.

"He really came back."

The three generations seem to be very old-fashioned.

He values ​​Yang Lei's potential too much, especially his bloodline. If he really wants to pass it on, he will be able to form a new wealthy family in Konoha Village in a few generations. At that time, Konoha Village's strength will definitely grow a lot.

Tsunade nodded. In fact, she didn't know much about Yang Lei, only the previous meeting.

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