However, it only showed her the strength of Yang Lei from one side. Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, would be chased and beaten by him, and he might even kill him in the end. This result was too unacceptable to her.

This is only a twelve-year-old child. He will only be thirteen years old in a few months. As a result, his strength has surpassed their three tolerances. Let him grow up again. This is a tempo against the sky.

Fortunately, he is not an enemy, otherwise Konoha Village will be defeated by him sooner or later.

. . . . . .

We gathered for a little while at the entrance of the village. Before everyone could talk enough, there were too many things to say, so we went to the barbecue shop we used to go to to hold a party together.

Months have passed and the kebab shop has long since been rebuilt.

And this time, because of the experience, everyone emphatically warned Xiao Li not to allow him to drink alcohol, and ordered a large bottle of drink for him to put in front of him. This is a rhythm that has left a shadow on his mind.

In the barbecue restaurant, everyone was talking, laughing, and making noise. Fortunately, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, not meal time, otherwise it would definitely disturb others.

It has to be said that the boss has accepted Yang Lei's favor, otherwise they will be kicked out.

It took more than two hours to eat this meal, and it was almost five o'clock when it was gone.

Yang Lei said goodbye to everyone on the spot, and was informed by Asma that he would not follow the tenth class in his next actions, and asked him to go to Wudaimu to ask his location in person tomorrow.

Before leaving, Asma looked at Yang Lei, Sakura and Hinata on the left and right, winked for a while before chasing Yuhika and left.

"Finally gone."

After seeing all his friends away, Yang Lei couldn't help but let out a long sigh. At the previous dinner table, everyone had to turn over his experience in the past few months and researched the past several times before they were willing to give up. He said that he was thirsty.


Xiao Ying and Hin Tian on both sides listened to Yang Lei's words and couldn't help laughing. At the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little distressed. I heard that he has not been free for a moment in the past few months. At one point, I will walk around the ninja world.

"Jun Yang, welcome back."

Hinata smiled and watched Yang Lei speak, as if she was a wife at home waiting for her husband to come home, plus she had such a virtuous temperament, let alone, and Yang Lei really looked like a couple.

"I am back."

Yang Lei smiled and took a step forward in a heartbeat. He opened his hands and slowly embraced Hinata who didn't dodge, and kissed her on the mouth with her eyes closed.

"Welcome home."

Xiao Ying quit, and came over and said something to Yang Lei, which made him smile and shake his head. He let go of Hinata and walked over, also hugging Xiao Ying and kissing her.

"Say it."

After letting go of Xiao Ying, Yang Lei suddenly felt puzzled, looked at the two women and asked, "What's the situation with the two of you?"

Yang 417 Lei had simulated countless things that two women could do on the way. Maybe he would be jealous, or even fight, maybe he would be forced to make a choice, whether he wanted her or wanted her, but after thinking about it, he never thought of it. The two women will be so peaceful, and even have accepted each other, this is too smooth, right?

The two women looked at each other, and shared a helpless, wry smile.

"Is such that."

Hinata and Sakura tell each other the truth.

It turned out that at first, they seemed to be incompatible with each other, and even if they didn't fight much, a cold war broke out.

But later, when Yang Lei's wanted order came out, when they learned that Yang Lei had become an S-class traitor, they couldn't help but feel a burst of despair. They knew that their Yang Jun would never be able to return to the village again unless he was caught. , or call back, neither of these two results they want to see.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The key to making them compromise with each other actually happened in the country of the river. When they went to rescue Gaara, they met Akatsuki's art duo.

At that time, Sakura and Hinata were both left to deal with the scorpions. In a certain round of confrontation, Sakura seriously injured herself in order to save Hinata, and later Hinata was poisoned to protect Sakura.

In this way, the two women resolved their grievances and became sisters with a good relationship, which is why today's situation occurs.

(PS: That is to say, in order not to continue the number of words, in order to speed up the plot, the protagonist is lucky to be able to enjoy the blessings of everyone after returning home...).

0241 Go to Uchiha Station

Yang Lei held Hinata with his left hand and Xiao Ying with his right. The three little figures carved in pink and jade were walking under the setting sun, how they looked like a pair made by heaven.

This sentence is a bit of a coincidence. It happens that Yang Lei and Hinata are a pair of heaven, and Yang Lei and Xiao Ying are a pair of earth.

The three walked and chatted, and after Yang Lei heard what Xiao Ying and Hinata had experienced in the past few months, the sky darkened.

"I'll take you back."

Yang Lei resisted the urge to bring the two little girlfriends home directly, and strengthened his belief and sent them back. When he met the two adults separately, he was embarrassed for a while.

Especially the look of the wrong person on the face of Hyuga Hizu, which made him really speechless, and made him feel ashamed without even opening his mouth.

But there was no way, he would never give up any of them, and in the end he had no choice but to greet the sun with a cheeky face, and then turned around and ran away.

Thinking about his experience abroad in the past few months, how many shadow-level powerhouses he had beaten and kicked, and even killed four generations of Mesuiying with his own hands, and also killed a peerless monster, now he was defeated just by meeting the old man. Now, you can see how lack of confidence he must be.

"I'm sorry for Hinata, and I'm sorry for Sakura."

When he came to the street outside, Yang Lei couldn't help but muttered to himself in his heart, and suddenly felt a little secretly grateful. Fortunately, when he was provoked by Orochimaru, he didn't go to a place to find a girl for help, otherwise he would have to more guilty.

"I'll be nice to them in the future."

Yang Lei secretly made up his mind that he must be nice to them, otherwise it would be a real waste of time.

Good guy, this is not married yet, he unilaterally claims to be the husband of the two women, this is really a faceless race in the universe.

"go home."

Yang Lei didn't have any thoughts of going around. He was very tired from rushing back all the way, so he rushed home and returned to the relief building where he had lived for six or seven years.

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