But when he returned to the door of the house, he couldn't help being dumbfounded. Not only had the door lock been replaced, but when he knocked on the door, a new owner had already lived in it, which made him very distressed.

"I guessed you'd come back here to take a look 々".

A voice came from the window at the end of the corridor on the sixth floor. Yang Lei turned his head to look, and saw Itachi was leaning halfway there. At this time, he looked like and said, "Don't you know the rules? Once you become a rebel, this person will All the property will be confiscated, if you still want to live here, you can only go to Lord Godaimu and apply again tomorrow, but I guess your application will not be approved."

"I guess so."

Yang Lei didn't even have to think about it. He nodded and agreed with Itachi. Although he is young, his strength should not be underestimated. He can already support himself. I believe that the Relief Building will not have his share anyway.


But after thinking about it, Yang Lei couldn't help crying: "Am I going to stay in a hotel as soon as I get back? Isn't that too sad?"

"Are you stupid?"

Itachi couldn't help being annoyed by him and said, "What do you think I came to you for? Let's go, the Uchiha family still has a lot of real estate, as long as you don't mind a lot of people dying there."

"That doesn't matter."

Yang Lei scratched his cheek and muttered, "But it's a little bad? After all, I'm not from the Uchiha clan."

"Isn't it Uchiha?"

Itachi sighed, nodded and said, "Come on, just treat it as a sleepover, and treat it as my reward."

Without the two pieces of evidence Yang Lei found, Itachi might never have returned to the village, let alone lived under the same roof as Sasuke.

After this period of contact, Sasuke and Itachi have released their former suspicions. Although there is still some embarrassment, after all Sasuke knew that Itachi had indeed killed their parents, as well as all the members of the Uchiha family. He really couldn't say forgiveness.

What I'm talking about here is that Sasuke no longer resents him, because Danzo's letter specifically mentioned that if Danzo hadn't threatened Sasuke, Itachi would not have agreed to him.

In other words, Sasuke is actually the culprit, at least Sasuke thinks so, Erzhuzi, the thinking mode has never been the same, you know.

Anyway, after so many years, the two brothers can finally get along normally again. This can be said to be the greatest gift to Itachi.

Under Itachi's repeated invitations, Yang Lei took one last look at the door that was supposed to be his house. He could only helplessly sigh, and left here with Itachi and hurried to the residence of the Uchiha family.

After arriving at the Uchiha family's residence, I saw that Sasuke hadn't fallen asleep. Since the previous banquet was over, he went back to his home to practice hard work. At this time, he was still practicing in the front yard.

Not only Sasuke was alone in the front yard, but Naruto was also there. The two were constantly fighting each other as opponents. Yang Lei just glanced at it and knew the approximate level of their current situation, and found that both of them already had the level of Shangnin. It seems that they have made a lot of progress in the past few months since he left.

But of course, the so-called Shangnin strength of the two is only superficial, and there is still a lot of lack in experience. Just like Yang Lei before, the strength is there, but there is not enough experience to use it. the power of.

At this time, Naruto and Sasuke are the same. According to Yang Lei's estimation, they will be able to exert the strength of the elite Chunin at most. If they really want to meet Shangjin, most of them will lose.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is just ordinary means. If the two of them break out their own plug-ins, their strength will definitely skyrocket.

".ˇYang Lei, come down and practice with us."

Naruto first spotted Yang Lei, and quickly made a pause gesture with Sasuke, and then shouted at Yang Lei.

Sasuke also turned around and saw Yang Lei's eyes lit up. He also greeted, "Since you're here, why don't you come down and make a gesture?"

"It's really arrogant like a little rooster."

(to Lee's)

Yang Lei couldn't help but complained, causing Itachi to twitch the corners of his mouth, little cock?


After carefully looking at the arrogant Sasuke, Itachi raised his hand to his forehead and said to himself, "How did this child grow up after I left? How did it become a little cock? This is too much. Are you proud?"

"Can't you get down?"

Sasuke's face was originally a little red due to the long-term practice, but at this time it turned completely black, and his ears were not back to the point where he couldn't hear bad words in person. Besides, his writing wheel The eyes have reached the level of three gouyu, and it is still possible to see the shape of a human mouth, these two bastards.

"I know, I know."

Yang Lei felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was in front of others and had to live here at night, so he jumped down while agreeing.

"Then let me hone you!".

0242 Arrangements for Yang Lei from Konoha Village

Silent all night, woke up the next day.

In the kitchen of Uchiha's house, four people are enjoying breakfast.

"Yang Lei, you hit too hard yesterday."

Naruto covered the back of his neck with a tangled face. He was knocked unconscious last night, otherwise he wouldn't stay overnight.

Sasuke's face was not good-looking. He and Naruto attacked Yang Lei together, but they were all solved with just two moves. The pain in his body was a trivial matter. The key was that the gap in strength made him feel a little heavy.

He found that the gap between himself and Yang Lei not only did not shrink, but instead became wider.

It's a pity that Sasuke didn't know that Yang Lei had systematic dataization, and as long as he added a little attribute, it would not weaken for a lifetime.

But the cultivation of ordinary people is different, just like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

One day of Yang Lei's practice can even be worth a year for ordinary people.

And as his attributes become stronger and stronger, the gap will become more and more, because the base is high, the benefits will be even greater.

It's just that he hasn't had time to spare for the past few months.

"Next, I should try my best to practice again."

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