Yang Lei secretly made a decision in his heart. The past few months are considered to be going out to practice. When he comes back this time, he should work hard again. Otherwise, his whole person will be wasted.

Thinking back to his previous years, he had to persevere in ascetic cultivation every day regardless of the wind and rain, and he basically did not miss a day. Only after all the hard work came to achieve the achievements of 223 today, how could he forget his roots.

One more thing, he is not invincible yet. When he was dealing with the danger of spooks, if he had more chakra, he could solve it with the 'chaotic shuriken', and he would slowly wear it out.

In the end, he didn't do it. He only destroyed a small part of the sprites, and then he was powerless. From this, he could see his own inadequacies.

In the battle with people, he can still be called invincible, but if he encounters non-human beings, the outcome is really unknown.

Therefore, he has to continue to become stronger.

But well.

"Don't worry."

Yang Lei whispered in his heart: "The problem of the house must be solved first, otherwise, I can't stay at Uchiha's house forever."

"Even if the Uchiha brothers don't mind, I don't mind, but the Hyuga family will definitely not rest assured that their daughter lives here?"

After making up his mind, Yang Lei's schedule for today is confirmed. In the morning, he will go to the Hokage office to ask Tsunade's meaning, and in the afternoon, he will look for a house. He didn't spend much money during this time. That huge sum of money is still there.

. . . . . .

After having breakfast at Uchiha's house, none of the four of them stayed, (bgdi) but went out together.

Itachi joined Anbu after returning and became the deputy minister of Anbu directly. After he became proficient, he might be able to squeeze out the current minister.

After all, he was the captain of Anbu when he was young. Now that he is so powerful, it is not too much to be a minister.

Another, there are only two people left in the Uchiha family, so there is no need to worry about the issue of power struggle. In this way, it is the best choice for Hokage to let his pro-fire faction hold the power.

Naruto and Sasuke couldn't be idle either, and their seventh class should take on the task again.

In this way, the four of them did not rush to separate, but walked towards the Hokage Building together.

When I came to the Hokage Building, I saw that the four Ninja squads were already waiting there as if they had discussed it.

Seeing the scene in front of him, especially Asma waved at Yang Lei, he was very touched, as if he had never left.

"It's nice to be back."

Yang Lei couldn't help but let out a sigh, and Itachi nodded in agreement. If he didn't approve of this village, he wouldn't kill all the clansmen, and he wouldn't betray Xiao after seeing Yang Lei's evidence. .

The two groups soon converged to one place, and everyone walked into the building with a smile.

"I'll go to Wudaimu first."

Outside the task distribution office, Yang Leicai was separated from everyone, and walked to the Hokage office upstairs alone, while the others were going to pick up the task.

Because the third generation is still in the relationship, Tsunade does not need to go to the task distribution office from time to time, and the general task third generation has the right to issue.

It is precisely because of the help of the three generations that Tsunade's work can be much more leisurely. In addition, Jiraiya also helps from time to time, which allows her to have a lot of time of her own, and she can drink and drink when she has nothing to do. wine or something.

"Boom bang."

Yang Lei knocked on the door of the office, and waited until Tsunade's voice came from inside before pushing the door open.

"Meet again, Lord Wudaimu."

Walking into the room, Yang Lei greeted Tsunade with his hands, without the slightest restraint, as if an old friend met with ease.

Also, except for Fengying, he has seen all the shadows of the other three Ninja villages, especially the fourth generation of Mesuiying who was killed by him, the fifth generation of Mesuiying can be said to be pushed up by him, how could it be possible? Feel the so-called restraint.

"You're back."

Tsunade nodded, as if he just knew the news of Yang Lei's return, he raised his hand and picked up a document that had already been prepared on the table and pushed it forward, saying, "Let's see what the village has arranged for you."


Yang Lei hurriedly stepped forward, picked up the document and looked at it. After a long time, he raised his head with a complicated expression, looking at Tsunade looking helpless.

The village has only two treatments for him, either let him join Anbu like Itachi and become another deputy minister, then it will be up to him and Itachi to win the position of minister.

That is to say, the current minister will definitely be ousted, there is no doubt, because whether it is Yang Lei or Itachi's strength, it is no longer obvious to all. It should be said that the entire ninja world knows their names. , If such a character still can't take the seat of an Anbu minister, is this the rhythm of trying to force people to betray the village?

In addition to this, Yang Lei only had one last option left, that is to prepare for the Chunin exam in half a year, and then complete the assessment given by the village to become a jounin, and then go to take over Yuri Hong's position to lead the eighth squad.

The reason why Yang Lei looked complicated was because he didn't expect that because of his disorderly entry, Sarutobi would come to the world ahead of schedule in the future.

If Hong Yuhi was not pregnant, no matter how powerful he was, he wouldn't be in a hurry to dispatch his subordinates, that is to say, he would have a sister?

It has been said countless times that Yang Lei's feelings for Asma are under the influence of subtle influence, and he has recognized him as a godfather. In this way, Sarutobi will not be his sister in the future.

"I see."

Yang Lei didn't know whether he was more happy or hesitant. Finally, he took a deep breath and made a decision, saying, "I will be ready to become a Shangnin."

It just so happened that he was going to do some more ascetic cultivation, now it's good, even the village is fulfilling him.

(PS: The reason why the protagonist is hesitant is because he has never been a big brother, and his relationship with Asma is so good. He must have regarded Sarutobi Miku as his own sister. He really doesn’t know how to get along with the future.  … Before ending the Hokage Scroll, my plan is to at least eat Hinata and Sakura, so not only this half year, but also a quick transition of time in the future, that is to say, the war will still be in the schedule burst out...).

0243 Retreat to penance again

Now that he has made arrangements for himself, Yang Lei doesn't plan to stay any longer. Although he didn't say a word about his search for the Three Great Ninja Villages, that's because he told Itachi when he separated from Itachi before. , so you don't need to talk twice.

After coming out of Hokage's office, Yang Lei came outside the building and saw that there were two teams of people who had not left, the eighth and tenth teams.


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