Asma came towards him smoking a cigarette, smiled and asked Yang Lei, "Which is your decision?"

"It must be the one you think."

Yang Lei replied, then looked at Yuri Hong, who was beside him, and joked with a smile, "When do you guys do things? Damn~ Mom?"


The boys were all taken aback, while Hinata and Ino looked at Yuhi Hong with shocked and envious eyes.


Hong Yuhi was embarrassed, glared at Yang Lei angrily, and then kicked Asma, who was giggling, before turning around and running away.

"Jun Yang."

Hinata hesitated for a while, and finally only had time to say hello to Yang Lei and followed Yuhihong.

"Hey hey hey."

Although he was kicked, the smirk on Asma's face did not subside, and he raised his eyebrows at Yang Lei proudly, and said, "Well, I'm going to walk in the front, you're not good enough, boy, bad Far away, although you have two sisters."

Hearing this, the four children present all collapsed. Uncle, is it really appropriate for you to say this?

Yang Lei was also helpless, and he couldn't bear to look directly, thinking that I really want to recognize this guy as a godfather?Too unreliable, right?

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Asma quickly returned to normal. She patted Yang Lei's shoulder twice, and sighed, "You are really extraordinary, I really found a treasure."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. There will be time to get together in the future. Let's do the task first, and I won't bring you this time."

Yang Lei used to be a member of the tenth class, but now he can only watch them leave, and he can't help but feel a little touched. Sure enough, time is a pig-killing knife, and it is not only the age of people, but also the changing circumstances.

"I should work hard too."

Yang Lei took back his distracted thoughts, stretched his waist and walked elsewhere. He found the real estate agency and asked about it. The house was settled in less than an hour.

It should be said that the wealthy is arrogant, and there is no bargaining, and there is no need to shop around. I chose a small villa with an independent courtyard and won it. It is so happy.

Then, the kid shamelessly went to Hyuga's house and Haruno's house one after another, leaving a house key for Hinata's father and Sakura's father respectively, saying that the house was bought, and the decoration or whatever was up to them. Well, as for the money, there are already two gold bricks left under the chuang in the bedroom.

Then Yang Lei left Muye Village, don't get me wrong, he didn't plan to travel far, but was sent to Huaguo Mountain by reverse channeling.

. . . . . .

"You're back."

Ape Demon looked at Yang Lei, with a quick look of relief in his eyes. It has a very deep friendship with Sandaimu, so Aiwu and Wu also have deep feelings for Konoha Village, and don't want to see Yang Lei such a good seedling really leave Konoha.

Fortunately, he came back, otherwise, I am afraid that the Demon Ape Clan will cut off relations with him.

After all, the Sarutobi clan and the Sarutobi clan are family friends, and they only recognize the Sarutobi clan. If Yang Lei betrayed the Konoha and betrayed the Sarutobi clan, even if he is the grandson of the third generation, it will not be easy.

"Konoha is my home."

Yang Lei expressed his attitude that Konoha Village is where he belongs, and he will not leave.

"very good."

Ape Demon nodded with satisfaction, seeing that Yang Lei was more pleasing to the eye, and took the initiative to ask: "Why did you come to Huaguo Mountain this time? Are you still planning to retreat and practice for a while?"


Yang Lei nodded, and at the same time he said: "Besides, I have some newly acquired ninjutsu to give to you, and a weapon to give to you."

After speaking, he described the water escape ninjutsu he got from the ghost shark, and took out the shark muscle broadsword.

Now that he no longer needs the help of the shark muscle broadsword, it is very likely that even the two Kusanagi swords he obtained before will lose the chance to play, because his bones can be turned into the best weapon, which may even be higher than the level of the Kusanagi sword. Both are high and unlimited.

Ghost Shark's water escape ninjutsu is very magical, especially the ones he uses to summon sharks, which are new ninjutsu, and no one even knows how to use them in Hidden Mist Village.

Ape Demon seems very happy, the previous investment has finally paid off, and he is very satisfied with the water escape ninjutsu he has obtained.

It's a pity that their magic ape family can't survive underwater, which makes one of the big moves 'water shark dance' become a tasteless.

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As for the shark muscle sword, even though there is only one, the benefits it brings to the Demon Ape family are endless.

After Yang Lei touched and asked him with the eyes of the ancients, he found that although the shark muscle is a living creature, its body is indeed metal. In this way, once a certain law is mastered, the demonic ape family with the indestructible King Kong may be able to become It's such a trait that, in this way, the weapons they become can absorb the enemy's chakra.

This is the result of Yang Lei's experiments. His King Kong is not bad, he has already brought this trait, otherwise how can he say that Kusanagi will also lose the qualification to play?

After Yang Lei's detailed explanation, the ape demon was even happier, and even couldn't wait to take a group of large and small demon apes to study, and even assured Yang Lei that he would definitely treat the shark muscle well.


Yang Lei had thought about whether to send the shark muscle back to Wuyin Village. In the end, he made a decision. The shark muscle is a living thing, not a dead thing. If it falls into Wuyin Village, it will only become a weapon. It can only be left in Huaguo. Mountains can survive in peace.

At least the magic ape clan in Huaguo Mountain would not easily start fighting again, and there are no other psychic beast races to provoke them. After all, the Sarutobi clan is not a decoration.

That's why he brought the shark muscle broadsword here, in order to let it get a good death.

"Next time, I should also settle down."

Yang Lei stopped talking nonsense, took out the weight-bearing equipment that had not been used for a long time, and added a lot of lead and iron to it, and then began to practice hard.

Every day, Yang Lei would split up two shadow clones or find the Demon Ape clan to practice against, or practice against himself, or go to practice eighteen weapons. The main body is just about cultivating physical fitness.

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