Suddenly, a group of people walked next to him, and the leader was a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses, singing a weird rap, dancing awkward dances that people couldn't bear to look at, even the few Yun Ren who came with him Put on a pose with his hands on his forehead.

"What? Are you asking for a call? Eight tails?"

Yang Lei stared at him unhappily, yelled at Kirabbi, and stopped calling him by his name. He directly called him by the number of tails of the tailed beast, expressing his dissatisfaction.

He is depressed on this side, doing good deeds with good intentions but not getting a good reputation, how dare you come and tease me, do you really think I dare not beat you?It's not that you haven't played.

"Yang Lei little devil."

Before Chirabi could answer, a tall and slender beauty rushed out from behind, first with both hands, she threw Chirabi, who was just about to retort, to the side, pointed at Yang Lei and shouted: "Come here and fight me for three hundred rounds. , I found a way to defeat you."

This woman is Yang Lei's two defeated generals, Yumu Ren, and she has been defeated twice. This makes her arrogant and arrogant. She has worked hard for more than half a year, and she is waiting for revenge. Snow hates it.

"It's so lively."

At this moment, someone else joined in, and I saw a group of Yanren led by the black soil came here, and on the other side, there was a group of Sharen, who started with Temari, watching.

"What's going on here?"

Yang Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He spread his hands out, looking helpless, and said, "Is this an enemy? Or are you blocking me on purpose?"

"Jun Yang?"

Behind him, Hinata and Sakura seemed more worried, but they were worried in a different direction. They frowned and turned around Yuki and Kuroto, stretched his corner, and asked in a low voice, "This is what's going on?"

"It's nothing."

Yang Lei seemed to be okay, and explained with a heartless smile: "Except for the black soil, all these people have been beaten by me."


The people in Wuyin Village, who were still full of grief and anger, all burst into laughter. It turned out that it was not only them that were embarrassed, but others were not much better.

"Yang Lei little devil."

Yumu Man was completely blown up, his hands were wrapped by Erwei's chakra and turned into cat claws, staring at Yang Lei as if he could rush up at any time.

"Yoyo, it's bad to be outraged, you idiot, you bastard."

Chirabi was still gloating over there, but he didn't see Yang Lei staring at him with malicious eyes.

"(bgfa) What's wrong with this?"

With such a big commotion here, Wuyin Village finally had the person in charge, it was none other than Yang Lei's old acquaintance, and it was Qing with a white eye.

"Everyone is a distinguished guest of our Wuyin Village, please don't have a dispute here. If there is anything, we can leave it to the Chunin exam."

Among the people present, except for Yang Lei, who was a shinobi, the rest of the troublemakers were not shinobi, even the black soil was a shinobi. When Qing's words came out, they couldn't help but blush.


Chirabi couldn't continue his rap, scratched his black and red cheeks embarrassingly, and finally said, "This kid is really a freak, freak freak, yo yo."

"Yo your sister."

Yang Lei was annoyed by him. Last time, he didn't find Kirabi so irritating, otherwise he would definitely beat him more.

Under Qing's reconciliation, everyone finally did not fight, and followed him to the arranged residence, only to wait for tomorrow to enter the examination room for the Chunin exam.

This time, a total of [-] people from the five major Ninja villages were selected for the assessment.

And what's different from usual is that this time, there will be no more falsehoods. The first assessment is a big team competition. There are five teams in Ninja Village, and they are thrown on an uninhabited desert island to fight. , the time lasts for a total of five days, no matter what method you use, as long as you can defeat the opponent and let the other party admit defeat, you will win, and only one party can win.

That said, it will be a bloody exam.

The ninja doesn't care about the so-called glory. Maybe when he surrenders to you, and when five days are up, even if he is tied by you, he can go back and say he doesn't admit defeat. In this way, there will naturally be no winner. .

So, in order to be [-]% sure, the best option is to kill the losers, so that there will be no surprises.

It really deserves to be the village of blood fog. Although Terumi Mei is making every effort to reform the bloody policy, this thing cannot be changed in one or two days. After all, it is one of the five major ninja villages, and there are too many things to be busy.

Fortunately, all the teams participating this time have been told to try not to cause casualties during the exam, especially Yang Lei, who was specially warned by Tsunade not to kill the other four Ninja villages. At the same time, you can only win but not lose, which is really embarrassing.

Of course, the Chunin Exam is not only one assessment item, but also a second assessment.

When the only winning team wins, they won't be promoted directly to Chunin, and they will have to go through another screening, disrupt the composition of the four teams, draw lots and let them play against each other, then half will be eliminated and the remaining half will be eliminated.

Until here, this Chunin exam is not over, and Five Shadows will personally select qualified candidates from the remaining half to be promoted to Chunin. .

0248 Uchiha Madara appeared

Early the next morning, the Chunin exams began, and all the Genin members of the five major Ninja villages were sent away and transported by five passenger ships to an uninhabited island in the nearby waters.

From the moment when the sixty genin arrived at the island at the same time, this exam has officially started.

The process is very tedious, let's skip it, and run the account a little~.

In order to train the other twelve Xiaoqiang, Yang Lei did not rush to take action, but watched the eleven Xiaoqiang play as a spectator throughout the whole process.

As I said before, the current Twelve Xiaoqiang are much stronger than the strength in the original book, so even if Yang Lei didn't make a shot, they won the victory very easily.

Of course, the other four Ninja villages also have high potential and good talent, but compared with Konoha Eleven Xiaoqiang, who has been honed for a year, they are still more than one step behind, and they don't complain about losing.

After all, Konoha Eleven Xiaoqiang can be regarded as the representatives of modern times. In the future, they will support the sky of Konoha Village, and even a Hokage will be born among them. How can they be good friends.

After five days, the five big ships came back to pick up people. When they got close to the shore, they found out that the sixty Jinnin were not shouting and killing, but were having a discussion meeting. The atmosphere was very harmonious, and the losers were not Instead of cheating, he conceded defeat happily, allowing Konoha and his party to successfully advance to the next stage of the competition.

When they were separated, the other four Ninja villages came to find Yang Lei a little reluctantly, saying that they would like to ask him for advice in the future.

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