Even Murakami Murakami, who was originally very hostile to him, was no exception, and it made him look surprised. How much ecstasy soup did Yang Lei give them?How the hell did he do it?

In fact, what Yang Lei did was very simple, he just helped the lower ninjas find out their own shortcomings and then gave them guidance.

The ninjutsu he learned on Huaguo Mountain already contains all the attributes. In addition to the cheating with the eyes of Jigu, it is not too easy to guide these ninjutsu, so that the losers will not be too disappointed, because they have already obtained Beneficial harvest.

After returning to Wuyin Village, Yang Lei and the others had no time to rest, and were told that the second stage of the exam was about to begin, that is, the fight was about to begin.

Twelve people first cast lots to confirm their opponents and play the [-]th and [-]th knockout rounds. After that, the six winners play the [-]th and [-]rd knockout rounds. The last round is not a knockout match, but a melee.

The chunin exam does not mean that the final winner can become a chunin, but as long as your demonstrated strength is recognized, you will be able to advance smoothly.

Therefore, although there are winners and losers in the second competition, the personnel who can be promoted to Chunin cannot be guaranteed.

For example, the siblings Hyuga Neji and Hinata Hinata, although Hinata lost, they both became Chunin.

There are also Ino and Sakura, the two women met Dingji and Ya respectively, although they both won the final victory under Yang Lei's black box operation, and then they fought hard because of their encounter in the semi-finals. It was a tie, but the final result was that Ya was promoted to Chunin, but the two girls didn't gain anything.

It was just an accident that Yang Lei helped Ino, and he had no idea about her because he casually said to Ding Ci that he would invite him to eat barbecue regardless of whether he wins or loses, and then the little fat guy stopped fighting, which also made Yang Lei drunk.

Dingci is very gentle, and it is even better for his friends. He has been teammates with Ino for so long. Although this girl is very vicious towards him and wants him to lose weight, she does not want to hurt her.

In addition to the above-mentioned people, Sasuke and Naruto met with Shino and Tian Tian respectively. Xiao Li was the most unlucky. He had a chance to advance and he met Yang Lei, but he was eliminated.

Then Sasuke defeated Naruto, Yang Lei defeated Neji, because both Ino and Sakura were out, is there any surprise in the final result?

"This bastard is too dark."

After the game, Sasuke stared at Yang Lei with a livid face, covering his stomach and looking very uncomfortable.

Anyone who is kicked in the stomach by Yang Lei will not feel better. This is the most experienced by the fourth generation of Raikage. At this time, he seems to think of some bad memories. Sitting on the high platform, he is also using unfriendly words. His eyes stared at Yang Lei.

"All right."

As the master, the five generations of Mizukage Terumi Mei stood up, first blatantly gave Yang Lei a wink, and then loudly announced: "This Chunin exam is over, and the list for promotion to Chunin has been issued. Now, I hope you will continue to work hard.”

"Is it over yet?"

Before Sakura and Hinata could ask Yang Lei what was going on with Terumi Mei, a voice interjected, and a long-haired young man in a black kimono and a coat with the Uchiha clan emblem on his shoulders suddenly appeared at the scene. In the middle, he smiled and glanced at the group of Konoha Shimanin not far in front of him, and then looked at the high platform opposite.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Uchiha Madara?"

The shadows of the Five Great Ninja Villages were all on the high platform. At this moment, Tsunade and Ohnogi exclaimed together, and stood up abruptly.

"how can that be?"

At the other end of the high platform, there was still three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Rizan, who couldn't help but let out a low voice in surprise: "How could he still be alive? And he's still so young?"

"Uchiha Madara?"

The fourth Raikage and the fifth Kazekage Gaara also stood up and looked at Madara Uchiha with a dubious expression, wondering if this person was the strong man they knew.

"It's really lively."


Madara didn't feel uncomfortable at all. She looked at the auditorium with a smile on her shoulders with her hands on her shoulders, and finally stopped her eyes on Kirabi and Yuki, and said with a smile, "Are Erwei, Hachio and Kyuubi there? Saves me a lot of time."


Tsunade showed such an expression as expected, and said, "Is your purpose to gather all the nine big-tailed beasts? Bringing Naruto and the others here is indeed a correct choice."

If Madara Uchiha made the move, it would be too dangerous to leave Ren Zhuli in the village, so Kirabi and Yuki will travel with Raikage to the Hidden Village of Mist.

As for Naruto's excuse, it's even simpler. He himself is one of the participants in this Chunin exam.

"Uchiha Madara?"

Standing on the side, Yang Lei looked at Madara with interest. Seeing that he just opened his Samsara eyes, he simply turned his head to look at the other end, and said softly, "Since you're here, don't hide your head and show your tail, Uchiha Obito, right? Come out openly, and Jue Hedou."

"With soil?"

Kakashi cried out, "Isn't he dead? How could he? Obito, where are you? Come out for me!"

"Kakashi, you're still the same, it's not a good thing to be so impulsive."

A playful laughter came out, and in the direction Yang Lei was staring at, three people slowly appeared, who else could be the three people that Yang Lei called broken.

"What exactly is going on?"

Kakashi's whole person was not well, and he looked at Obito who deliberately opened the mask with a dazed expression. .

0249 Yang Lei vs Uchiha Madara

Kakashi always thought Obito was dead, not just him, everyone who knew Obito thought he was dead.

But now, a person who had been dead for more than ten years suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and Madara Uchiha, which had to surprise people.

Among the people present, there were only a few people whose expressions remained the same, or it should be said that even if their expressions changed greatly, they soon recovered their calm.

Itachi brought Uchiha Madara's information back to the village, which was another bargaining chip for him, and also made Akatsuki's risk index much higher.

In the previous Five Shadows Conference, we have no way of knowing what the Five Shadows talked about, but at least Tsunade will definitely share this news, because it can become the propellant to promote the alliance, and she really has no need to hide it.

"I can't answer your question yet."

Obito said this with a smile to Kakashi, then turned his head to greet Madara Uchiha, and said, "How about "two-three-zero"? Mr. Ban, is it time for us to act?"

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