Hashirama turned around, shouting to be careful while continuing to form the seal, shouting: "Woodun, it's all the art of cloth bags."


As Shima used his ninjutsu, two huge wooden arms grew on the edge of the surrounding wall, and when they quickly closed, they would slap Yang Lei to death like a mosquito.

This pair of big hands is really too big, blocking the entire space below, and even Hakuma himself and his wooden figurines are not spared.

However, Zhujian himself is in a state of reincarnation, and he is not worried about death, nor can he die, and now only Yang Lei needs to worry about himself.

"Tsk tsk."

Yang Lei smacked his lips, and with a little force, his feet rose into the air, floating in the air to avoid the attack between the pillars.

But don't forget, he can fly.

After all, Shima is Shima, after seeing Yang Lei's response, he controlled the momentum of his two big hands in time, and he turned his hands up to continue attacking Yang Lei.


At this time, Yang Lei no longer hides his secrets, and knows that Zhujian is no better than others, and he can't beat him by tricks.


A huge figure with a height of fifty meters suddenly appeared and put Yang Lei into his forehead. It is necessary to take advantage of the trend to flatten the pillars.

"Fairy Mode, on."

Hakuma's body disregarded his own will, and folded his hands together to activate the immortal mode, and red marks appeared around his eye sockets.

"Fairy magic."

The hands of the pillars are still quickly forming seals, and a huge figure is also summoned, shouting: "Wu Dun, really thousands of hands."


Another huge figure, nearly [-] meters high, appeared, not only a head taller than Yang Lei's Susanoo, but also several times wider than Susanoo in horizontal size.

As soon as they appeared, thousands of hands attacked Yang Lei's Susanoo under the control of Hashirama. Those big palms slapped Yang Lei and Susanoo directly without the ability to parry.

Nonsense, thousands of hands are like a thousand-handed Buddha, and the number of palms is probably a thousand.

However, Yang Lei's Susanenghu has only one pair of arms, and only a pair of wings can be counted in the sky. How can a real close combat be an opponent with thousands of hands.

"Get out of here."

However, because of Yang Lei's relationship, Susanenghu's strength is not comparable to thousands of hands. With the blessing of the strange force technique, Susanenghu's foot is afraid that it will cost at least several million kilograms, or even It would take more than ten million pounds of strength to kick out thousands of hands with just one kick, expanding the area of ​​the pit that was originally dozens of square meters.

"Stop me now."

Hashirama was standing on the forehead of the thousands of hands, and was urging Yang Lei at this time, wanting to be relieved.

Yang Lei rolled his eyes helplessly, what did he think he was doing now?I couldn't help sighing in my heart: "The infinite chakra (bgbd) is really a bug, otherwise, as long as the chakra of Tensei and Samsara is absorbed once, it will be solved."

"It's a pity that we still have to fight head-to-head, which is really troublesome."

That's right, Yang Lei's evaluation of Zhujian was just troublesome, not troublesome.

Up to now, Zhujian has exhausted all his means, but Yang Lei still has too many trump cards, such as two Lunhua detached clones. Once released, the three of them will be able to take it with ease. between the lower columns.

In addition, Yang Lei will have a lot of blood succession limits, but they have not shown them one by one, because there is no need to leave more trump cards.

"It stands to reason that fire should overcome wood."

Yang Lei muttered to himself in his heart, his right eye suddenly degenerated into the shape of a triangular windmill, and a large black flame was released to wrap the real thousand hands and the pillars.

"Give you a little more wind."

Yang Lei shouted loudly, and then used ninjutsu with his hands in a seal: "Xianfa, wind escape, tornado hurricane."


A hurricane quickly formed around the black real thousands of hands, driving the black Amaterasu flames to continuously cause damage to the real thousands of hands.

"It's useless."

Within the fire, Zhujian shouted to remind Yang Lei, and immediately after that, he saw a wooden dragon flying quickly.

"Madara is a big expert in Huo Dun, and he should know Amaterasu, but he didn't use Amaterasu on Hashirama. It can be seen that Hasakuma has some means to block Amaterasu."

Yang Lei secretly moved in his heart, and no longer continued to consume the pupil technique, he turned his right eye into his own pupil technique again, and controlled Susanoo to cut the wooden dragon in half with just a wave of his hand, and then he stepped forward. Go, let Susanoo draw a knife and cut it while you are far away.


Two huge palms stretched out from the flames and the tornado, blocking Yang Lei's attack easily and accurately. Sure enough, thousands of hands were not burnt, because there is also the relationship between the power of nature Chakra, every time they are attacked Burning some will quickly recover, and in the end, there is no damage left.

"You can't fight like that."

Yang Lei thought to himself that if he wanted to defeat Hashima, it would be best to fight him close-quarters, and only in this way could he find an opportunity to use the Daoyu jade to help him free.

Whether it is to use Susanoo to fight him now, or to call out thousands of hands like the opponent, it is useless, because the reincarnation of the dirty earth is known as the infinite chakra, and it is also an immortal body, only the jade is the best. critical.

After thinking about this, Yang Lei left Susanoh and Zhen thousands of hands behind to continue the stalemate, while he rushed out of Susanoh's forehead and pulled out the two Kusanagi swords around his waist, with the eighteen flying around him. The jade for the Taoist quickly rushed forward.

"Fight me."

Yang Lei was drinking loudly, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the front of the column, and the two of them fought on the forehead with thousands of hands. .

0258 The battle draws to a close

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