When the two fought closely, Yang Lei quickly gained the upper hand.

Although the current Shima is in its heyday, he is at the quasi-immortal level at most, and he is still far from the immortal level, not to mention Yang Lei has already surpassed the immortal level.

Therefore, the two people who were evenly matched in ninjutsu before, once they start a close fight, it is instantly clear who wins and who is worse, and Hashima is actually being beaten by Yang Lei~.

The ninjas nearby who saw this scene were all taken aback, including Tsunade.

Previously, Yang Lei's speed in solving Tobirama and the second generation of water shadows was a bit too fast, and he didn't have much momentum. It was not as intuitive as this time.

"This little monster."

In the end, Tsunade couldn't help shaking his head and scolded secretly, but his face was filled with relief. This was the little monster of their Konoha Village.

Seeing that there is no need to worry about Yang Lei's side, Tsunade simply got up and rushed to another battlefield to help Jiraiya besiege Minato together.

The speed of the golden flash is really unstoppable, even if he doesn't use the technique of flying thunder god, his instant body technique is also a must.

Even Jirai, who is the master of Minato, is a little difficult to deal with. One is that he is already very old, and the other is that Minato himself is also a shadow-level powerhouse.


Above the head of the Thousand-handed Buddha, the battle between Yang Lei and Zhujian is still going on. The two are going back and forth to fight each other. Although Yang Lei has always had the upper hand, it is not so simple for him to solve Zhujian in one fell swoop.

"You can only use clones."

In the end, Yang Lei didn't want to delay any longer and wanted to resolve the battle quickly.

With his current strength, he can't get any help in the battle with Hashirama. If it weren't for the other party's reincarnation state, I'm afraid he would have killed him long ago.

"Lunhua is detached."

Think of it and do it. Yang Lei has never been an indecisive person. While attacking Zhujian again, a clone suddenly appeared beside him. The dress, strength and state were exactly the same as Yang Lei, and he directed the eighteen begging jade behind him. Suddenly, there was a bombardment between the columns.


In the end, Hasuma that was shattered by Qiu Daoyu could no longer be restored, and he would not even be summoned by Dirt Earth Reincarnation in a short period of time.


As the pillars dissipated, the Thousand-handed Buddha also turned into dead branches and fell down.

Yang Lei waved his hand to put away Susanenghu, took a deep breath, and felt that the Chakra in his body had finally consumed a lot, but if he felt the speed of self-recovery again, he didn't have to worry about it, and looked up to look elsewhere on the battlefield.

I saw that under the siege of Jiraiya and Tsunade, Minato, who was fighting to the death, was finally dwarfed, and it was only because he was in a state of reincarnation that he would not die.

In addition, the side of Hatake and his son was also divided, and Kakashi was saying something to Konoha White Ya who had turned into a Buddha.

There are other battlefields. During this period of time, except for the third generation Raikage and the second generation Tsuchikage, only a limited number of strong people and Akatsuki were still fighting against the Ninja Alliance, and the rest were killed. Either sealed or influenced and gone.

"The side of Madara is coming out soon."

Yang Lei suddenly felt a certain feeling in his heart, turned his head and looked away in a certain direction, the Eye of Space removed the obstacles one after another, and saw the situation there with his own eyes. The outsider golem at this time can already be called the ten tails.

In other words, this war will usher in a climax and tide, and it is also the end of the war.

"Quick fix."

After seeing the situation clearly, Yang Lei acted again, and he and his clone rushed to the third generation Raikage and the second Tukage respectively. With the help of the fourth Raikage and the third Tukage, he sent the two shadows away with the Daoyu jade. .

After that, the Ninja Alliance continued to fight against the Bai Jue army while helping Yang Lei to snipe and contain the filthy army. When the time came to evening, all the 'people' summoned by filthy reincarnation were finally cleaned up.

Apart from the Dirty Earth Army, after two days of fighting to the death, Bai Jue's army was finally wiped out, and not a single fish slipped through the net.

The Ninja Army Alliance also paid a heavy price for victory. There were originally [-] or [-] ninjas and samurai. At this time, there were only more than [-] good people, and more than [-] serious injuries, and two dead. Thirty thousand people.

It has to be said that the powerhouses have joined the battle from the beginning, otherwise, the casualty situation will be even more serious.

Especially that guy from Deidara, if Yang Lei hadn't killed him in time, he alone would have been a great threat, and it must be said that he could threaten both the enemy and us at the same time.

The self-destruction range of Deidara, who is not afraid of death, can cover ten kilometers. As long as he comes a few more times, the country of rain will be blown up by him, not to mention only a group of flesh and blood.

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"It's finally over."

In the big tent of the coalition army, the five shadows and the high-level officials of the coalition army gathered together.

The so-called high-level coalition forces are the captains of those troops or the dignitaries of the villages. The Five Shadows also know that the battle is almost coming to an end here, so some things that should be discussed must be said first, such as the country of rain. The issue of attribution, as well as the aftermath of the tailed beast.

Although there are some hurt feelings to mention now, it is like this between countries. You can't act on your own feelings because of personal feelings. You have to think about the whole country.

"Let's just unify the world."

Yang Lei was most reluctant to listen to these things, feeling irritable and bored, and finally interrupted everyone to mention this, and then got up and left.

He is gone, but the rest of the people are going to be driven crazy by him, especially those other than Konoha Village.

... .... ...

Brother, what do you mean?It means that since the battle has begun, why not just help Konoha Village to unify the world?

Tsunade didn't think about this, and quickly explained, saying that our alliance means the unification of the world, Balabala, anyway, it is very troublesome, and it took a lot of effort to finally appease everyone.

Yang Lei is only thirteen and a half years old, why was he invited to attend this meeting?It's not that his strength on the battlefield is too strong, and he has been recognized by everyone. He is no longer regarded as a child, but a strong enough to be respected by anyone.

It's such a strong man, you can take it as a joke when he says it?It's you, stop joking.

In this way, some meetings that had a bad atmosphere in the first place became even more mischievous because of Yang Lei's disturbance.

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