After all, there has not been a period of running-in like in the original work, nor has the respective establishments been broken up. It can be said that the current alliance is more unstable than the original work.

Fortunately, Yang Lei never thought about the real peace in the ninja world, because it is impossible. Unless people lose their minds, ambitions, desires, and hopes will lead to wars, and spooks will appear again. .

He just wants to complete his task now, and at the same time satisfy his thoughts a little, at most, he wants to leave a good living environment for Sakura and Hinata after he leaves.

"After this war, the world will be peaceful for at least ten years. I believe that within ten years, I can definitely come back to pick up Hinata and Sakura."

0259 Ten tails, six spots, action

"Finally finished."

In the deepest part of the country of rain, in a valley that has not yet been affected by the battle, the huge outsider golem has changed its appearance and no longer maintains its humanoid form. Several long tails are dancing behind it, and the ten-tailed posture is beginning to appear.

Madara jumped up to Juwei's forehead, turned her back, and entangled Juwei with countless white chains from her back. Regardless of Juwei's wishes, she forcibly sealed Juwei into her body with a tough attitude. Among them, he incarnated as the Ten-Tailed Man Zhuri.


The moment Madara became the ten-tailed pillar, a mass of chakra suddenly appeared, and finally manifested into a moon-white robe that was draped over Madara's body. The front and back of the robe were also black. Jade pattern.

"I have now reached the realm of Six Path Immortals."

Madara felt his own state, and couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. He finally took the first step in the direction of achieving the "Nineteen Three" Gong. With a wave of his right hand, he summoned one of the nine Taoist jades flying behind him, and took one out of them. Take out a black scepter.

"As long as I catch Erwei and Yawei together, I can use Infinite Moon to read."

Banana muttered to herself, and flew into the sky to rush out of the valley.

In the center of the Rain Country, inside the tallest building, four people were sitting cross-legged, as if waiting for something.

These four people are Obito who is not wearing a mask, Hei Jue who is separated from Bai Jue, Pocket who has no trump card in his hand, and Orochimaru who has a relaxed face.

In addition to the four of them, there was a comatose red bean lying on the ground beside her. Orochimaru still remembered her old relationship, so she could save her life.


At this moment, Madara broke in from the open window, smiled, and said to the four: "The battle has only just begun here, and join me to kill the Ninja Army Alliance camp and win the final victory."

Orochimaru shrugged noncommittally and replied, "Don't forget that you promised me the conditions. If you can, leave Yang Lei to me to deal with."

Tou stood up and naturally walked to Orochimaru's side and stood up without saying a word.

Obito also stood up and exhaled secretly. When the matter reached the final step, he suddenly became a little unsure, and even regretted it a little, but he knew that he could not turn back now.

"Since there is no turning back, let's go forward with all our strength and create a peaceful new world."

Obito strengthened the faith in his heart, and at the same time, the pretty face in his heart reappeared in front of him, even if it was to meet her, he could not hesitate.

"Set off."

Madara is naturally not an indecisive person. Seeing that everyone is ready, and there is no objection, he shouted and took the lead.

. . . . . .

In the base camp of the Ninja Alliance.

After a whole day of fighting, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and everyone was tired and sleepy. Except for a few patrolling troops still patrolling around the camp, the rest had already gone to bed early.

At this moment, a group of four people walked in while the night was dark, and it was Liudaoban at the head.

Ninjas are not samurai, they pay attention to efficiency, as long as they can complete the task and achieve their goals, they will not tell you anything aboveboard.

Therefore, even if Liu Dao Ban has become a ten-tailed man, he has no plans to fight over it. There are still more than [-] intact ninjas here, and even he will be consumed to death.

"Do it."

As soon as they stood still, they heard Liu Daoban shouting loudly, and the four of them scattered and rushed in four directions. Except for Liu Daoban's target aiming at the range of Yunyin Village, the other three's mission was to go to other places to cause trouble. riot.

"The art of psychic."

Orochimaru and Doudou used their psychic techniques to summon several giant pythons, one of which has been clamoring since its appearance, and it was Wan Snake.

"what happened?"

The Ninja Army Alliance camp fell into chaos in an instant, and some had just opened their eyes and hadn't figured out what was going on.

This raid caught the Ninja Alliance by surprise.

It's not that they don't have a patrol team, it's just that the idle people either can't find these four people, or they are solved after they are found.

It was also the Five Shadows who were careless. I didn't expect Madara to be so desperate to break into the enemy's base camp alone. It was a miscalculation.

"found it."

In the tent area of ​​Yunyin Village over there, Liu Daoban finally found his goal, and with a thought, he activated the shadow clone named Lun Tomb Boundary Prison. The wooden man was captured.


Liu Daoban popped out a white iron chain from the palm of his right hand, entangled Yumu Ren, slowly dragging Chakra from her body, and finally pulled Erwei and Brigade out, not giving it a chance to fight back, as soon as it appeared It was sealed within the ten tails of the body...  

Looking at Yuki again, with the deprivation of Youlu, she slowly fell to the ground after being released, her eyes widened unwillingly, and she lost her life after a while.

"Is Yatsuo coming here?"

Liu Dao Madara didn't have time to feel how much his power had been strengthened. After sensing the direction of Eight-tailed Chakra, he couldn't wait to welcome the past.

"It turns out it's you bastard, I'm going to get rid of you bastard today."

Chirabi was still the same, singing weird rap songs in his mouth, but his hands were not slow at all. As soon as he got up, he turned on the human column force mode, and then he pulled out several long knives on his body and attacked.

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