Unconsciously, Yang Lei followed Rukia to the outside of a dilapidated house. Because he heard Rukia's voice, a young man with bright red hair ran out and pointed to Yang Lei behind him to ask.

"This is the child I picked up by chance. It should have just arrived in the soul world. Since I met him, I brought him back."

Rukia finally spared Yang Lei, and in the face of the boy's question, she explained with a careless face.

"Take me as an abandoned baby?"

Yang Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He inexplicably thought of himself in his previous life. He had to be an orphan because he was abandoned.


Taking a deep breath to dispel the random thoughts in his head, Yang Lei raised his hand to greet the young man, and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Yang Lei."

"What a weird name."

The two little guys all pouted, and then they each made a self-introduction. Needless to say, Rukia, the boy's name is Asai Renji.


Just after reporting their names, Renji seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and shouted in surprise: "Rukia, have you forgotten? We will go to the True Central Spiritual Art Institute for an assessment in a few days. If you pass it, you won't come back, you bring him back now, how will he live in the future?"

"do not worry."

Rukia waved her hand, as if she had already thought about it, and said, "It is because we are about to leave, so I brought him back on purpose. I will leave this yard to him in the future."

"As for what does he want to live on?"

"I don't know if he has Reiatsu. If he doesn't, it's better. He can live without needing anything."

"If there is a spiritual pressure unfortunately, the clean water we left behind will be enough for him to live."

Rukia said that she was full of confidence, but Renji and Yang Lei were both suspicious, especially Yang Lei. Hearing her say that having a Reiatsu talent was unfortunate, I really didn't know what to say.

The Soul World is like Japan in ancient times, and the social system is divided into nobles and commoners.

The so-called nobles are the 'people' living in the Pure Spirit Garden, while the Ryusui living outside are all commoners, including the Shiba family who moved out later.

The Soul World is different from ancient Japan. It doesn't mean that you can become a noble as long as you move from time to time. There is only one way to become a noble, and that is to see if you have Reiatsu talent. .

Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy is like a dragon gate. You can only know whether it is a fish or a dragon after passing the test. Once you pass the test, you can study there. After you come out, you will become a god of death, that is, a noble...  

At this time, listening to Renji said that Rukia and the others were going to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy soon, which made Yang Lei look contemplative.

"Fifty years ago?"

Yang Lei secretly exclaimed in his heart. He remembered that in the plot of the Rescue of the Soul World, when a family defeated Byakuya Kuchiki, Bai Zai once told a family that his wife Fei really died [-] years ago, and then Rukia, who was only found the next year.

If he did not miscalculate, the current time period should be fifty or forty-nine years before the beginning of the plot.

"Hold the grass."

After thinking about this, Yang Lei couldn't help but subconsciously burst out a foul language, not because he was worried about his lifespan, not to mention that he has reached the creation level, as long as Chakra is not empty for a day, his body can always be kept in the best condition. .

It is only said that he is in a state of soul now, and I have never heard that the dead can die again, unless they are killed or die of illness, at least they cannot die of old age.

The soul is eternal and will not be corroded by time.

Yang Lei was worried about Hinata and Xiao Ying, who stayed here for more than [-] years, and then had to complete the main quest. After that, he didn't know if he would have the opportunity to go back to visit the two girls. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

After finally establishing his own fetters, as long as the wedding ceremony is completed, he will have his own home.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he would have to live alone and alone for more than fifty years, which is unbearable for most people, not to mention a poor person who has been looking forward to having a family.

"I have to find a way."

Yang Lei, regardless of Rukia and Renji 4.2, was still on the side, spinning back and forth in front of the door, with countless thoughts in his heart.

Main quest [-]: Select a faction to join, the quest is completed, and reward points are [-]. If the quest fails, all reward points will be deducted and the quest world will be kicked out forever. (The camp can choose the thirteenth division of the guardian garden, the blue dye, the quencher, the virtual, and the king of the spirit.)

Main quest [-]: Help the selected faction to win the final victory, complete the quest, reward [-] reward points, if the quest fails, deduct all reward points and be kicked out of the quest world forever.

These are Yang Lei's two main quests in the world of death.

There are many quick ways to leave, such as deliberately failing the mission. It is estimated that as long as he does this, he will be able to leave the world of death in a blink of an eye.

But Yang Lei didn't dare. He was afraid that he would never go back to Naruto World. He couldn't accept the consequences, so he didn't dare to take the risk.

"Since the mission cannot be deliberately failed, there is only one quickest way, and that is Aizen!".

0269 Difficulty and hardship of survival

Yang Lei wanted to return to Naruto World as soon as possible, even if he had not yet found a way to take Hinata and Sakura away together, he did not dare to take risks easily, for fear that they would encounter a crisis.

But as long as he could go back and see them from time to time, he was content.

But now, he suddenly learned that he was going to stay in the world of Death God for more than fifty years, and the blow was a bit too big.

He really doesn't have this free time. If he really wants to be separated for so many years, he is afraid that he will go crazy.

Therefore, Yang Lei thought of a way, he wants to join the blue dye camp, as long as he helps Lan Da to destroy the spirit king, let him sit on the position of the spirit king to rule the three worlds, and then he can complete the task and leave this world.

At that time, he must go back to see them.

Before coming to the world of death, Yang Lei briefly went to the main god space of the infinite system, and found that it was a dilapidated main god space, and he was the only candidate there.

In the main god space, he got a lot of annotations, knowing that there is a way called vacation system to go to the mission world that he has experienced, and then he can return to the world of Naruto.

There is only one point, the vacation system 16 can only be used for ten days after each mission world is completed, and [-] reward points are required every day, and a total of [-] reward points are consumed.

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