And after he left Naruto World, the total reward points he received were only [-], and the other [-] reward points were spent as early as when he first purchased the bloodline of the Eye of the Ancients.

It is because this main god space has long been abandoned, so some facilities will lose their effectiveness, such as side quests, Yang Lei has never encountered side quests, so the reward points are only a little bit provided by the main quest.

Can't say whether this is good or bad.

If the main god space is still operating normally, he will definitely not be the only candidate, and things will become very troublesome by then, and there may be hostile camps.

It's so good now, it's like he's playing a stand-alone game, at least he doesn't have to worry about being sniped by other 'players'.

"What are you muttering about there?"

Rukia, who was on the side, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and interrupted Yang Lei, saying, "Come in quickly, we'll show you this 'home'."

Only then did Yang Lei stop the wild thoughts in his heart, but he had already made up his mind. In order to see his beloved again as soon as possible, he would rather be a villain.

The home in Rukia's mouth is just a dilapidated and dilapidated house. There is not even furniture in the house. There are two sets of futons on the floor of the back room. It seems that this is the chuang couch of Rukia and Renji.

"Oops, I have to prepare bedding for him."

Renji seemed to have just remembered, and she was a little broken as she grabbed her hair with both hands.

They lived such a hard life, and it is conceivable that a simple quilt is definitely not easy for them.

Also, the clothes they are wearing are already torn and can't be worn any more. You can tell by looking at the decorations in the house. They should only have this one. I really don't know what to do when they wash their clothes. , wait for the clothes to dry before coming out?

Yang Lei said that he couldn't understand it. No matter how hard he was, he didn't get so miserable. In any case, he still had two sets of clothes to change. In such a comparison, he didn't know how happier the two of them should be.

In fact, it is understandable if you think about it, the Liuhun living in Liuhun Street has no job, because ordinary Liuhun can survive without eating and drinking, which will cause the market to collapse and fail to form a normal market model.

That is to say, there is no employment mode in Ryuhun Street.

Therefore, Rukia and Rukia, who have no means of making a living, are so miserable, let alone clothes, the most difficult thing for them is the problem of eating and drinking, because they are gifted with spiritual pressure. If they don't eat or drink, they will starve to death. of.

"It's time for breakfast."

Really afraid of what's coming, Renji raised her head and glanced at the sky outside the house, rubbed her already hungry stomach, said to Rukia and ran towards the backyard.

"What did he go for?"

Yang Lei was curious, didn't Lianji say that he wanted to have breakfast?Then why did he run to the corner of the backyard?Did he hide the food there?

Yang Lei only guessed half of it right. Renji did hide something in the corner of the backyard, but it wasn't food, but only half of the water in the jar.

"Maybe it's all going to be drunk today."

Renji returned to the house with the big jar in his arms, with a slightly nervous expression, and said, "It seems that I have to go fetch water in the afternoon and come back."

Rukia's expression also became serious, she sighed softly, and said, "I hope this time I won't encounter danger again, otherwise."

She didn't say what would happen otherwise, but Yang Lei could guess from the sadness in her eyes. It seems that there is still a certain risk in the act of grabbing water. They are definitely not just two people, but they will die in the end. Two people.

"Do you only drink water?"

Yang Lei opened his mouth and asked the two of them. If it was just water, as long as he made a move, it would be as much as he wanted.

He can even do it if he wants to eat, for example, using the wood-dun ninjutsu to spawn a few fruit trees or something, this is all trivial.

His current state is very strange, his body has been forcibly transformed into a soul state, so he no longer has to worry about the disappearance of chakra, and at the same time he finds that he can also control the spirit son, which is really a pleasant surprise.

Lingzi and Chakra are different powers. Lingzi carries a spiritual word of the soul. It is conceivable that this is the power of the soul.

Although the Soul Soul World is full of spiritual sons, it does not mean that every soul can master this kind of power, just like the truth that not everyone in the Ninja World can become a ninja.

The same is true here, only souls born with the gift of Reiatsu can master these 757 powers.

After researching Yang Lei, he found that because his strength in all aspects is too strong, the combination of the spiritual pressure in the state of the soul is extremely strong, but he has been suppressing it, and he does not want to cause too much influence and cause trouble.


Faced with Yang Lei's question, Rukia answered patiently and told him that ordinary souls without Reiatsu talent would not feel hungry, so they didn't need to eat or drink.

And because they have spiritual pressure talents, they will be hungry and thirsty. Fortunately, this is the world of corpses, so they don't have to eat, just drink some water to survive.

Yang Lei didn't know where this was okay, he shook his head and sighed, he really felt that they were much more pitiful than himself.

"I'll treat you to a big meal."

With a wave of Yang Lei's hand, he smashed the dirty jar that Renji was holding tightly in his arms to the ground.

"Ninja, wood escape, fruit tree spawning technique!"

(PS: The protagonist is a little obsessed now, and he just wants to go back to Naruto World as soon as possible, but if he goes back so early, I will write a fart... So, write more communication with Rukia, and want to let him If he's empathetic, let the big sister pull him out of the sea of ​​​​fire and bitterness and other seas... I want to warn myself and you, the heroine of this volume is only Rukia, the single heroine...) .

0270 Embark on a journey!

"good to eat."

In the backyard of a dilapidated small house, three children in the fifteenth grade were sitting together. At this time, Rukia and Renji were eating together with a full of fruit.

It was probably the first time they had eaten fresh fruit, and the one they ate was a gobble.

It's also because they haven't learned any etiquette since they were young, and even having three meals a day is a problem, so there's no time to worry about it.

Yang Lei sat next to him, holding a fruit in his hand and turning it around at will, without any intention of eating it.


After eating more than a dozen large fruits in a row, Renji finally filled her stomach. She casually wiped the juice from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve, turned her head to look at Yang Lei, and said, "Although I am very grateful for your hospitality, Do you have any brains? You planted fruit trees in the house? Okay, where will we stay at night?"

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