"It's the first time I've seen someone take the initiative to make such a request."

Yang Lei snorted lightly, turned around and walked towards the dormitory building, not taking this matter to heart at all.

The only thing he wanted to learn at the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts was Ghost Dao, but he could only have a Ghost Dao class in two days, which made Yang Lei feel depressed and didn't even want to stay here.

It's a waste of time to mess around like this, he still wants to go back to Naruto World earlier.

If he can, he really wants to go to Lan Da right now, hit the Lingwang Palace to destroy the old Lingwang, and he can complete the task when Landa takes the position of Lingwang.

It's a pity that this is an idea that can only be realized in a dream. If you look for it now, it will only scare Lan Da, and if you don't make it, you will become an enemy.

After all, Lan Da has his own plans, and at present he is a character hidden behind the scenes. Suddenly, someone came to reveal his identity, and anyone would want to get rid of the other party at the first time.

"Blue dye."

Yang Lei frowned and murmured in his heart, "What should I do to gain his trust? This is his grandmother, it takes so much effort to fight people, but it's still a hero who wants to defect, like these heroes think too much, It's too much of a precaution."

Nonsense, heroes are all positive characters, so naturally it is better to deal with them.

But Aizen's words, it seems that he has just established his own power during this period of time. It seems that the ten blades in the virtual circle have not stabilized yet, right?How dare you be careless.

Moreover, Aizen has been eyeing Bengyu since then. If he doesn't get Bengyu, he will definitely not jump out of the water.

At this time, unless he took the initiative to recruit Yang Lei, otherwise, as long as Yang Lei came to the door, they would make each other an enemy.

That's why Yang Lei never dared to act.

"Otherwise, why don't I go to join the Quincy Master" 〃."

Yang Lei thought of paying attention again, that is the invisible empire hidden somewhere in Jingling Court, that is, the organization of Quincy.

Yang Lei is not afraid that the other party will not accept him, because as long as he is seen once by his ancient eyes, he can become a Quincy in a blink of an eye.

Only one thing, he didn't know if he would have some kind of connection with Youhabach once he became a Quincy, but don't be hurt by the other party's sanctification.

On the other hand, Aizen's purpose is to make himself a Spirit King, while Yohabach's purpose is to destroy the existing world and then build a new world.

Therefore, Yang Lei thought and thought, and felt that he really couldn't do anything but give up countless lives in the three worlds just so that he could go back to the Naruto world earlier.

"Could it be that I still have some saint attributes?"

Yang Lei laughed at himself, he is not a very evil person, but he is not a saint, but as a normal person, he can't do the kind of destroying the world and killing the world for his own purposes, which is a little bit. Too cruel.

"It's really troublesome."

Shaking his head and thinking no more, Yang Lei returned to his dormitory and went to the public bath to soak for a while to relieve his fatigue, and then fell asleep.

On the other side, the history teacher fell to the door of the teaching building and tingled his body for over an hour before finally getting up.

It was also his bad luck. This time was dinner time. After dinner, the students should go back to rest, and no one came to the teaching building, otherwise someone would have found him long ago.

"That bastard really dared to beat me?"

The history teacher climbed up with difficulty. He couldn't even stand without holding on to the wall. He gritted his teeth and moved out. He didn't know if his body was seriously injured. He went to the fourth division to find someone for help. Don't dare to tingle.

After coming out of the teaching building, the history teacher's luck finally improved a little. On the way, he met a student who got help and took him to the fourth team to get treatment.

Fortunately, he wasn't seriously injured, but he was kicked so he didn't dare to exert any force. After a little fiddling around, he was fine, and he came back with a swift pace.

After coming back, the history teacher couldn't hold his breath no matter what he thought. It was obvious that Yang Lei skipped class first, but he was reasonable. He just kicked himself after reading a few sentences. Is this okay?

"This bad ethos must be cured."

The history teacher secretly relented, got up and hurried to the principal's office.

Being able to become the teacher of the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy shows that he has some strength himself, so he did not lose his mind even when he was in a hurry. He had an inexplicable feeling that the bastard Yang Lei was not easy to deal with. Go to the principal to complain.

True Central Spiritual Arts Academy is a school that cultivates the god of death. Since it even has teachers, it naturally has a headmaster. That is a very old man with gray hair and a long beard.

".What's wrong?"

The old principal saw that something was wrong at first glance, and found that the history teacher's face was blue and black, and he came in with a burst of anger, and he had already guessed something in his heart.

"That's what happened."

The history teacher couldn't care less about being embarrassed, so Balabala told what happened to him, and finally said, "Principal, do you think this kind of student will still get it? Not to mention skipping class, he even dared to kick me when he came back. , it really makes no sense.”

"That's it."

The principal nodded casually, but did not rush to answer the history teacher's words, but said: "I see, you go back first, I will handle that student named Yang Lei."

The history teacher didn't ask too much. Their strength and status were not equal. He was not qualified to ask questions. He nodded and turned back.


After the history teacher left, the old principal suddenly laughed and muttered, "Looks like this old man can do his duty again. Captain, no, it's Mr. Yamamoto."

"Let me come forward to see his qualifications first, and then decide whether to recommend it to you. Don't blame me for making my own decisions. After all, I am the current Yuanzi School's head teacher."

Yuanzi School is a school created by the captain two thousand years ago, and it is also the predecessor of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

In a piece of history that even the history teacher didn't know, the commander-in-chief once led the original members of the Gotei Thirteenth Division to fight against the Quincy. As a result, Death won the victory, and the Quincy went dormant.

Afterwards, Yamamoto Shigekuni established the [-]th Division of the Gotei, and served as the captain himself, and changed the Yuanzi School to the True Spiritual Art Institute.

But now, a freshman from Liushun Street can easily kick the teacher away, so that the principal is alarmed, and he has to perform the task of discovering talents. .

0276 The old principal's test

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