The next morning, the old principal was dispatched and went to the morning white class to find Yang Lei for a test.

As a result, he came to take advantage of the excitement but returned in disappointment. He was told that Yang Lei didn't come at all, and this kid actually skipped class again.

Yesterday's first class was a ghost class. Logically speaking, we can't have another ghost class until tomorrow afternoon. Therefore, Yang Lei broke the jar, and simply stopped coming in the morning. He had to skip class for a day and go outside. Practice on your own.

Yesterday I beat the teacher up. Yang Lei knew that this matter was too big or too small. According to the history teacher's fucking personality, it is estimated that he must be wearing small shoes.

Therefore, Yang Lei is ready to be fired.

It doesn't matter, as long as he can join the Aizen camp, he doesn't care if it is a god of death.

Perhaps it would be more convenient for him not to be a god of death, so that Aizen would not be too suspicious.


Still in the woods, Yang Lei began to cultivate again, and thought happily: "I can also open the black tune and enter the virtual circle. After entering the virtual night palace, I can't go with Aizen and the others. Have you successfully joined a teacher?"

"No, the current Xuye Palace has already belonged to Aizen. If I fight again, I can only offend them, so forget it." 140

Yang Lei is now like a madman, all he wants to do is how to quickly complete the task of the world of death, and then return to the world of Naruto, without the mood when he first traveled to the world of Naruto.

The World of Death is also a drama that Yang Lei once loved. It stands to reason that he should like it as well, and he wants to have more close contact with this world, some classic scenes, and wonderful plots.

Just like a tourist, once you arrive in a certain city, you must visit the famous attractions.

But Yang Lei doesn't have these thoughts at all right now, whether it's the streets of the souls of the corpse and the souls, the squadrons in the Jingling Court, or the Shuangshangtai where the war broke out, he doesn't bother to look at it. , the current primary purpose is to gain the trust of Aizen and join his camp.

It's only been a few short days, and it's not even ten days, but he already thinks that Hinata and Sakura are going crazy.

. . . . . .

Maybe it was because of the concern in his heart, Yang Lei practiced very hard, and he practiced hard for a whole day.

After resting in place for a while, Yang Lei got up from the ground, first removed the weight-bearing equipment on his body, and moved his sore body. Only then did he disappear in place with a single thought, and returned to the Jingling Court with the technique of Flying Thunder God.

"Quick Shunpo."

As soon as Yang Lei appeared on the roof of the teaching building, he heard a voice behind him, but although the man was praising his speed, his dissatisfaction was clearly expressed in his tone.

This person is the old principal, he will definitely be dissatisfied, he has been looking for Yang Lei for a day, and he has almost rummaged through the entire Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, but in the end, he found that there is no trace of the other party anywhere, what a hell.

Others who come to Zhenyang Lingshu Institute will definitely not dare to leave Zhenyang Lingshu Institute for at least three years, not because they are afraid of being bullied when they go outside, but because they are incompatible with the temperament of Jingling Court, like two worlds Like others, the freshmen backed off on their own.

But Yang Lei didn't care. It was just too bold for him to skip class a few days after the start of school, and to run around outside.

The old principal misunderstood. He thought that if Yang Lei was not in Zhenyang Lingshu Academy, he must have gone to play elsewhere in Jingling Court. He didn't know that, in fact, Yang Lei ran outside Jingling Court to cultivate in a remote mountain forest.

Another point, Yang Lei used the technique of Flying Thunder God, which is a kind of time-space ninjutsu, which crossed countless spatial distances and rushed back in an instant, not Shunpo.

Yang Lei turned around, and did not feel any hostility from the old principal, shrugged his shoulders without taking any precautions, sat on the ground in place, and did not explain the difference between Shunbu and Fei Lei Shen, and asked, "Old man, find me. am I in trouble?"


The old principal had some resentment before, but at this time, he was directly laughed at and called him an old man? (bgah) Okay, let's see how he cleans up later.

"Your name is Yang Lei?"

The old principal didn't answer the question, but chatted like a family chatter, asking each sentence one by one, which was to inquire about Yang Lei's details.

Just from the glance of the old principal just now, I can confirm that this kid is indeed a talent, at least he already has high attainments in speed, and he didn't even see how Yang Lei suddenly appeared.

Therefore, the old principal has already made a secret decision, this person can recommend it, and then ask him for details.

If Yang Lei can't impress the old principal, he won't talk nonsense with him, he will get up and leave immediately, and being able to chat with Yang Lei at this time is enough to explain a lot of problems.

It's just that Yang Lei doesn't know yet that he has been labelled a genius, that he can rise to the top at any time and be valued by the higher-ups, and he is dealing with it at will.

The guess he made at this time was that the other party should have been recruited by the history teacher to deal with him, so he didn't leave the first time, otherwise he would have slapped his ass and left.

After a whole day of ascetic training with a [-]-ton load on his back, he was already exhausted, and now he just wants to go to the hot water pool to sleep for half an hour, and then take a deep sleep after soaking in the tiredness, it will be very comfortable .

"Let's get straight to the point."

In the end, Yang Lei was still annoyed by the questioning. He yawned and pointed out: "What is the matter with you looking for me? Is it to deal with the incident that I beat the history teacher?"

The old principal stopped chattering and questioning, paused for a while, then smiled and said, "It's a bit related, I heard that you kicked him? Come, let me see your ability, I want to know why you are So arrogant."

There is no problem with Yang Lei's origin, the old principal is going to have the final assessment, and the gold must be tempered with fire to confirm.


Yang Lei raised his eyebrows, thinking that the other party would be annoyed and angry because he was interrupted by him, but he would not be surprised if he took advantage of the question and fired him directly.

But what's the situation now?He beat up the history teacher, so this person is here to find a place?

"Is this considered an old man?"

Yang Lei secretly slandered, thinking that the history teacher must be the son of this old man, right?

Fortunately, the old principal could not read minds, otherwise he would definitely vomit blood, not so bloody, this is pure slander.

"But forget it."

Yang Lei shrugged, since everyone came to him, he had no reason to back down, otherwise his belief in invincibility would be affected.

Now that he has decided to cultivate his invincible belief, he must accept all the challenges he encounters, and he has to overcome them, otherwise his will will be in danger of collapse, and he may become a coward in the future. The poor bastard who is afraid of things will no longer dare to fight people easily.

Therefore, when challenged by the old man, he can only take on the battle, and he has to fight and win.

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