But Rukia was puzzled by this, why did Byakuya Kuchiki suddenly find him?It's not a conspiracy, is it?

Another, she has lived alone for so many years, she is used to being independent, but she is not the kind of girl who is willing to betray herself for the so-called noble status.

Therefore, she did not agree at the time.

But now, Yang Lei seems to be in trouble. Rukia is helpless and has received help from the other party, so she can't ignore it. At this time, she has made a secret decision to go to Kuchiki's house after the morning class is over.

"As long as that person can help Yang Lei solve the trouble."

Rukia looked at Yang Lei's feet and muttered to herself, "It's not a big deal to be his sister, you can still be the eldest miss, hehe, hehe."

(PS: Begin to pave the way for emotional drama.).

0278 Sell Your Own Rukia

In the morning, Yang Lei honestly finished the first ghost class.

Up to now, he has only learned two kinds of Dao breaking, the first one, Chong and the fourth one, Bai Lei.

There are also two kinds of Binding Roads, one of the Binding Roads. Plug, and the fourth of the Binding Roads. This rope.

Hui Dao is the ghost Dao of the Healing Department. Not everyone can awaken, and not everyone can. Therefore, at the beginning, Hui Dao would not be taught, because even the first-year ghost Dao teacher himself could not know it. Wait until the second grade and above to get in touch.

Because of the special nature of Huidao, once a student is found to have Huidao talent, they will be booked in advance by the fourth division. Unless I do not want to work in the fourth division, they can take office as long as they graduate.

After the first class, Yang Lei skipped class again, left the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy and the Jingling Court, and went to the forest to do penance alone again. He already had peerless strength, and he was still making progress. Not too slow.

After all, he put in a lot of sweat, and his attributes have only increased by less than twice, but the load has actually doubled. Can you not grow faster?

Having said that, it is also fortunate that he has all kinds of magical powers, whether it is the immortal mode or the human pillar power mode, it can help him recover his body, otherwise 16 would have been abolished long ago.

Therefore, it was necessary for him to struggle before when he came to the Soul Soul Realm. If he gave up this flesh and skin, he might not be able to have such a powerful spiritual pressure.

. . . . . .

Yang Lei walked freely, but in the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, there was a person who was very worried.

"He left again?"

Rukia looked around and didn't see Yang Lei's figure, and when she asked Renji, she didn't know where he went, so she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Could it be that I offended the nobles?"

Rukia made a guess that there are many people from noble families in the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute, and if they offend the other party, they will definitely be retaliated.

At this time, she mistakenly thought that Yang Lei's disappearance had something to do with the trumped-up nobles, so she couldn't help but make a decision.

Ignoring that there was another class in the morning, Rukia hurriedly left the True Central Spiritual Art Institute, followed the direction that the person said, and went out.

After expressing her intention to come, Rukia was brought into the gate of Kuchiki's house, and after waiting in the reception room for a while, someone came to him, it was Kuchiki Byakuya, the current owner of Kuchiki's house.

. . . . . .

Yang Lei didn't know Rukia's movements at all, and he didn't even know that if he was vague, she would make a decision.


In the mountains and forests, Yang Lei is still cultivating, wearing a terrifying load that weighs [-] tons as he flickers.

Yang Lei knows his advantage, that is, the dataization of attributes has brought him all kinds of help, which not only makes his cultivation more handy, but also achieves dozens of times with half the effort.

And because the attributes are data-based, he doesn't need to vaguely sense how much power he has and how fast he is, all of which are placed there for him to see clearly.

Therefore, his cultivation direction has never been simply to practice strength or speed. He has always been looking at the attribute panel and working hard, which is why his attributes have grown so fast.

Because it is only for improving attributes, he has eliminated many cultivation practices that can improve his strength in other areas, saving most of his energy to focus on several cultivations. Can you be unhappy?


The day passed quickly, Yang Lei fell to the ground again exhausted, couldn't get up for a long time, and even had no strength to make a fist, all ten fingers were weak.

But he looked at the attribute panel that had grown well again, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, it was worth it.

Another one, after such an extreme practice, when I rested, it seemed as if I had ascended, my whole body was light and airy, and I felt very comfortable.

The author suspects that perhaps he has been practicing such extreme asceticism just to experience this feeling.

Of course, if you are suspected of slander, don't go to the person for consultation.

"It's time to go back."

After a while, Yang Lei finally sat up, but before he left, he hesitated again, remembering that he had met a history teacher downstairs in the teaching building, and was later found fault by an old man. Go back to the top of the building.

"Should you be eating at this time?"

Thinking like this, Yang Lei gritted his teeth and used the Flying Thunder God technique, and returned to the dormitory in a flash.

Sure enough, there was no one in the dormitory, so no one saw the means by which he appeared. In this way, he could continue to keep a low profile.

In the same way, I went to the bathroom to soak up my fatigue, then went back to the bedroom to fall asleep, and when I opened my eyes, it was already the next morning.


Yawning, Yang Lei came out of the dormitory and went to the teaching building to take a look at the class schedule as usual. Seeing that there was no ghost class today, he couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment.

He only expects the ghost class, and will only take this one, and the other courses will be rolled aside.

Anyway, he has already offended the history teacher, and he has not skipped class these days. It is too late to pretend to be a good student again, so it is better to break the jar.

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