
With a shake of his head, he left in a dashing manner, making Rukia, who was one step late, mad, who was it?

Renji was sprayed in vain, and Rukia called him a pig-headed idiot. He couldn't even see a person. What were the eyes for?

Renji was speechless, he wasn't Yang Lei's nanny, Yang Lei wasn't a child, and Rukia never told him to monitor him, so how could he notice Yang Lei's whereabouts.

Besides, even if Yang Lei still looks like a fifteen-year-old child, don't forget, he is in this state as well, so why should he take care of him?

In the end, Renji had to tell the truth, he really couldn't get up, it wasn't because he was lazy, it was because Yang Lei was too early.

Rukia is helpless, she has already made an agreement with Bai Zai, and today she will join the Kuchiki family to become the younger sister of the head of the family. The ceremony will be held here. At that time, she will not need to find the source to solve the problem, as long as she publicly discloses the three of them Together, those who do not exist will naturally retreat.

After all, the Kuchiki family is one of the four great nobles. Unless it is the other four nobles, no one should continue to entangle and entangle them, right?

As a result, Yang Lei can't be found now, which makes Rukia angry. Who is she paying so much for?

But after thinking about it again, she couldn't help but worry, were those people chasing him too tightly, so Yang Lei disappeared early in the morning?

There is this possibility.

When Rukia stays here for a few years, maybe he will make friends, and then he will be able to find out the truth that no one wants to trouble Yang Lei.

It's a pity that she didn't enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy for a long time. At this time, the news was blocked and she could only rely on guessing, so the more she thought about it, the more worried she became, and finally she did something stupid and sold herself.

Fortunately, she is going to be someone else's sister, otherwise, Yang Lei will definitely kill, and it is a bloody case of a large family.

He never said that he was a good person, and always thought he was a bad person. After all, the fact that his hands were stained with blood can't be erased.

At this time, Yang Lei can still be bound by his heart and moral bottom line as a human being, but that's all. .

0279 Rukia's Reward

Rukia searched for Yang Lei all day, but she never caught him until the next afternoon in the last ghost class.

"Where have you been from yesterday to today?"

Rukia endured a lesson, and it wasn't until she finished the eleventh chapter of Destruction. Sui Leidian took Yang Lei to find a corner to get angry.

Yang Lei was inexplicably sprayed for a while, where did he go and what does it have to do with her?Even if they are friends, their friendship is not that close, right?

However, seeing that Rukia was in anger, Yang Lei wisely didn't argue, and said vaguely that he had something to do.

Rukia secretly said that it was the case, and guessed that he 'had' to go out to evacuate.

"No matter what difficulties you have, feel free to tell me."

Rukia looked at Yang Lei with serious eyes and said, "I have joined the Kuchiki family and become the younger sister of their patriarch, Kuchiki Byakuya, so I can solve your troubles."


Yang Lei was confused.

He still heard about Rukia joining the Kuchiki family, but it was a setting in the plot. As long as he didn't mess around, it shouldn't change, so he wasn't surprised.

It's just that Rukia said she wanted to solve the trouble for him, which made him wonder, did he have any trouble?How could he not know?

The trouble of possibly getting fired for offending the gym teacher and the old man?What kind of trouble is this? It's not like he has no other way out.

"Don't play stupid."

Rukia snorted in dissatisfaction, and said to herself, "I know you've been in trouble recently. You can't even take a normal class, so you can only live in hiding."

"It's alright now, I'm already the eldest lady of the Kuchiki Clan, one of the four major families, and I will help you solve all your troubles."

"But don't get me wrong, I joined the Kuchiki family not just to help you, but because I wanted to become a noble, so I joined."

Speaking of the back, Rukia's eyes began to dodge, which was a subconscious expression of lying.

Yang Lei shook his head, thinking that what you said behind was superfluous, or did you deliberately say that you joined the Deadwood Family because you wanted to help me?

But then again.

"You misunderstood..."

Yang Lei explained with a bit of a laugh, "I didn't encounter any trouble, and no one wanted to trouble me. It's just that I basically don't need to take the first-year class, so I don't bother to waste time."

"real or fake?"

Rukia looked at Yang Lei suspiciously, thinking he was trying to be brave.

"Of course it's true."

Yang Lei shrugged with no reluctance, but he was curious: "Why do you want to help me so much?"

This makes Yang Lei rather strange. Their friendship is really only shallow, and it hasn't reached this level, right?

"I want to repay you."

Rukia expressed her thoughts and said, "I want to repay your help before, and the life-saving grace on the way."

It turned out that Rukia knew that she had encountered Xu on the road before, and accidentally saw the shadow of Xu, but she never said it, and she never knew it was an Achucas.

"So that's what happened."

Yang Lei nodded suddenly, waved his hands indifferently, and said carelessly: "It's just a little effort, don't worry about it, if you have to repay me, it's better to give it up, because I don't need it. What are you helping me with?"


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