Rukia's pretty face flushed red, glaring at Yang Lei about to explode.

"I am leaving."

Yang Lei quickly retreated, not giving her a chance to get angry, and quickly ran back to the bedroom to rest.

"That bastard, lust, wolf, idiot."

Rukia was still on the spot, although the others had already run away, it didn't delay her cursing and muttering angrily: "Obviously people are so worried about him, but he taunted me, really, I don't care about him anymore. already."

. . . . . .

Not to mention the angry scene of Rukia, let's look at Yang Lei's side.

After returning to the dormitory, he unexpectedly found that Renji came back one step earlier. If he remembered correctly, it should be dinner time, right?

Yang Lei does not need to go to the cafeteria on time because of various means, but others, such as Renji, the only way he can fill his stomach is to go to the cafeteria on time.

But now he is sitting on the chuang with an ugly face, as if others owe him a million, posing as a ghost.

Not to mention, the people in the corpse and soul world are all ghosts, and it is really ghosts to say that they want to account for ghosts.

"What happened?"

Yang Lei asked casually, but Renji just shook his head but didn't say anything, shrugged his shoulders and stopped worrying, and he was about to rest.

He came back in the afternoon to take a ghost class. In fact, he had been cultivating in the morning, and he was as tired as the previous days. Otherwise, he would not have run away before. It was nothing to be scolded by Rukia, so why bother So embarrassed.

He went to sleep peacefully, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Originally, he was very happy that Rukia could become the eldest lady of the Kuchiki family, but he couldn't understand why Rukia said that publicly, saying that he was with Yang Lei and her, Does that mean to cover them?

what's going on?Does she think she can do it?So the two of them are going to rely on her breath?

Originally, even if Renji was uncomfortable, he wouldn't have reacted so much, but it happened that he heard a few gossips. Those people didn't dare to talk about the daughter of the Kuchiki family, but they dared to say behind their backs that he and Yang Lei were eating soft rice. It hurt him very much.

It wasn't that Renji couldn't feel that Rukia was trying to protect him and Yang Lei, but at his age, this was the most unbearable thing.

To put it horribly, I don't want to tell my parents when I was bullied at school, and then I hold on by myself. If my parents help me, I will be unhappy and feel ashamed of myself.

But I don't know, in fact, when you were bullied, it was already very embarrassing.

In this way, Rukia unknowingly did bad things with good intentions, laying the groundwork for the breakup of the two. As for whether they can find their friendship back in the future, it can only depend on God's arrangement and Yang Lei's thoughts.

. . . . . .

The first-year course is just like (Wang Zhao), using history lessons to brainwash the students every day, or practicing the basic courses of kendo, white fight and Shunpo, and ghosts only teach breaking and binding. Just the first few times.

Yang Lei felt that he was just wasting time by delaying here, but he didn't dare to reveal too much, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he would draw out all of Aizen's vigilance. I skipped class, and later I didn't even attend the ghost class.

What else are you going to do? In the later stage of the Ghost Dao class, I just keep reviewing and reviewing it again and again. After all, others don't have the powerful spiritual pressure like Yang Lei, and they don't have the eye for seeing the ancients, so they can't master it all at once.

In this way, Yang Lei's days of skipping classes have continued. He runs outside every day to carry out the training he has set. Every day, he can see that his attributes are constantly improving, and his strength is naturally rising.

Unknowingly, a month has passed. On this day, the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts announced that there will be a practical exercise tomorrow and will lead the team to the world. Yang Lei is a little interested. .

0280 Before the actual combat class

"Yo, our Young Master Yang finally showed up again."

This morning, in the first-grade classroom on the first floor, Yang Lei's appearance ignited the anger of the kendo teacher.

Who does this bastard think he is?If you want to come, you can leave if you want. Is it really true that the Central Spiritual Art Institute is opened by his family?

But this guy obviously came from Liuhun Street, and he was not appreciated by Kuchiki Byakuya like Rukia, so he became the daughter of Kuchiki's family, why is he so arrogant?

Not only the history teacher, but even the ghost teacher who had a good impression of him had long been angry, but it was a pity that the old principal refused to expel him, which made people feel helpless.

The teachers and students suspected that it might be that Rukia used the power of the Kuchiki family to do something behind the scenes. The captain's apprentice, in an important position to find talent for the captain.

That is to say, if the old principal really wanted to fire Yang Lei, even Bai Zai wouldn't be able to do it.

Therefore, Bai Zai didn't actually speak for Yang Lei, and he only paid attention to Rukia alone.

Let’s just say, people can only get respect or privileges by themselves, and what they borrow from others will always be only foxes and tigers.

But others don't know this, no, at this time, with the Kendo class teacher taking the lead, the whole class instantly burst into scornful 320 laughs, only Rukia and Renji didn't say anything.

Among them, Renji's expression is still indifferent, he has also been mocked in secret like this before, and he is used to it.

Rukia was much more embarrassed.

"Tsk tsk."

Yang Lei's mentality is very good, but he was just said a few words and called a young master. He was not unhappy. He shrugged as if his hair had been blown by the breeze, and walked to Rukia's side to sit next to him. down.

Rukia's surname is already Kuchimu, and she is a well-deserved young lady, but no one dares to approach easily, which prevents Yang Lei from being able to find a seat.

"Cut, thick-skinned."

The kendo teacher snorted in disappointment, but stopped mocking, and started to explain. What he said was the precautions for this actual combat class and the direction of the trial.

Yang Lei was only farting as a kendo teacher, listening to his left ear and listening to his right ear. At this time, seeing that Rukia's face was still a little dark, he couldn't help poking her small waist with his hand.


Rukia's forehead jumped for a while, and if it hadn't exploded in class, she stared at Yang Lei with wide eyes. Although her face was full of anger, her eyes were full of grievances.


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