She wanted to help him, but she didn't expect him to be ridiculed, and even Renji was affected, and she would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Especially Renji has been gradually estranged from her recently, and the two have not spoken to her for over a month, which makes Rukia even more sad.

Now I'm really afraid that even Yang Lei will ignore her, then she'll really be the only one left in the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

"Why so much anger?"

Yang Lei frowned, and stabbed Rukia's waist again, but Rukia is not a balloon, it doesn't mean that you will be relieved after a few stabs, but he is completely annoyed by him.

"Be honest with me."

Rukia warned with gritted teeth, but she herself knew that the other party would never be obedient, otherwise he would not disappear without a shadow within this month.

Therefore, in order to prevent him from making trouble with himself, he had to take the initiative to grab his hand and prevent him from making trouble again.

Yang Lei was speechless. He felt a little resentful because he looked at her as if she was a gas bag. He should be the one who should be angry, right?Then why did she act like she was bullying her?

But now that he was caught by her hand like this, it made him feel a little difficult, and it was really hard to get rid of it.

In front of so many people, Miss, what are you trying to express?You don't really want to commit yourself, do you?This age is very old-fashioned and pedantic.

It's not that the kendo teacher didn't see the little gestures of the two, but he couldn't say anything more. If there was no Rukia, see if he would fly over a wooden sword.

"Be quiet."

But he still had to give a warning, trying not to let his eyes look in the direction of Rukia, so as not to provoke the Kuchiki family, he turned around and pointed to the pile of daggers there, and said, "This is a shallow punch for you. , is a real knife that has been edged, you must be careful when using it."

The next step is the procedure of issuing knives, one for each person, no more or less, which made Yang Lei helpless. He practiced with two-handed knives, and it was not enough to give only one punch. Shallow hit.

But it doesn't matter, he has his own knife anyway.

Besides, looking at the attitude of the kendo class teacher, I know that even if he raises an objection, he will not be accepted, so why bother to make people hate him.

"Okay, everyone, come with me and get ready to go."

Under the leadership of the kendo class teacher, the first-year students came to a tall and huge gate, which was the gate of crossing the world.

Before the two tall gates, there was a large group of senior students waiting there, and now they can set off as long as the preparations are completed on the world side.

From the kendo class teacher, the students already knew that what they had to deal with in this actual combat class was the real virtual. From the knowledge they had learned, they already knew that the virtual was the enemy of the god of death, and all the skills they had learned were used to deal with it. Imaginary.

"I hope I can come back safely."

Some students are worried and afraid that they will be killed. After all, it is a real battle, not a child's play in the academy.

"Are not you afraid?"

Rukia is good at cheche Yang Lei's clothes. Seeing that he was looking around with his head raised, he didn't feel any nervousness at all. She couldn't help but feel tangled. Doesn't the comparison make her even more unbearable?

"What's there to be afraid of."

Yang Lei shrugged. It's not like he hasn't killed him before. Didn't he kill an Achucas-level phantom before?

In the early stage, even Kirian-level Daxu rarely showed up, and Achukas' level was higher than Kirian's, so I ask him, what should he worry about?

Rukia is angry, isn't she afraid?Seriously, will we still chat?

But even if she was annoyed by Yang Lei's attitude, Rukia still didn't leave. At this time, only Yang Lei could talk to her. Where else could she go?

In this way, two people who were ignored by others formed a team, and stood together coldly and chatted with others alone.

It didn't take long for the current report to be sent. At the same time, the Technology Development Bureau also stated that the boundary at this time was in a stable period. No matter whether it was a sudden or a detention, it would not appear, and even if it did, it would be controlled at the first time. Live, so that they can enter the Boundary with peace of mind.

In this way, the main force of the True Central Spiritual Arts Academy began to set off. From the senior to the junior grades, they poured into the gate of crossing the realm, and passed through the realm of the real world, which is the real world where the living people live.

At the same time, in the team building of the first team, the chief captain and the eighth team captain Jingle Chunshui were talking.

How can such a large-scale actual combat class not have a captain-level figure in the lineup, what if there is an accident?

Before departure, the captain alone explained the matter of Jingle Chunshui.

"There is a freshman named Yang Lei who needs you to observe more.".

0281 The actual combat class begins

"Yang Lei?"

Jingle Chunshui walked out of the first team quarters, murmured and repeated Yang Lei's name, with anticipation on his face, someone who could be talked about by the old man Yamamoto must have amazing talent.

It seems that the commander-in-chief does not recognize the old principal's ability as he has shown before. Therefore, Yang Lei, who can kick the old principal with one move, is still in his mind. Jingle Chunshui, who was his own student, paid attention to the talent of the other party.

In addition to Kyoraku Chunshui, the sixth division captain Kuchiki Byakuya and the fourth division captain Uno Hanaritsu accompanied the actual combat class this time. Because not all the students had the actual combat class trial in one place, three captains were needed. look after.

In particular, the fourth division to which Uno no Hana Lie belongs is a treatment unit. With her there, there is no need to worry in the event of an accident. They can treat the injured students as soon as possible.

After coming to the world, a total of six school years of students were separated and divided into six areas. Next, they had to conduct practical trials in units of grades.

The location selected by the Technology Development Bureau is a deserted island. The trial circle for the first-year students is in the center of the island. There is a captain nearby. This treatment is not something that other grades can enjoy.

The sixth-grade students were the most miserable. Except for a limited number of Ghost Dao members who had to maintain the barrier, no one else looked after them, and no one cared about them like wild children.

Who told them to be the highest grade, they can graduate only after completing the final exam, and then they are officially dead. If they can't even complete the actual combat class, they will probably get the worst grade, and even more serious will affect their future prospects.

"Are you all ready?"

After the Technology Development Bureau and the Ghosts completed the preliminary preparations, the three captains finally spoke: "Let's start then."


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