
That Xu seemed a little unhappy, and accused: "You are very rude, I am talking to you."


Yang Lei curled his lips in disdain, but still ignored the emptiness, and shouted at Jingle Chunshui outside: "Open the barrier and let other students go out, otherwise I won't care if it is affected."

Since he had to be exposed, Yang Lei simply stopped being secretive and planned to take the initiative to break out.

"I planned to keep a low profile, but unfortunately there are countless unpleasant things in the world. In this case, why don't I find a new way and help the [-]th Division of the Guardian to kill all possible enemies in the cradle, can't I go back as soon as possible?"

0283 Yang Lei's strength

What should I say about Yang Lei's character, he is modest and polite, but also a little arrogant, otherwise he would not want to exercise his invincible belief.

And after he came to the world of death, because he wanted to go back to the world of Naruto earlier, he kept suppressing himself. That was not being modest, but pretending to be low-key.

In fact, he didn't want to do that for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't be noticed by others.

Therefore, although he was forced by Jingle Chunshui to reveal his powerful strength at this time, he did not resent the other party in his heart, but felt a sense of relief.

It's just that he is still a little unhappy, so he can't go to Aizen, and he may not be able to reunite with Hinata and Sakura until later.

"But it doesn't matter."

Yang Lei breathed lightly and whispered in his heart: "Even if I go to Aizen, I will only be two or three years earlier. That is to say, I still have to stay in the world of death for thirty or fifty years, so why bother for a while."

At the same time, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Rukia, who was not far away. For some reason, he felt that with her by his side, the regret of not being able to go back to Naruto World 16 as soon as possible seemed to have been alleviated a lot, at least it was no longer so difficult to accept. .

Even the feeling of missing Hinata and Sakura has eased a lot. I still think about it, but I am no longer sad.

"Death, you are really rude."

Always ignored by Yang Lei, Xu was completely annoyed, he growled angrily, and clenched his fists in an attacking posture.

"You are really noisy."

Yang Lei finally turned his eyes to Xu, frowned and sarcastically said, "I guess you should have awakened your intellect? It must be a great feeling to be able to speak, otherwise you won't stop talking. ."

"damn it."

Xu can't stand his cynicism, he slammed his feet on the ground and used Xu's moving footwork, but he came to Yang Lei in an instant, and his right hand clenched his fist and hit Yang Lei's handsome face.


Rukia exclaimed, and subconsciously wanted to rush over to help, but she never thought that she was definitely not an opponent.

"Do not worry about me."

Yang Lei opened his mouth and shouted, and he no longer held back when his mind moved, and shouted: "Break out, Reiatsu."


A huge power suddenly erupted from Yang Lei's body, and a huge spiritual pressure beam with a diameter of dozens of meters wrapped him in it. This spiritual pressure beam stood upright and frightened everyone present.

Even Jingle Chunshui couldn't help but let out an exclamation. He never thought that the other party was hiding so deeply. This is more than potential or talent. Reiatsu is much stronger than him.

Not far away, Uzhihualie and Kuchiki Baizai all rushed over at the first time. The two looked at Yang Lei and didn't know what to say. It seemed that it was the enchantment of the first-year freshman, right?This guy is too evil.

In history, even the most talented Zanaki Kenpachi and others have never reached such a level as Yang Lei, and now he has a spiritual pressure that surpasses the level of a captain not long after he entered the school. With time, it is unimaginable to what extent he will reach.

The human figure was also terrified. This kid has such a powerful spiritual pressure that even Swartold is far behind. Isn't it sending him to death?

The attack in his hand didn't dare to fight again, and he couldn't fight anymore. It was firmly resisted by the spiritual pressure beam and couldn't get in. It simply pulled back, and as soon as he turned around, he threw himself into the black cavity that had not been turned off. Want to escape back into the virtual circle.

"Want to leave? You can't escape."

Yang Lei let out a sneer, put away the spiritual pressure light column, and chased forward in a black death tyrant like a windbreaker, stepping on Shunbu and instantly came to Xu's body.

"Look at the knife."

Yang Lei took out a shallow punch and slashed forward, but Xu didn't realize what was going on. He just cut his mask to pieces when he met face to face, and a long slender hole was left in his heart. He staggered and stepped back, coughing up blood constantly. I screamed badly in my heart, it seems that this time it is going to be more fortunate and less fortunate.

This is also empty. If it is an ordinary person or a god of death, I am afraid that it will only die this time.

However, the virtual head was not really seriously injured, and the body was recovering quickly. It awakened a special ability called super-speed regeneration, which can quickly recover as long as it is not killed.

Yang Lei's eyes lit up and found that he could get a lot of useful things from this virtual body.

For example, Ring Zhuan was added to Shunpo and Shunbo by Yang Lei, making his Shunbu faster.

There is also super speed regeneration, as long as some spiritual pressure is consumed, the soul can be quickly repaired, which is a rare ability.

After all, the soul is no better than the body. Once damaged, it is difficult to heal. At present, Yang Lei knows that there are only two abilities that can heal the soul. One is Huidao.

The other is the super speed regeneration of the virtual. I didn't expect that I got it on this virtual body. I am really lucky.

Xu didn't know what Yang Lei was doing. Seeing that he was not in a hurry to attack, he could not help but secretly relieved, and turned around to find a way to escape.

"I didn't say it, you can't escape."

Yang Lei acted again, stepped on Shunbu to the side of Xu, and slashed it again, slashing on Xu's head, this time no mercy, split Xu into two and killed it.

Too fast, Yang Lei's battle ended too fast, and the three captains outside the barrier couldn't help showing complicated expressions.

Although the dude was not at the Swatold level just now, but even so, it was enough to have the strength of the captain level. As a result, Yang Lei couldn't even make a real move. It can be said that he was killed in seconds. .

So for 160 pairs, this guy already has more than captain level strength?

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