how can that be.

Jingle Chunshui was frightened by his own thoughts, but he couldn't refute himself, because there was no excuse, even if he forcibly found an excuse, it would be too pale and powerless to stand up to refutation.

Yang Lei knew that the power he showed was too scary, and the freshmen who had laughed at him before were dumbfounded at this time, sitting in the corner of the barrier and staring at him blankly, especially the number of Lianji who was hit the hardest.

They obviously entered the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy together, and Yang Lei always skipped classes. As a result, the gap in strength was already so big that he couldn't accept it.

Rukia is much better, she has long guessed that the other party is not an ordinary person, and with a good mentality, it will not be so unacceptable at this time, and she even ran to Yang Lei to make a joke.


Rukia bumped Yang Lei's stomach with her elbow and teased in an exaggerated tone: "It seems that I will have to rely on you to cover me in the future."

"no problem."

Yang Lei and Rukia laughed and said, "Don't you just want to promise each other with your body? Since you are going to be my wife, I will definitely cover you."

"To die."

Rukia blushed instantly, and in a fit of anger, she stepped on Yang Lei's feet and shouted, "I didn't promise to give myself to you before, you bastard, idiot, lust, wolf.".

0284 The solicitation of Kyoraku Chunshui

I don't know why, Yang Lei always likes to tease Rukia. Once she gets irritated by him, he thinks it's cute when she jumps on her feet.

"I'm not changing to T, am I?"

Yang Lei muttered in his heart, thinking that it must be abnormal for him to think like this. Isn't this a tendency to be abused?Because every time Rukia jumped, he would pick him up, and he was not easy to fight back. After all, it was a big man, and the reason was all on him.

It was the same this time. Rukia stomped on her foot. Although it didn't hurt, Yang Lei still covered his foot and jumped up, pretending to be very similar.

"It doesn't hurt that much, does it?"

Rukia expressed doubts, but when she thought about her anger just now, it seemed that she really didn't have the energy to spare, so she wished she could flatten his feet, wouldn't it really hurt him?

Inexplicably, Rukia felt a little guilty, and turned her head with a blushing face.

"All right."

At this time, the Jingle Chunshui outside finally regained his composure, let the ghosts untangle the enchantment and let the new students come out, and called Yang Lei and the two to walk aside.

Uzhihualie and Kuchiki Byakuya glanced at each other, and they already understood in their hearts that the kid must be a peerless genius, and he was favored by the captain.

Without saying anything, the two turned around and left again, to check the trials of other grades.

Look at Yang Lei again.

"what is happening?"

Yang Lei looked at Jingle Chunshui with no good expression on his face. After all, he forced himself out of his strength and made him lose another option. How could he look good on him.

"That's what happened."

Jingle Chunshui coughed dryly, patted Yang Lei's shoulder with his hand, and explained, "Your principal recommended you to the commander-in-chief, and then he asked me to test your potential."

"To be honest, your strength surprised me. If you have awakened the Zanpakutō, and you can even solve it, I guess you can be the leader of the team right away?"

"But it's a pity, the thirteenth division already has a current captain, and there is no vacant position for you."

"But it doesn't matter. If you don't mind, you can come to our eighth division. I will vacate the third seat for you, second only to me and the vice captain, how about that?"

Jingle Chunshui dares to cut Hu?

After seeing Yang Lei's great strength, despite the fact that the commander-in-chief had noticed this peerless genius, he wanted to recruit for his squad in advance.


Yang Lei cut his face unceremoniously and said, "Don't treat me like a child, although I'm really young, but I still know the way out. If I want to be the captain, I can be the captain. All the team members will challenge the current captain, as long as they win, they can be replaced, so why go to your eighth team to be a third-place player?"


Jingle Chunshui was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't refute it. Instead, he was a little embarrassed. His old face was rarely red. He didn't expect that his tricks would not work at all. .

But Jingle Chunshui is Jingle Chunshui, and after a dry cough, he regained his composure, and continued to persuade: "You can't say that, you see, being a captain is a very troublesome thing, and there are very tedious tasks to deal with every day. It's better to be the third seat and be comfortable, as long as you drink a little wine and chat about Fengyue, you can deal with it."


Yang Lei sprayed it directly, even if he didn't drink water at this time, he deliberately sprayed a mouthful of saliva at Jingle Chunshui, accusing: "You are too shameless?"

Jingle Chunshui shrugged. In order to attract Yang Lei, he went out of his way and asked, "Why don't you talk about that first? Would you like to come to me for a vacation?"


Yang Lei hesitated, the righteous words just now had been abandoned by him, some were persuaded, and he thought to himself: "Yeah, tedious work is not suitable for me, and all personal freedom will be locked, even the practice I just picked up. To be left behind again."

"If I can live so casually in the eighth team, I might as well go to his place to hang out and continue my training."

The more he thought about it, the more he moved, Yang Lei looked at Jingle Chunshui again, and confirmed, "Are you sure I won't have to work after I go to the eighth division?"

"Of course."

Jingle Chunshui was overjoyed and said proudly, "You must know that our eighth division team has a reliable vice-captain. I don't even need a job, are you envious?"

"What's so proud of."

Yang Lei was completely speechless to Jingle Chunshui. This unscrupulous uncle took shamelessness as his unique character, making him a little at a loss as to what to say.

But forget it, anyway, it is not him who suffers and suffers, but he is also the beneficiary. If it can be easier, why not do it?

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