"Then it's settled."

Finally, Yang Lei agreed to Jingle Chunshui's solicitation and said, "After I graduate, I will join your eighth division."

"Why wait until graduation?"

Jingle Chunshui was surprised, thinking that Yang Lei didn't understand the rules, so he quickly explained to him: "With your current spiritual pressure level, you can apply for early graduation immediately, why stay in Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy? If you want to learn something, in eight The squad can also do it, or I can teach you."

".no need."

Yang Lei shook his head, turned to look in the direction he had been in, and looked at Rukia, who was staring at her because of worry, and looked at her with a good-looking smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "I still I have something to stay at the True Central Spiritual Art Institute."


Jingle Chunshui understood it in seconds, and praised in a tone of admiration: "I didn't expect you to know how to seize the opportunity at such a young age. It's not bad, you have great potential. I'm more optimistic about you."

Yang Lei has a black line on his head, what and what is he saying?He wanted to practice for a while longer, so that his strength could grow even more.

The recent period of cultivation has greatly improved his surrounding attributes, so he wants to continue his efforts.

After all, after entering the eighth division, what will happen is still unknown, and maybe there will be no such leisure time.

As for why he looked at Rukia, it was because he was wondering in his heart, and a bad feeling sprouted in his heart, and found that when he saw Rukia, he would have a special change.

Having already made two girlfriends, he could sense that his heart seemed to be changing quietly, and that someone was gradually living in his heart, which made Yang Lei a little unsure of how to deal with it.

I'm sorry to Hinata for taking down Xiao Ying, how can Yang Lei hurt them again.

But the relationship is the most unclear. In fact, Yang Lei felt it from the first time he saw Rukia.

At that time, Yang Lei was like a traveler trapped in the desert who suddenly saw an oasis. The great joy, gratitude and fear of being saved made Yang Lei still fresh in his memory.

By the way, he also portrayed Rukia in the depths of his memory, otherwise Yang Lei would not have been provoking Rukia like this all the time. In fact, he had already made a move before he knew it.

It's just that his subjective consciousness is still struggling, and he doesn't want to admit that he has a third girl in his heart.

(PS: Happy Lantern Festival everyone!).

0285 The end of the actual combat class

This time, the actual combat class went very smoothly. All the students performed very well, especially Yang Lei. The spiritual pressure that this guy broke out has already surpassed the captain level.

Other students have also gained enough recognition, especially the freshmen. Under the leading role played by Rukia, they no longer flinched, but worked together to solve all the summoned emptiness and complete the actual combat trial. faster than even sixth graders.

"What is the captain looking for you for?"

Seeing that Yang Lei was back, Rukia hurriedly approached him and asked him about it, her worries about him were beyond words.

"It's nothing."

Yang Lei smiled and deliberately exaggerated: "Because my spiritual pressure is too strong, he wants to give me the captain's position."

"You know, I've always been humble and refused righteously."

"But he's still not reconciled. He insists on letting me be the third seat of the Eighth Division, or he'll die and show me. There's no other way, so I have to promise him."

Yang Lei could hear Jingle Chunshui, who didn't care about the other side at all. At this time, he had a black line on his forehead, and he wondered if his decision was right or wrong?This kid is too good at choreographing him, right?

Listening to Yang Lei's nonsense, Rukia definitely didn't believe it, but what he said was funny, so she couldn't help laughing, then rolled her eyes at him and hummed, "Bragging."

Yang Lei laughed and blew at Rukia's pretty face, then turned and ran.

Rukia was stunned for a while before she reacted. Yang Lei 227 said that he was a cow by changing his method, which is really unreasonable.

At this moment, the students of other grades also completed the actual combat trial, and they were brought over at this time, which made Rukia give up her plan to chase Yang Lei.

"You can go back."

The three captains reunited. Regardless of the results of the students' grades, they were evaluated by specialized personnel. They would go back only after the people from the Technology Development Bureau completed the aftermath.

Open the gate of crossing the world, and everyone returns from this world.

Stepping on the familiar ground, the students could not help but heave a sigh of relief, still Jingling Court is safe, in this world, they are always worried that You Xu will suddenly appear and bite them.

"Dissolve in place."

Someone came over and announced to the students that they could be disbanded in place. Next, they would do whatever they liked. Today, there is only a practical class trial, and then there will be no more classes. The rest of the time can be freely arranged.

Then, the teachers who were waiting here began to count their scores. When the first-year kendo teacher who led the team here saw Yang Lei's evaluation, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Secretly kills the leader-level dummy, and the trash fish is dummy. The strength evaluation is the captain-level?"

The kendo class teacher is stupid. He doesn't suspect that someone is cheating, because there are three captains with the team. Who would dare to make such an outrageous fake evaluation?

On the other hand, if Yang Lei really had this kind of strength as a freshman, he would definitely be valued by the people above, and maybe he could graduate early tomorrow.

Therefore, the first reaction of the kendo teacher was not to doubt it, but to sweat cold sweat on his forehead. If Yang Lei really has the strength of a captain, wouldn't his previous taunts be humiliating himself?

His strength is just that, he can only become a teacher of the first grade kendo class, and the kendo level is around the third level, otherwise why would he have to eat here and wait to die.

As a result, he has no eyes to recognize Mount Tai, and he dares to sneer at the captain-level powerhouse. He really doesn't know what to do.

"I won't be hacked to death by him?"

The kendo teacher was worried, afraid that Yang Lei would take revenge, and if he put his heart to heart, he felt that he would definitely not let those who laughed at him.

Therefore, he is not a strong man, nor can he become a strong man. His heart is too narrow, and he spends most of his time thinking about these useless things. If it is used for cultivation, how can it not be so unbearable.

Just like Yang Lei, he didn't take these people to heart at all, and he didn't care about their words as a breeze. How could he have time to retaliate against them, and now he went to the forest to practice.

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