"That bastard."

Rukia cursed and was going to look for Yang Lei as soon as she came back (bgcj), only to find that he was nowhere to be seen in a blink of an eye, and she couldn't vent the anger in her heart, she almost vomited blood.

Rukia doesn't know what's going on with her. Yang Lei can always easily provoke her anger, but if she doesn't see her for a few days, she's a little worried. It can even be said that she misses her. T.

Rukia didn't know that this was a feeling of liking, she just thought that she wanted to be with Yang Lei because she didn't have any friends at the True Spiritual Art Institute.

But I haven't heard of anyone selling their own for ordinary friends, and they still don't know anything.

But Rukia has done this for Yang Lei, which proves that the two of them have no way of knowing, and they can only say that their days are still long.

. . . . . .

Not to mention Yang Lei and Rukia, let's look at Jingle Chunshui.

After completing the handover, he rushed to the first team building as soon as possible. In the captain's study, Jingle Chunshui briefly reported Yang Lei's situation to the captain.

"Reiatsu and strength beyond the captain's level?"

The commander-in-chief glared at Jingle Chunshui and said, "Is what you said true?"

Jingle Chunshui shrugged, he couldn't make fun of this kind of thing, right?

Having said that, he was also taken aback at the time, that kid is really a monster.

"Old Man Shan."

Jingle Chunshui shouted to the captain, and said, "Let him come to my eighth division, don't worry, I will definitely not waste his qualifications, and I will train him well."


The commander-in-chief let out a cold snort from his nose and scolded: "Are you training a team? I'm not dead yet, and I didn't say I want you to be the successor, right?"

Jingle Chunshui smiled, waved his hands again and again, and said, "Don't let me be the successor, I can't manage the Thirteenth Division and Jingling Court."

"I declare in advance that I am not cultivating the team. What should I say, he has a very bad temper with me and does not want to be restrained. I am afraid that he will not be able to stay in the first team."

"One more, if he doesn't come to my eighth division, I'm afraid he will go to another division to challenge the current captain. You don't want this to happen, right?"

Jingle Chunshui's vision is still very strong, he is not stupid, but extremely smart, otherwise he can't impress Yang Lei with just a few words.

Jingle Chunshui doesn't need too much power to see through Yang Lei, otherwise, when he was in the Naruto world, Yang Lei would definitely compete for the position of Naruto.

But he didn't, because Yang Lei himself knew that he was not that material, and he didn't want to be corrupted by power. He would rather practice hard than fight for so-called power or power in the office.

Therefore, Jingle Chunshui can succeed. Yang Lei does not want to be in charge and does not want to be too low. He also needs enough personal freedom. Going to the eighth team to be the third seat is the best choice.

The commander-in-chief frowned, hesitated for a while before sighing, and compromised: "Then let him go to the eighth division, but you'd better not take him badly, or I will teach you a lesson."

(PS: Happy Lantern Festival!).

0286 A year of penance!

Since the actual combat class passed, the attitude of the first-grade teachers towards Yang Lei has quietly changed. If he doesn't come, they won't say anything. They just assume that there is never a person like him in this grade.

Yang Lei was satisfied with this, and he didn't say that he would seek revenge against those who slandered him when he rose. He didn't have that spare time.

Yang Lei asked the teacher of the ghost class, the first-year ghost class only taught the first four numbers of the broken Tao, and there was only one more number for the bound Tao. There are only five numbers.

The first four numbers are: Breaking Road One. Chong, Breaking Road Four. Bailei, Breaking Road Eleven. Suspension Lightning, and Breaking-Road Twelve. Fu Huo.

The first five numbers of Binding Roads are: Binding [-]. Plug, Binding [-]. This rope, Binding [-]. Rebuke, Binding [-]. Strike, and the same Binding_Dao of Ninth Collapse wheel.

I have said before that not all students are geniuses, let alone a class, some may not be able to learn it for a year, so this year's ghost class has been reviewing these kinds of ghost ways.

Yang Lei felt helpless about this, and if he wanted to learn new ghost ways, he had to wait until next year.

In fact, he still has a choice. As long as he graduates early and enters the eighth team, he can find Jingle Chunshui to learn ghost Taoism, or let Jingle Chunshui help him and take him to the ghost Taoist group for training.

Not much, as long as you turn around in the ghosts, you can successfully steal the teacher.

It's just that Yang Lei doesn't want to leave the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute yet, so there's no other way.

Fortunately, he can also practice in another way, and it is not a waste of time.

After this period of cultivation, he has grown a lot.

When he first came to the world of Death God, his surrounding attributes were: [-] points in physique, [-] points in strength, [-] points in agility, and [-] points in spirit.

And now, his surrounding attributes have become: [-] points in physique, [-] points in strength, [-] points in agility, and [-] points in spirit, and his strength has been greatly improved.

As Yang Lei's base becomes larger and larger, the benefits of cultivation will also increase. After all, his cultivation level is also increasing, and now he can't get the slightest help with the ten-ton load on his back.

"You have to keep practicing."

Yang Lei came to the mountain forest again and did not give himself a vacation. Since he couldn't grow in the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute, he should follow his own method.

Anyway, his strength will be improved due to the improvement of attributes, which is the basic root of all power, and it is not in vain.

How can it be said that it was a waste of time, as Yang Lei's attributes in various aspects continued to increase, not only the amount of chakra was increasing, but the spiritual pressure was also becoming stronger.

Yang Lei's state is different from other gods of death. He abruptly turned his body into a soul, or it can be said that his body and soul have merged. Fortunately, he has the eyes of the past, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this level.

Therefore, his physical strength can completely act on Reiatsu.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a terrifying strength. After all, the body is the body, and the soul is the soul. At most, only spiritual attributes can act on the soul. If it is reflected in the spiritual pressure, it will be weakened by at least three-quarters out of thin air.

Therefore, his original insistence was the most correct choice. Once he gave up his body, he would probably have to re-cultivate in a soul state, and the way of cultivation would be different from now.

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