. . . . . .

Because Yang Lei himself has a planned cultivation policy, he doesn't care whether he can learn useful things at the True Central Spiritual Arts Academy, and he will not go back in the later stage. At most, he will go back once a few days to gather with Rukia. Moved to this forest.

Every day is quite fulfilling. After getting up, I started to practice, sweating, practicing hard for a day until my body reached the limit before resting, and waking up after a night to fight again.

He is not afraid that he will encounter danger when he is exhausted to the limit. After all, he still has six clones whose strength is equivalent to his own. Among them, the two clones of Lunhua's detachment are the same as the main body, which is why he can devote himself to cultivation so much. middle.

As the saying goes: A Jiazi in the mountains has been in the world for thousands of years.

This sentence is not so exaggerated in Yang Lei's case, but it also has a little meaning. It just feels that time passes quickly, it seems that it is only a blink of an eye, and a year has passed like this.

He didn't go back in the final exam, because he didn't need it, his strength has been recognized by the top, and now he can graduate early, what exams are there?

He just went back after the final exam to ask about Rukia's exam status, and then asked her to cut his half-length hair by the way. The two went to the cafeteria to have a meal together, and then came back again. .

This year, they should be in the second grade, they are no longer freshmen, and the ghost class has new content. Yang Lei has learned a few numbers of breaking and binding, respectively.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

The Thirty-One. Red Cannon, The Thirty-Two. Yellow Fire Flash, and The Thirty-Three. Cang Huo Pang, all of which have the word "Fire" in their names. It can be seen that they are all fire attributes to attack the Dao. .

The way of binding is the twenty-one of the way of binding. The red smoke escape, the twenty-sixth of the way of binding. Quguang, the thirty of the way of binding, the three flashes of the mouth, the thirty-seventh of the way of binding, the hanging star, and the way of the binding Thirty-nine. Round gate fan.

With the help of Jian Ji Ancient Eyes, Yang Lei should not be too easy to learn ghost Taoism, just 'watching' the teacher's explanation of ghost Taoism class, he can master it, and even give up singing without affecting the power of ghost Taoism.

In the second grade, Yang Lei finally came into contact with Hui Dao and obtained the second ability to heal the soul.


If Yang Lei hadn't promised Jingle Chunshui to go to the eighth division first, maybe the ghost teacher would have recommended him to the fourth division, because he could skillfully use Hui Dao just by looking at it. Amazing.

It's a pity that Yang Lei doesn't want to go to the fourth team, mainly because Mao Zhihualie has never promised him that you don't have to work when you come to the fourth team.

After this year of continuous hard work, his strength has increased again, and the load capacity has also increased again, from thirty tons a year ago to fifty tons.

It is conceivable how much stronger he is under such arduous and high-intensity cultivation.

[-] points of physique, [-] points of strength, [-] points of agility, and [-] points of spirit.

This is Yang Lei's current surrounding attributes, which has more than doubled compared to his own a year ago.

With the improvement of attributes, the strength has also risen, and it has improved a lot.

Now, Yang Lei no longer thinks about going to Lan Ran, because the guy's vigilance is too strong, and the city is too deep, he is afraid that he will be sold without knowing it.

Rather than being the enemy from the start, believing that hacking him would be easier than gaining his trust.

"My current strength."

Yang Lei looked at his hands confidently and murmured: "A year ago, he was far beyond the level of captain, not to mention now, he has already reached another level, Aizen, Youhabach, I will bring you surprises of.".

0287 Return to the True Spiritual Art Institute

When the strength reaches a certain level, every little bit of improvement may be a qualitative leap.

Therefore, Yang Lei is very confident, and his belief in invincibility has become more and more solid and unbreakable.

"It's time to go back."

This morning, Yang Lei didn't rush to practice after getting up. He took a bath by the nearby river, and then put on the black death tyrant suit like a windbreaker. It was still the school uniform. Today, I plan to return to Zhenyangling. Academy.

Since Yang Lei planned to cultivate here, he naturally had to change his living environment.

It is easy to make a big villa with wooden scorpion, too many facilities and furniture are not available, and there is no need, as long as you can enter the house to sleep.

There is also a fruit forest around the residence. There are all kinds of fruits, all kinds of flavors, which are his food reserves.

And the small river he just went to wash was also the "two forty zero" that he dug out with soil and water.

Having said that, it is really convenient to have ninjutsu by your side.

After getting dressed, Yang Lei did not rush to leave, but went to the orchard to collect some fruits, weaved a small rattan basket with a wooden dungeon in his hand, and carried a basket of fruits with a shawl and long hair. The Art of Flying Thunder God came to the True Central Spiritual Art Institute.

Yang Lei appeared in his original bedroom. At this time, there was no one in the room. It was class time, and others were not as free as him.

On Yang Lei's chuang bunk, all the quilts were removed, and only stacks of new clothes were placed on it, waiting for him to change at any time.

Maintaining high-intensity penance, the wear and tear of clothes is still very large, so he can't be allowed to stroll around naked, right?

Relying on the fact that he was valued by his superiors, Yang Lei finally made a request to use his privilege to ask Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy to prepare more clothes for him. Every time he came back, he would take a bunch of them with him. Anyway, he had personal space, so he was not worried about the inconvenience.

In addition to the fact that the standard clothing of the True Central Spiritual Art Institute needs to be changed frequently, Yang Lei's death tyrant costume is not needed, because it is made of spiritual pressure. As long as his spiritual pressure is not empty, it will not disappear, nor will it get dirty, or damage.

Just like his clothes in the immortal mode and the cloak in the human pillar mode, they are the materialization of some kind of power and naturally do not need to be replaced.

After changing the clothes inside and putting on the cape, Yang Lei put away the clothes on chuang, then carried the fruit basket, and came out of the door with a flick of his long hair.

"This year's actual combat class should be in these two days, right?"

Yang Lei muttered, he chose to come back today for the actual combat class, otherwise he would have come back long ago.

Going from the dormitory building to the teaching building, Yang Lei climbed the stairs to the second floor.

Classes in the teaching building are arranged according to the level of the school year. The first floor is the classroom for first-year students, the second-grade classroom is on the second floor, and the sixth floor is the student's classroom. The seventh floor is the teacher's office and rest. District, the eighth floor is the principal's office.

After arriving on the second floor, Yang Lei went to the classrooms one by one, and finally found someone in the innermost classroom. He didn't go in either. Shaking his head.

Sure enough, the teachings were all useless things, which was a waste of brain cells for him.

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