After waiting for a while, the class finally ended, the teacher left first, and the students came out in twos and threes.

As for Yang Lei, who was standing at the door, teachers and students should not see him, because he couldn't afford to provoke him, and he knew that he was too lazy to pay attention to himself and others.

There is no way to shoot. A year ago, many people scolded him behind his back. Anyone who had a face would come to flatter him in a blink of an eye. That would be too cheap.


Yang Lei really didn't even look at those strangers. He raised his hand to say hello to Rukia who came out last, shook the fruit basket in his hand, and said, "I'm here to see you again."

Rukia still hadn't made friends. As the daughter of the Kuchiki family, she should have been surrounded by the children of the low-level nobles, but she was not a natural daughter, but was adopted the day after tomorrow.

This made Rukia trapped in the middle of the noble circle and the commoner circle and not a human being, and no one wanted to approach her, which made her even more lonely, and finally even lost contact with her first friend Renji.

Fortunately, she still has Yang Lei, although she doesn't always come back, but at least she still has hope in her heart, and there is a hint of tenderness that warms her heart.

Hearing the greeting, Rukia raised her head and rolled her eyes at Yang Lei. Today, Yang Lei has grown taller again. He is only fourteen and a half years old, but his height has reached [-] meters. He looks like a [-]- or [-]-year-old boy , Rukia bowed her head in front of him, like a child.

"You speak as if you are an outsider."

Rukia complained, and was not polite to him. She grabbed the fruit basket and searched for it. She found the fruit she liked and took a sip in her hand...  

"So sweet."

Rukia showed a contented sweet smile, and even a pair of beautiful big eyes narrowed together.

It's not that there is no fruit in Jingling Court, but Yang Lei's variety is not as complete, and she found that the fruits brought by Yang Lei seem to be much better than those in Jingling Court.

Nonsense, this is cultivated by Chakra, and it is rich in nutrients and valuable. Can it be delicious?

"The hair is growing again."

Yang Lei and Rukia walked side by side, deliberately fluffing their long hair and sighing.

Rukia pretended not to hear, she was about to become his royal scissor hand, why?She is Miss Qianjin, she is too conscientious, isn't she?

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows, this girl had to let him waste a lot of saliva every time before agreeing.

But he just wanted to ask people to help, and there was no way to do that, so he had to follow their ideas.

In fact, Yang Lei can completely let the shadow clone help, but, since the first time he had his hair cut by Rukia's little hand, he likes this feeling, so every time he returns to the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts, he has trouble. Rukia.

As usual, Yang Lei wasted a lot of saliva again, and finally asked for Rukia's help. Gong, the other is constantly circling around each other, holding a pair of scissors in his hand and constantly repairing his hair.

"All right."

After a while, Rukia finished 3.2 and became a job. Looking at her work with satisfaction, she found that she is very talented in this area.

It's just a pity, there is definitely no way to open a barber shop in the soul world, because the growth of the soul is very slow, except for some outliers, or special changes by oneself, often the same appearance can be maintained for a hundred years.

Yang Lei is an alternative. His body and soul are fused, so his hair needs to be repaired frequently. He has grown ten centimeters in height in just one year, just like taking hormones.


The two were not in a hurry to leave. They sat and chatted together, and then heard Yang Lei say, "This year's actual combat class is about to start again, right?"


Rukia nodded with the fruit in her mouth, and replied vaguely, "It's just tomorrow, do you want to participate too?"

"Of course, otherwise I'm afraid you will be in danger.".

0288 Before the second combat class

The next morning, Yang Lei walked into the teaching building again and sat with Rukia. After a while, he was announced by the Kendo class teacher that they were going to participate in the actual combat class trial in the present world.

"Jun Yang Lei."

After the announcement about the actual combat class, the kendo class teacher suddenly looked at Yang Lei and asked, "Wait a minute, do you want to participate in the actual combat class too?"

"of course."

Yang Lei nodded and stood up politely.

After all, his identity is a student. No matter how weak a kendo teacher is, he is still a teacher. Respect is his basic etiquette.

The kendo teacher's expression softened a bit. He was very satisfied and content with Yang Lei's face, and explained the reason why he asked him, "Whether you know it or not, I have to explain it to you in advance."

"The Jingling Court has rules. All the gods of death above the level of vice-captains must seal the settings on their bodies when they go to the world, otherwise the huge spiritual pressure will affect the souls of the world."

"Your spiritual pressure has been determined to be the captain level. Although you haven't awakened to the 16 swords, you have to abide by this rule. Captain Jingle Chunshui asked me to inform you that he will personally set it up for you before departure. seal."

After listening to the kendo class teacher's explanation, Yang Lei nodded to show his understanding.

He understands this setting, so he doesn't care. Once he encounters a crisis, he can lift the restriction at any time, and he doesn't even need the permission of Jingling Court. He just has to write a report if he doesn't apply, which is a bit troublesome.

But it doesn't matter, his strength is much stronger, even if he is sealed [-]% of his strength is enough to surpass the captain's level.

After coming to the Soul World for so long, Yang Lei has already deduced the comparison between the strength level of the Death God World and the Ninja World.

For example, there are two divisions of strength levels in the world of death gods, namely the ordinary god of death in the soul world, the god of death at the officer level, the god of death at the vice-captain level, and the god of death at the captain level.

In the virtual circle, ordinary trash fish is not counted first. There are three levels of virtuals above the big virtual level. They are the lowest-level Kilian-level big virtual, the next Yachukas-level big virtual, and the history. The Wattold level is huge.

Here, the Killian-level Daxu can already be comparable to the Officer-level Reaper, the Achukas-level Daxue is stronger than the Vice-Captain's level, and the Swartold-level Daxu is definitely more than the Captain-level.

According to Yang Lei's arrangement, the Swatold level is equivalent to the immortal level of Naruto World.

Captain-level Reaper is equivalent to Shadow-level powerhouse.

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