Achukas Daxu and Elite Vice-Captain are equivalent to the Quasi-Shadow class.

Killian Daxu and the deputy captain, as well as the elite officers are equivalent to Shangin.

Ordinary officers are equivalent to Chunin.

The level mentioned here is only a theoretical division, and the actual strength that can be exerted depends on actual combat experience and skills.

For example, Yang Lei, although his spiritual pressure level has reached the captain level, even a limited number of people know that it is already a spiritual pressure that exceeds the captain level.

However, because he hasn't awakened his Zanpakutō, and hasn't shown too many fighting skills, he's not feared by others, thinking that his actual combat experience is not enough.

But I don't know, Yang Lei's actual combat experience is not bad, he can command his own powerful strength like an arm, but don't forget, he still has a clone with the same strength as himself that can be practiced and learned from.

The current Yang Lei has already surpassed the creation level, and Aizen's transcendence state, as well as the strength of Yuhabach who killed the Spirit King, and Kurosaki Ichigo in the moonless state, in fact, they are all only at the creation level. .

In other words, the current Yang Lei can really be said to be invincible in the world.

Even if [-]% of the spiritual pressure is sealed, not to mention that Chakra will not encounter any obstacles and can exert all the strength of the ninja, only to say that only [-]% of the spiritual pressure is enough to achieve, even more than captain level.

So he didn't have any psychological burden, just participated in a school-level practical trial, and the seal was sealed.

Nodding, Yang Lei said, "I see."

The kendo teacher didn't say anything more, and pointed to a bunch of shallow fights that had been prepared by the side, and ordered: "Okay, everything that should be explained has been explained, you come and get the shallow fights, let's go now. "

No one in the class moved, and only after Yang Lei took Rukia to the front and took two shallow hits did he act.


Yang Lei thought about it, stopped, and said to the kendo teacher, "Prepare me a shallow punch. I practice double swordsmanship."

He has a knife himself, and there are two Kusanagi swords, one long and one short, in his personal space, not to mention a steel corpse vein, and he can take out the weapon at any time if he wants.

It's just that if he can, he doesn't want to expose the fact that he has personal space. As early as in the ninja world, he believed in it, whether it was a big move or not, whether it was important or not, only what others didn't know was his trump card.


With such a small request, the kendo class teacher would definitely not say no, and he took off his own light punch from his waist and gave it to Yang Lei.

His shallow punches are just ordinary shallow punches, not expensive or rare, so it doesn't matter.

Yang Lei nodded with satisfaction, and then walked outside with Rukia holding the knife in both hands.

With him around, the students would feel uncomfortable, and after the two of them left, there was a sound of relief in the room.

It's like ordinary people suddenly stand with the head of a country. Even if the head of state doesn't put on airs, his expression is still very kind, but ordinary people still feel nervous.

This is human nature.

Here it is even worse. The strong have their own momentum that cannot be concealed. Unless they are in frequent contact, they will be captured.

I didn't know it before, but since I knew Yang Lei's strength, I didn't even dare to talk to him easily 390 times.

That is to say, not only Rukia, but also Yang Lei is alone, no wonder they are getting closer.

"When did you practice the two-handed sword?"

As soon as she came out of the classroom, Rukia aimed her eyes at Yang Lei, she was really curious, how could he be so rude?Why practice double swordsmanship?

The double-sword flow has one more weapon than the single-sword flow, and it may be able to gain some advantages in battle.

But when cultivating, because there is an extra weapon, the effort must be much more than that of a sword.

Moreover, Yi Dao Liu can hold a knife with both hands, and his strength is definitely stronger than holding a knife with one hand. It is not certain who has the upper hand.

Nonsense, if one more weapon can secure the upper hand, why do you need to fight?Just practice a few more knives, just like Kirabi's seven knives flow, you can win directly when you show it.

Yang Lei is different here. He has the eyes to see the ancients, so there is no distinction between the main hand and the deputy, and the left and right hands are the dominant hand.

It is also because of the relationship between Jianji Ancient Eyes and Tongshu, he does not need to work hard to practice swordsmanship. After only a few battles in the ninja world, swordsmanship has naturally become natural. According to the level of the world of death, the level of kendo is sufficient. Reach level ten.

As for the power and speed of swinging the knife, sorry, at least for now, he can also reach an unparalleled level. .

0289 Mirror Flowers and Moon!

Yang Lei and Rukia didn't stop to wait for the others behind them. The two came out of the True Central Spiritual Arts Academy while chatting and walked towards the crossing gate.

They had participated in an actual combat trial at this time last year. They had experience, and they knew that they would definitely gather at the gate of the realm in the end, so they could just go ahead.

Otherwise, they have no acquaintance other than each other, and it would be boring to watch other people chatting lively.

Anyway, with Yang Lei's current reputation and strong spiritual pressure level, I believe that no one will trouble him.

After coming to Chuanjie Gate, there were already people from the Technology Development Bureau waiting there, and four captains were chatting there.

"I'm coming."

Jingle Chunshui was one of the four captains. After seeing Yang Lei, he hurried up to meet him, still holding a utensil in his hand.

"Did your teacher tell you?"

Jingle Chunshui asked Yang Lei, and without waiting for him to answer, he raised the tool in his hand and said to himself, "This is a restraint, it can seal [-]% of your spiritual pressure, so that you won't be able to. It has influenced the spirits of this world."

"I know."

Yang Lei nodded and cooperated with Jingle Chunshui to open the front of his clothes, letting him leave a pattern of gladiolus in his heart.

Gladiolus, this is the name of a kind of flower, also called gladiolus. It is the team flower on the team badge of the eighth team. This pattern will also be depicted on the eighth team's death fighter to distinguish it from other teams. the difference.

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