Yang Lei hasn't graduated yet, so he didn't have the gladiolus pattern on the dead tyrant outfit.

"Okay, I'm going back."

After finishing his work, Jingle Chunshui said goodbye to Yang Lei. He was not among the three captains who accompanied the team this time, but the other three. He came to stamp Yang Lei specifically, telling others that this guy had been arrested. Their eighth division has a reservation.

The three captains accompanying this time are the fifth division captain Aizen Sousuke, the tenth division captain Shiba Isshin, and the twelfth division captain Nie Mayuri.

Now Shiba Isshin is still the god of death in the Soul Society, and he is the captain of the tenth division.

You think, this is about [-] years before the plot begins. At this time, Ishida Ryugen, the father of Ishida Yulong, and Kurosaki Masaki may not have been born.

If Shiba Yixin ran into the world now, the plot would definitely collapse.

"Yo, isn't this the big talent from last year 々〃?"

Zhibo didn't wait for Jingle Chunshui to leave, and swayed from not far away, raised his hand in a friendly tone and said hello.

When he was young, Shiba was very handsome, and when he smiled brightly, Rukia couldn't help but dazzled his eyes.

"Cough cough."

Yang Lei coughed dryly, and moved his footsteps quietly to block Rukia in front of him, thinking a little bit in his heart, isn't he handsome?

He is also handsome, but he can't smile so heartlessly, this sunny smile is very simple, and the worst thing to say is that only people with weak heads can show it.

"One mind? What are you going to do?"

Before Jingle Chunshui left, he stared at Zhibo Yixin with a wary face, and scolded directly: "Didn't your tenth division recruit a genius? And it also occupied the third seat. Yang Lei, he has already You promised to come to our eighth division to be the third seat, so you can give up."

"Don't say that."

Zhibo laughed nonchalantly, and greeted Yang Lei, "Your name is Yang Lei? The door of our tenth division will always be open for you."

"Fuck off."

No matter how good-tempered Jingle Chunshui was, Rao Shijing couldn't help but utter a foul language. Isn't this slapping himself in the face?

The two captains at the back also came over at this time, Nie Yuli swept Yang Lei up and down with scrutinizing eyes, and Lan Ran showed a signature gentle and harmless smile, and greeted Yang Lei: "Jun Yang Lei, we The fifth division also has a third seat ready for you at any time, and once you are familiar with the job, it is not impossible to replace the vice-captain."

In the face of Aizen and Zhibo's wholehearted solicitation, Yang Lei always refused with a smile.

From the depths of Aizen's eyes, Yang Lei couldn't see the slightest sincerity, and some were just deep vigilance and exploration. If he really thought that the other party was sincerely trying to recruit him, he would be really stupid.

As for Zhibo Yixin, he himself will have to cross the river with a mud bodhisattva in the next few years.It's just a no-brainer.

Moreover, once Zhibo Yixin dropped the line, it is estimated that Hitsugaya Toshiro, who is still the third seat, will definitely be on top at the first time, because that guy is also a genius, and his qualifications are higher than himself, so don't go to blame.

So, he is still waiting to go to the eighth team to be a master and enjoy himself.

Because of Yang Lei's attitude, Jingle Chunshui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, patted Yang Lei's shoulder with satisfaction, and finally left with confidence.

It is estimated that as long as Yang Lei's attitude is a little more ambiguous and ambiguous, maybe Jingle Chunshui will have the heart to chase him into the world together, and it's okay.

For Yang Lei's refusal, the two captains who issued the solicitation didn't care, and Nie Yuli finally put away his disgusting eyes. The three captains looked into the distance together and saw that the army of students was finally here. Came here.

When the students arrived to gather, the troops were not in a hurry to set off. Aizen stood at the front of the team and introduced the functions of the Zanpakutō in detail to everyone, and even kindly showed the beginning of his Zanpakutō. .

Yang Lei secretly pouted, what kind of intentions, he knows that Lan Ran is planning, in order to be safe, even these students who have not graduated yet, and strive to make everyone in Jingling Court the prisoner of Jinghuashuiyue.

But unfortunately, Lan Ran didn't know Yang Lei's power, so he rashly showed Jinghua Shuiyue in front of Jian Jigu's eyes, but he was copied by others in just a split second.

Yang Lei is different from the god of death. The body and soul are fused together, so he can't awaken his Zanpakutō.

But it doesn't matter, he can copy other people's Zanpakutō, just like now, the first Zanpakutō he got is Jinghua Suizue.

".(Are you okay?) This way."

Yang Lei whispered in his heart: "Even if my pupil technique can't make Jinghua Shuiyue ineffective, don't be afraid. As long as you hold Jinghua Shuiyue and fight with Lan Ran, you will no longer be confused by his five senses."

Although Yang Lei's pupil technique is very powerful, he has never used it in the world of death, so he doesn't know if he can abandon the illusion of Zanpakutō, especially the advanced illusion type Zanpakutō like Kyoka Shuiyue.

Fortunately, Aizen likes to plan ahead, otherwise it may not be possible for him to find this opportunity in the future.

"You can test it when you go back."

Seeing that Aizen was still talking in front of him, Yang Lei continued to be distracted and said to himself: "Let the clone use the mirror on me, and then use the pupil technique to see if it can see through the illusion, or even offset and discard the illusion."

"By the way, you can also try to imitate Jinghuashuiyue's illusion, which will make my Sharinyan's illusion more difficult to resist."

0290 Yang Lei's thoughts

After Aizen finished showing his Kyoka Shuiyue, the team finally started and came to the world through the gate of crossing the world.

It was still on an uninhabited island, and the advance team of the Technology Development Bureau and the ghosts had already prepared the enchantment.

This time, Yang Lei's grade was no longer a freshman team, so he was no longer cared for. He and the other four senior teams walked in five directions respectively, and was taken to a barrier to wait for the start of the actual combat class trial.

Among the three captains, Aizen, the captain of the fifth division, was left in the center of the island to take care of the new students, while the other two captains flew in mid-air on Shunbu, one looking after the left half and the other looking after the right half. Arrive in time.

"let's start."

After all the classes were ready, Nie Yuuri, who was also the director of the Technology Development Bureau, waved his hand and announced that this year's actual combat class had begun.

Outside the barrier of the second-year students, a member of the Technology Development Bureau threw in more than [-] baits. Just like last year's process, crushing one bait can call out a ghost.

It's just that the level of the bait is higher than last year. Although it still won't summon the phantom of the big phantom level, at least it is no longer a trash fish, but a cannon fodder level.

Trash fish and cannon fodder are actually the same level, but cannon fodder sounds at least higher than trash fish.

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