If you think about it, it is also true that all the students who conduct Trial 260 are not the official death gods.

And the virtual above the big virtual level has at least the rank of officials, but it is not something they can deal with.

At least not everyone can deal with, unless they are all geniuses.

But genius is so easy to be called, if it is as common as Chinese cabbage, it will not be called a genius.

The word genius is the abbreviation of Tianzongzhicai. It is a super talent bestowed by God, but not everyone can have it.

"Yang Lei."

As soon as the bait was thrown in, Rukia shouted loudly for the first time, startling Yang Lei, thinking that something had happened to her.

Yang Lei didn't open his pupil technique now, so he didn't have a [-]-degree angle of view, so he could only turn his head to look behind him, but only to find that Rukia, who was standing behind him, had already made a dash to run in front of him. .

"This girl."

Rolling his eyes helplessly, Yang Lei realized that Rukia was doing it on purpose, to distract her attention, so she could take the bait first.

Sure enough, Rukia rushed back and Yang Lei raised a bait in his hand, and said with a complacent smile: "This year (bgdg) can't let you succeed, you are too much, always thinking about crushing the bait together. , that will attract a group of falsehoods."

"It's nothing to you, but for us, the threat is too great."

Rukia was frightened by Yang Lei's actions last year. She was really worried that if he didn't pay attention, he would crush all the baits. By then, I'm afraid the entire barrier would be crowded with emptiness.

Afterwards, Yang Lei's classmates secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They really forgot about this. Fortunately, Rukia still remembers it.


Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly, walked to the edge of the barrier, sat down, leaned against the spirit wall of the barrier, and said lazily, "You guys can go to battle with confidence, as long as I'm here, I can protect you all. safety."

Yang Lei's words are no exaggeration at all. Even if his spiritual pressure is sealed by [-]%, he is still at the level of a captain, stronger than the three captains who led the team, and is enough to keep these students in the same enchantment.

Even if a Swatold-level Daxu suddenly jumps out, he can instantly kill him, and he doesn't need to lift the restrictions on the spiritual pressure. After all, his chakra is not suppressed.

The students still recognized Yang Lei's strength very much, and they all knew that this same-level student already had the strength of the captain's spiritual pressure. Maybe he could graduate early as long as he awakened the Zanpakutō.

The students still took it for granted. In fact, Yang Lei can graduate now, even if he has not awakened Zanpakutō.

It's just that he didn't want to leave so early, because there was one person he couldn't let go of, and he wanted to find out exactly what his heart was thinking and what place she occupied in his heart.

"It's only been a little over a year since I realized it."

Yang Lei looked at Rukia, who had already started the battle, and muttered to himself: "But why does she hold a very important place in my heart? Or, am I just this kind of man? Can't help but be moved?"

It has been said many times that Yang Lei is an orphan. He longs for family, for affection, for connection between people, and for recognition.

But he had to leave before he was about to start a family, and was forcibly taken to this familiar and unfamiliar world.

At this time, Rukia appeared, not only to help Yang Lei through a difficult time, but also to take him in and plan to become a family with him.

What Yang Lei didn't know was that when Rukia said that she wanted to become his family, she had already occupied a very important place in his heart. It can even be said that in the world of death, Rukia is The only person he cared about, at least for now.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't dare to face his own feelings, and it was also because he longed for his family and feelings too much, so he didn't want to betray Hinata and Xiao Ying. He had already sorry for them once, so they had to share their grievances and be with him, how could he be willing to let them down again? ?

Moreover, Yang Lei came from the world of monogamy. At most, he had fantasized about life in the harem and palace in his dreams. In reality, he never thought that he would have such a day.

Therefore, even though he had already identified Rukia in his subconscious mind, he was resisting consciously, which made him feel more and more entangled. Life and death can't be completely strangers to her, and even if you don't see her for a few days, you will miss her.

This guy really tortured himself a lot this year.


Just when Yang Lei was thinking about something on his mind, a white pear smashed over from the front.


Raising his hand subconsciously, Yang Lei grabbed the white pear in his hand, his eyes regained clarity and he looked forward, and saw that Rukia was holding another white pear in his mouth, looking at himself with a puzzled face.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Rukia asked vaguely, then looked at Yang Lei while eating sweet pears.

Yang Lei didn't even think about it, so he opened his mouth and said, "I'm thinking about when you will promise me."


Rukia sprayed, and stared at Yang Lei with her pretty face flushed, and shouted angrily, "I'm going to die."

Yang Lei smiled, he just liked to tease her, and seeing her so embarrassed and angry with him, somehow felt very cute.

It may also have something to do with Lu Qi's petite body. From the outside, Lu Qia looks like a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, very much like a primary school student. The word cute is just right for her, neither exaggerated nor exaggerated. affectation. .

0291 Emergency!

Rukia just finished the battle, and left the remaining bait to the other students, ran to Yang Lei's side and sat down, with the same posture as him, leaning on the spirit wall of the enchantment.

The appearance of the two of them as outsiders makes people outside speechless.

You must know that the actual combat class test occupies a heavy proportion in the score, and the score obtained will be counted in the final exam.

But it turned out that Yang Lei didn't need to take the final exam at all, and Rukia didn't want to compete for points with others after she was singled out to get rid of a dummy.


In the sky, Nie Yuli, who had been keeping his eyes fixed in this direction, suddenly snorted coldly. He wanted to see the shot of this peerless genius who claimed to have surpassed the captain-level Reiatsu.

Seeing that Yang Lei's posture is quite a bit like he wants to sit through the island, he doesn't want to shoot at all, so he can't help but get anxious.

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