Unless he sees death, he is not such a cold-blooded person. At least he still has the bottom line of being a human being. Since he has that ability, he will never watch his peers get bitten and eaten.


"You go out first."

Yang Lei said to the students in front of him.

"How to get out?"

The students' eyes lit up again, but they dimmed again in a blink of an eye. They heard Kira Ihe murmur in a desperate tone: "The barrier can only be opened from the outside, and there is no way to get out."

Aside, Renji continued: "Looking at the meaning of the outsiders, they are also afraid that the false entry here will threaten their lives. Oh, what a ridiculous face."

"Jun Yang Lei."

A little girl who was shorter than Rukia looked up at Yang Lei and persuaded: "You are very strong, if there is a way to get out, please don't care about us."

This little girl's name is Hina Mori Tao, the childhood sweetheart of Toshiro Hitsugaya mentioned earlier.

"Don't despair so soon."

Yang Lei shrugged, instructed them to connect their hands together, and educated them before sending them out: "Remember, unless you are really dead, don't give up hope, otherwise, even if there is a chance to live lose it too.”

After that, Yang Lei didn't care whether those students would take it to heart or not, slapped Renji on the back and sent them all out with the Flying Thunder God technique.


Seeing that the little food that was left suddenly disappeared, and finally there was only one left.

As for why they are not in a hurry to shoot, they are actually afraid of each other, afraid that they will be attacked by others behind their backs, and instead of hunting food, it will become someone else's food.

"Stop calling."

Yang Lei was so annoyed that he grabbed the hilt of the knife and pulled out the scabbard, bursting out a huge pillar of spiritual pressure at the level of a captain, shouting: "Come on, I will send you on your way."

0292 Yang Lei shows off his power!

The power of the spiritual pressure that Yang Lei burst out shocked everyone outside.

Especially the three captains, they couldn't help looking at each other, Zhibo Yixin couldn't help but murmured, "Could that guy from Jingle Chunshui have made a false limit?"

It's no wonder that Zhibo is suspicious of Jingle Chunshui. This kind of restriction can only be enjoyed by the vice-captain level and above. Once sealed, only [-]% of the spiritual pressure will be left.

But it turned out that Yang Lei's spiritual pressure level was still at the captain level, and they could naturally see that Yang Lei didn't lift the restriction without permission.

It's scary to think about it, don't tell them that Yang Lei can reach the captain level even if he has only [-]% of his spiritual pressure left, it's a bit too enchanting.

But after thinking about it again, Zhibo Yixin was a little relieved. The captain of the [-]th team Kenpachi Zakigi was also a monster. Although he did not awaken the Zanpakutō, the Reiatsu that erupted was faintly trying to catch up with the captain. Trend, can not help but admire.

"Yang Lei, come out quickly."

Rukia's anxious call sounded outside the barrier. She didn't have the leisurely thoughts of the captains.

Rukia was sent out by Yang Lei, so she could immediately think that Yang Lei must have a way to come out.

It's just that he doesn't want to come out.

Why are you in such a hurry to go out?Wouldn't it be the same to go out after killing these annoying guys?

As for whether the exposed strength will scare Aizen or something, he no longer cares, because he has long decided to give up the option of Aizen.

He is not a flamboyant person, but the invincible belief in his heart prevents him from being a man with his tail between his legs. Once he encounters a battle, he will definitely think of winning the battle. Over time, he will naturally show his legs, so it is better to become an enemy from the beginning. .


Yang Lei held down the handle of the shallow punching knife hanging on his waist, pulled the knife out of the scabbard, looked at Qun Xu who was still venting his anger by roaring, frowned, and shouted: "Stop screaming, it's annoying. "

The group was suddenly quiet, they were provoked?Obviously Yang Lei is only one person, yet dare to provoke a group of them?Really looking for death.

At this moment, because of Yang Lei's ridicule, Qun Xu temporarily reached an alliance, no longer guarding each other, but all eyes on Yang Lei.

In the virtual group, there are also several great virtuals with similar spiritual pressure level as the captain, so they are not afraid and are not intimidated by Yang Lei's power.


Hearing an order from a certain Daxu, Qunxu started to move, and pounced on Yang Lei.


People outside, men and women, all exclaimed in surprise, and some even covered their eyes, daring to see what would happen to Yang Lei.

Unlike others, Rukia stared nervously inside the barrier and didn't dare to blink, worried that when she just blinked and opened it again, Yang Lei would disappear and be eaten by something.

The picture that Rukia was worried about would not appear, and Yang Lei was not so weak.

Instead of retreating, he moved forward. Facing the crowd of demons dancing around, Yang Lei took the initiative to meet them with two ordinary shallow strikes in his hands. Before he was about to collide with the crowd, he slammed the long sword with both hands.


Two huge slender sharp swords were cut out by him, and he quickly cut forward to cut off countless virtual heads, and some were cut in half. After all, virtual heights are different in size.

Occasionally, there were one or two short statures who escaped by chance, but most of the phantoms were destroyed by Yang Lei's move.

Even outside the enchantment, there was a pause, and only the three captains remained calm.

Most of the people present were students, and they were freshmen last year. How did they know the strength of the captain level, and they thought that the gap between them should not be too big. Now I finally see it with my own eyes. The gap between them is heaven and earth. else.

The students didn't even dare to crush more than [-] pieces of bait together, but here Yang Lei, his knife killed at least [-] heads of Xu, and his strength was much stronger than the miscellaneous fish and cannon fodder Xu they summoned.

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