"What a strong sword pressure."

Zhibo Yixin and Aizen exclaimed together, but their attitudes were different. The former showed surprise, while the latter's eyes quickly flashed with fear and inquiry.

"Trash fish is trash fish."

Yang Lei stood with his sword closed, without looking at the group of corpses under his feet, but glanced at those Da Xu who were standing in the distance, and saw that they all had their mouths open, and there was a red light flickering in front of their mouths. Condensed, Yang Lei recognized that it was a virtual move, virtual flash.

"Get it."

With a murmur in his heart, Yang Lei copied the virtual flash with the eyes of the ancients. He didn't dare to use it now, and rushed out again with his feet on the ground.


Yang Lei's speed is too fast, and his agility is amazing. Coupled with Shunbu's blessing, he just came to the back of a big virtual in an instant, like a teleportation.


The Daxu couldn't react at all, his neck was instantly cut off by Yang Lei, and the imaginary flash that was about to be condensed in his mouth exploded in an instant, just blasting his master's head into powder, turning it into a spiritual child and disappearing.


It wasn't until Yang Lei hacked to death a Daxu that those Daxu finally raised their vigilance. Their strengths were almost the same, that is to say, they might not even be opponents.

But this is not the time to run away, the black cavity has long since dissipated because there is no one to maintain it, and they dare not open the black cavity now, for fear that someone will seize the opportunity to cut it into two pieces.


No way, they can only bite the bullet and release the virtual flash, hoping to hit Yang Lei.


Yang Lei smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, the space for the barrier was so big, if he flashed, those few phantom flashes would definitely hit the barrier, but he didn't know if the barrier was strong...  

He didn't dare to try the defensive power of the barrier, because there was still Rukia outside, and the effect of the bait had not disappeared, and the black cavity was opened not far away, so he could only resist.

"In that case."

Yang Lei snorted softly, raised his right hand to aim forward, and said, "The Thirty-Three of Destruction, Cang Huo Ping."


A huge fireball suddenly appeared out of thin air, and after easily offsetting the few phantom flashes, it quickly slammed forward.

"Is that Cang Huo Pang?"

Outside, even the three captains couldn't calm down at this time.

Just kidding, who's Cang Huo Ping is such a big fireball?It can almost be compared to the technique of the fireball, right?

The main reason is that Yang Lei is still wearing the restricted seal of spiritual pressure. If he lifts the restriction, it is not unacceptable. Captains of other captain levels, especially those who are good at ghosts, are not unable to display such a powerful smash. road.

"The main thing is."

Zhibo Yixin murmured in shock: "He seems to have given up singing?"

Zhibo couldn't be sure, afraid that Yang Lei would add a suffix to chant as soon as he finished speaking, which would be a slap in the face.

Sure enough, Yang Lei's right hand did not fall. It seems that this breaking of the road has not been completed.

Unfortunately, what Yang Lei said next was not a suffix chant, but.

"The fourth one, Bai Lei."


A laser beam with a diameter of more than three meters was released from Yang Lei's hand. He controlled the distance and did not hit the barrier. With a wave of his hand, it swept across the barrier, not only killing the big lazy people who were chased by Cang Huozui. Cut off the waist, and killed all those who newly appeared, or those who were just about to appear.

Not only that, 4.1, some of the black cavities that were about to be formed were so impacted that they were shaken violently and disappeared.

It seems that it was Xu who found the danger inside, so he shut down the black cavity in time and didn't dare to take the lead again.

Under the joint attack of the two Daoists, all the virtuals inside the barrier were beheaded by Yang Lei, and the people outside were dumbfounded.

"So, is this the strength of a captain?"

Someone murmured, and everyone looked up and found that students from other grades were also coming. They were attracted by the momentum here. As a result, they saw this picture. It's kind of scary.

"Open the barrier."

Nie Yuli waited for a while, seeing that there was no more space to come out, so he reluctantly let people lift the barrier, and finally let Yang Lei come out.


Rukia couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed into Yang Lei's arms, clenching fists with both hands and beating his heart hard, two tears fell on Yang Lei's skin from the corners of her eyes, hot and hot, warming his heart and soul. . .

0293 The third year! ! !

After this year's actual combat class, Yang Lei's reputation was once again spread, and even the captains of the various squads were all ears.

The main reason is that Zhibo Yixin, who is also the captain, is too active. He is chasing Jingle Chunshui every day. He wants to change team members with him.

The captains know Toushiro's talent, and he can definitely become a captain candidate in the future.

It is conceivable how powerful Yang Lei, who can be chased by Zhibo, is so strong.

In fact, Zhibo Yixin didn't really have to exchange for Yang Lei. Doing so would damage his reputation. How could he lead the tenth team in the future?

In fact, he just wanted to ask, what happened to Yang Lei?In the past, Jingle Chunshui had given him a limit on whether to seal the spiritual pressure or not.

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