Zhibo has never let go of his mind until now. If Yang Lei can still burst into the level of a captain when the spiritual pressure is restricted by the seal, doesn't it mean that Yang Lei has reached the level of surpassing all captains?

Not only Zhibo Yixin, but Aizen is also struggling, but he can't escape like Zhibo Yixin in the role he is currently playing, so he can't go to Jingle Chunshui for verification.

"What is the origin of that kid?"

Aizen frowned, because he was sitting alone in the captain's quarters, so his expression was no longer fake, showing his true face, looking a bit gloomy and cold.

Not many people know about Aizen's plan yet. He wants to take that seat in the sky, and to achieve that goal, one can imagine how big obstacles will be encountered on the road ahead.

Even the entire Jingling Court will be an enemy of it, so he will go to the virtual circle to develop his own power.

But now a Yang Lei suddenly popped out, which made Lan Ran feel entangled. Even he couldn't see the truth of Yang Lei. There was always a bad feeling lingering in his heart, as if reminding himself that the guy was a dangerous creature.

"Just a kid."

In the end, Aizen forced himself to calm down. He is still the captain of the fifth division. He is a well-known good guy, but he can't be exposed because of a little trivial matter.

"Perhaps, you can find someone to try it out?"

Aizen made a decision in his heart. Maybe such a talented person can get in touch with him a little. Anyway, he didn't come out on his own, and there would be no loss if he succeeded or failed.

What Lan Ran didn't know was that Yang Lei had already rejected him in his heart.

Even if Aizen is willing to recruit Yang Lei now, Yang Lei knows that once his true strength is known to him, he will definitely be guarded against, or even designed.

In this way, it is better to stay in Jingling Court with peace of mind.

Another, there is another person here who is worried about Yang Lei, but he refuses to admit it.

Ever since Rukia's unforgettable flutter and she was worried to the point of tears, the relationship between the two has finally developed. It is no longer limited to ordinary friends. The feelings of friendship are slowly brewing, and it may only take a small amount of time. Small opportunities can make a huge difference.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't dare to admit that the relationship was undergoing a qualitative change. He was afraid that he would betray Hinata and Sakura, and he didn't want to hurt Rukia.

As for Rukia, because she has never experienced this kind of thing, she is still confused and ignorant, so she is not as tangled as Yang Lei, but what makes her more puzzled is that Yang Lei has not come back to see her for a year. .

That's right, Yang Lei has been away for a year since the second actual combat class trial. He has to try to distance himself from Rukia, otherwise, he will only get deeper and deeper.

Even in order to alienate Rukia, he didn't even take the ghost class in the third year, and he didn't know what broken and bound ways were taught in this year's ghost class.

. . . . . .


In a certain forest outside the Jingling Court, in the front yard of a luxury villa made of wood, a person is sweating and doing various exercises, such as push-ups or sit-ups.

When ordinary people do these exercises, the effect they can play is to strengthen the body. At most, it can make the body better. In summer, you can wear revealing clothes to hook up with little girls, daughters-in-law, or young men or something.

But in Yang Lei, it was different. He was carrying a terrifying weight of [-] tons to practice cultivation. Every time he got down on his back, it seemed like he was carrying a hill on his back. .

Such arduous cultivation is naturally rewarding.

A year ago, Yang Lei's surrounding attributes were: [-] points in constitution, [-] points in strength, [-] points in agility, and [-] points in spirit.

And now, his surrounding attributes have become: [-] points in physique, [-] points in strength, [-] points in agility, and [-] points in spirit.

As the load-bearing level has changed from fifty tons a year ago to one hundred tons, the attributes have more than tripled accordingly.

Today's Yang Lei no longer thinks about his own strength. He only knows that he is invincible, at least in the world of death, he is invincible.

"It will be in the future."

Yang Lei said to himself that his belief in invincibility became stronger and stronger, not because he was too arrogant, but because he believed that as long as he refused to relax and continued to cultivate like this, he would definitely be invincible forever.

Such hard training is like torture or punishment to others, but Yang Lei is already used to it.

When he was in Naruto World before, he spent most of the time in cultivation, and only a small part of the time was free to move.

Therefore, if you want to be a dignitary in front of people, you have to be involved in the back, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, Yang Lei is like this.

Others only see how beautiful he is on the surface, and no one knows, even if he has the vision to see the ancients and can copy the boundaries of other people's blood, he has spent a lot of sweat and effort behind it.

He has always felt that he is definitely the kind of hard-working genius, otherwise, if he just eats 163 meals with the eyes of the ancients, what could he have done with such a little physique?

It is estimated that even if he were to write his eternal kaleidoscope, or reincarnation, he would not be able to exert their true strength.

Because it can't stand the consumption, the body will collapse.

"Is it a year?"

As Yang Lei continued to practice hard, he muttered to himself that he was having fun, and murmured, "Last year's actual combat class trial was during this time period. This year's actual combat class should also start, right?"

There was an accident in last year's actual combat class, which made Yang Lei have to guard against it. No matter how far he wanted to keep a distance from Rukia, he had to go back, at least not let her have an accident.

Another, other people thought it was an accident, but Yang Lei didn't think so. Guessing from the abnormal spiritual pressure, someone must have done something, but he had no evidence, so he had to leave it alone and don't know.

No matter who the 'accident' was aimed at, Yang Lei didn't dare to be careless, and was very concerned about Rukia in his heart.

"Mainly my hair is too long."

Yang Lei was making excuses for himself, but his hair was indeed too long, and it was about to hang down to his waist. In order not to let his hair get in the way, he used a rope to tie it into a long ponytail every day.

As for why he didn't cut it himself with a shallow strike or a Kusanagi sword.

That's because he's used to letting Rukia cut his hair.

So, he's a bitch. .

0294 The sublimation of feelings

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