After a day's training, Yang Lei went to the nearby river to wash it thoroughly, then returned to the villa and put on the last clean clothes left, and then put on his windbreaker-style black death tyrant outfit, and fell asleep.

Although this villa looks luxurious from the outside, in fact, there is nothing inside. Yang Lei built it just to have a sleeping room. Usually, he sleeps on the floor.

Anyway, his physique is very strong, even if he sleeps on the iceberg, he doesn't have to worry about it.

If it weren't for the fear of being 'wake up' by the rain when he fell asleep, he wouldn't be bothered to mess with the house.

After a night of silence, when he woke up the next day, Yang Lei didn't wear the weights to practice, but used Mu Dun to grab a small rattan fruit basket and grabbed it in his hand. He got up and walked into the fruit grove beside him.

Picking a basket of fruits that Rukia likes to eat, Yang Lei lifted his foot and took a step forward and suddenly disappeared. He used the Flying Thunder God Technique and came to the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute in an instant.

Still appearing in his dormitory, Yang Lei put the clothes piled up like a hill into his personal space, and then walked out of the dormitory building to the teaching building.

When he came to the third floor of the teaching building, Yang Lei stopped at the entrance of the stairs. He didn't need to search inside. A large group of third-graders had already come out.

The team is still led by the kendo class teacher, but the kendo class teacher is not alone every year.

"You still know how to come back?"

Rukia slowly came to Yang Lei, and her eyes suddenly became blurred. This bastard didn't know what to do. Since the actual combat class ended a year ago, he disappeared when he came back. It was still a year later. 's first meeting.

The two of them stood there looking at each other regardless of the people around them, and both saw the tenderness and longing in each other's eyes.

At this moment, even if Rukia doesn't understand love, she understands something, and the relationship between them has changed.

The one-year separation this time was the opportunity. Not only did they not let the relationship between the two become rusty and cold, but a qualitative change occurred, and they missed each other even more.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't dare to accept it, didn't dare to admit this fact.

"Cough cough."

With a dry cough, Yang Lei avoided Rukia's eyes, handed over the fruit basket in his hand, and joked with a smile, "It's mainly because the fruit forest's harvest is not good, so I haven't come back."

Only then did Rukia come to her senses, her heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and she didn't have the heart to deal with his unreliable sophistry. She held the fruit basket in her arms and lowered her head, thinking about what this feeling was.

The two of them just stood there for a while, and neither of them spoke. It was not until the kendo teacher came up from the downstairs that they realized that they had been delayed here for a little too long, more than an hour. Those who took the first step. People are getting impatient.

The most important thing is that there are three captains accompanying them, so they can't be kept waiting, right?

"Let's go~ˇ."

Yang Lei breathed a sigh of relief. If he kept the two of them alone like this, he was really afraid that he would not be able to control himself. Once that layer of window paper was pierced, how would he face Hinata and Sakura?How should I explain to Rukia that as long as she marries him, she will become her own mistress?

The third party here is not the problem of the third party. Rukia will become the fourth party, but the ranking will be in the third place.

Rukia looked at Yang Lei's back in disappointment. She had been waiting, but Yang Lei, who used to be very pompous in the past, turned into a mute today.

She can easily see through the friendship in his eyes. After all, it only appears when he looks at her, and it cannot be concealed from her.

As a result, he finally chose to escape, which made her helpless.

"Maybe I'm wrong?"

In the end, Rukia could only find this explanation, otherwise she really couldn't explain it, obviously the two of them felt that way, why can't they come together?

Under the interruption of the kendo class teacher, the two temporarily abandoned those thoughts and tried their best to play their former selves, trying to gag in the past.

But it backfired, and this deliberate approach made the atmosphere between them awkward, and finally had to keep silent.

The kendo teacher saw the signs early in the morning, so he left early, he was acquainted, or maybe Yang Lei would be angry and angry with him.

. . . . . .

The team was still assembled before the gate, and four captains were also waiting there. Three of them were the captains who led the team this year, and the other was Jingle Chunshui, who came to give Yang Lei a spiritual pressure seal.

"Your kid is Yang Lei?"

When Jingle Chunshui was about to come over, a figure couldn't wait to step on Shunbu and came to Yang Lei. The height of more than two meters overwhelmed Yang Lei, who was about to grow to [-] meters.

"you are?"

Yang Lei pretended not to know Kenpachi and looked at him, feeling the huge fighting spirit coming from the opponent, he couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly in his heart.

His invincible belief made him have to fight to win, and he didn't say anything, once the fight started, Zakigi Kenpachi would definitely lose.

Kurosaki Ichigo can defeat Zaragi Kenpachi because he is not the god of death.

And once Yang Lei defeated the captain of the eleventh team, he might be forced to take the top position.

Because the duty of the eleventh division is to fight, and the captain known as Kenpachi is also known as the strongest god of death. Once Zeraki Kenpachi is defeated, how can he be the captain of the eleventh division in the future?

There is also Yang Lei, even the leader of the first team was defeated by him, so don't want to have a leisurely life in the future.

"I'm the captain of the eleventh division Kenpachi Zakigi."

Zengmu Jianba reported his name, showed an excited expression to Yang Lei, and invited the battle: "Boy, come and cut me down?"

As he spoke, Zeraki Kenpachi didn't care whether Yang Lei agreed or not, he took out the long knife on his own, and was ready to cut it down at any time.

"Captain Zeraki."

Jingle Chunshui finally reacted. He was confused just now, so he hurried to the front to stop him and said, "Yang Leijun is only a child, and he is only a third grader in Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, please pay attention to your image."

Zeraki Kenpachi paused for a while, and after a while, he put away the knife a little unhappy. He wasn't worried about anything else, he just didn't want to get a bad reputation for bullying children.

".. boy."

Before leaving, Zeng Mujian shouted to Yang Lei without looking back: "The eleventh team welcomes you at any time, and I also welcome your challenge at any time."

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