After returning to the forest, Yang Lei was stunned for a while, and then started to practice, trying to calm himself down with high-intensity practice.

The effect is still there. After being exhausted to the limit, Yang Lei's brain will be blank and he will not think about anything, finally freeing himself from his troubles.

In this way, after seeing each other for a short time, the two separated again, and it was another year after separation.

. . . . . .

From this year to the sixth grade, Yang Lei only went back three times in the past three years, each time with a one-year interval, and he went back on the day of the actual combat class trial.

He was worried about Rukia, so he had to go back. If there was no practical course for the trial, maybe he would disappear for a few years.

More than three years have passed, both of them have grown up, and Rukia has grown a lot taller. She is [-] meters tall, which is enough for ordinary girls.

As for Yang Lei, his height will stop growing after reaching [-] meters. It was controlled by him deliberately. He was worried that according to his own growth, it would be too inconvenient to grow to two or three meters.

In addition to her height, Rukia's figure has also grown a little bit.

She was once teased by Yang Lei as a washboard, at least it is no longer an airport. With such a small scale, at least Yang Lei will not tease her anymore, because she is so small and cute, so that he always has a feeling once he can't control it. Perhaps it was the idea of ​​being seduced and seduced by the two of them.

Yang Lei's figure is perfect, and his well-proportioned muscles are not scary. Every piece is bulging and hard, which made some girls who saw it drool.

Not only the physical changes, but the mental maturity of the two has also become more and more mature.

Having said that, Yang Lei's mind has always been very mature, but his appearance has always remained very young.

Because she grew up, Rukia didn't actively look forward to it like before, and like Yang Lei, she tried to avoid the thought in her heart as much as possible.

She thought it would be okay to just let it go. A woman's sixth sense told her that the problem was not hers, but his.

There's no other way, she has to be more reserved, right?So she can only wait.

In the past three years, the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts has really stopped teaching new things. Kendo has only been taught to the sixth level, and the ghost way has only been taught to the sixty-third level. As for how far the students can finally go, it can only be seen. Their own talents and personal good fortune.

On this day, the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy was very lively, because it was the time for the annual final exam and the annual graduation season.

Especially the famous Yang Lei who graduated this year, and the daughter of the dead wood family, therefore, some teams were treated specially and came to the school for the team entry test.

Especially Yang Lei and Rukia, the two of them didn't take the final exam at all, and they didn't need to take the team entry test. The former became the third seat of the eighth team just after graduation, while the latter was smiling. After rejecting Yang Lei's invitation, he was recruited by the [-]th Division.

Rukia's choice was arranged by Kuchiki Byakuya, so she couldn't refuse.

In recent years, because of Yang Lei's estrangement, Rukia gradually liked to run to the dead wood's house, and finally moved into the dead wood's house completely, and completely became the eldest daughter of the dead wood's family.

After all, it would be meaningless for her to stay in the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy. She didn't have a friend, and the only person who could talk to Yang Lei was still alienating her.

Later, Rukia 'accidentally' heard the servant's words. It turned out that Kuchiki Byakuya was adopted because she was very similar to his deceased wife.

Moreover, Kuchiki Byakuya was punished by the elders of the family for adopting her, which put pressure on Rukia, and she didn't want to make Kuchiki Byakuya difficult again, and wanted to make some achievements to make people look up to her.

Also, she thought to herself, that person's light was so dazzling, it was like the scorching sun at noon.

If she wants to stand by his side, she must at least make herself the bright moon. If she is just one of the countless stars, she is not even qualified to appear.

In short, more than three years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the children have finally grown into adults.

(PS: If you get here, all the emotional lines have been laid down, OK, ready to go to the plot...).

0296 Unscrupulous spring water and kind floating bamboo

Yang Lei finally graduated, which made the teachers of the True Central Spiritual Arts Institute secretly relieved.

A student who is stronger than the teacher puts a lot of pressure on them.

Fortunately, he is also flawed, that is, Yang Lei has never awakened the Zanpakutō, this is what he said, I believe it is not a lie.

The fact is also true, Yang Lei cannot awaken his Zanpakutō, he knows that unless he is willing to give up his physical body and become a real soul state, he will not be able to awaken his Zanpakutō.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't have a Zanpakutō himself, but he can get Zanpakutō from others.

In recent years, in addition to Aizen's Kyoka Suizuki, he has also copied some Zanpakutō, all of which are from students of the same grade, such as Rukia's Shoubaixue, Renji's Sheomaru, and Kira's Wabisuke, and The flying plum of the young forest peach.

It's just that Yang Lei is not a high-profile person, and this ability can never be known by others, so he has always said that there is no Zanpakutō.

In Jingling Court, the forty-sixth room of the central and central government has issued a ban. Once there are two identical Zanpakutō, the two gods of death will confront each other. Only the winner will survive, and the loser will be killed together with the Zanpakutō. Ruined.

An existence like Yang Lei who can copy other people's Zanpakutō doesn't even need to be considered, he will definitely be targeted by the Forty-six Room.

Yang Lei wasn't afraid of Room [-], he just didn't want to cause trouble.

He had already completed Main Quest [-] the moment he joined the Eighth Division, indicating that he had completely joined the Thirteenth Division's camp, and he had to help the Thirteenth Division achieve the final victory.

On this day, on the second day after Yang Lei joined the eighth team and took up the third seat, the leisurely Yang Lei dangled in the team building and walked towards the captain's team building.

Yang Lei knew that Jingle Chunshui was unwilling to handle official business, and basically handed over all the work to the vice-captain Ise Nanao, so he went straight to Jingle Chunshui's residence, and as soon as he walked in the door, he shouted to the inside, "Hello. , is the captain at home?"

"It's there."

Jingle Chunshui really stayed at home, pushed open the window and stuck out his head, his old face was a little red and waved at Yang Lei, saying, "Come in and have a drink with me."

Yang Lei has a black line, is it still morning?This guy has already started drinking?It's too much to do, isn't it?

"I don't like drinking in the morning."

Yang Lei shook his head, explaining his purpose, and said, "I'm here for an appointment. Didn't you promise to teach me ghost ways yesterday?"

Because Yang Lei wanted to distance himself from Rukia, he seldom returned to the True Central Spiritual Arts Academy in the past few years, and since the True Central Spiritual Arts Academy could not teach advanced ghost Taoism, his mastery of breaking and binding the Tao was only at the intermediate stage.

Jingle Chunshui scratched his hair in a tangled state, muttering something so early, but seeing that Yang Lei didn't seem to change his mind in the slightest, he had no choice but to get up and climb out of the window.

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