Yang Lei supported his forehead, is this his captain?It was so ugly, it actually climbed out of the window.

But forget it, he knew from the beginning that Jingle Chunshui would definitely be out of tune, and he didn't plan to have a great sense of belonging to the eighth division, but he was indifferent.

Jingle Chunshui didn't know that Yang Lei was secretly slandering himself, so he walked to Yang Lei and said, "This is not a place for teaching, come with me, I know a good place."

As he spoke, Jingle Chunshui and Yang Lei came out of the eighth division.

The two walked all the way to the suburbs, and finally came to the vicinity of the Thirteenth Division.

"How did you come here?"

Yang Lei kept silent until the two stopped at the gate of the [-]th Division, and asked in a puzzled tone.

"I thought you wouldn't ask."

Jingle Chunshui glanced at Yang Lei amusingly and explained, "Don't worry, I didn't bring you to see your little girlfriend, but wanted to ask Fuzhu to help me teach you ghost ways."

"I declare in advance that this is not because of laziness, but because Fuzhu's attainments in the ghost path are higher than mine."

Jingle Chunshui's explanation was like superfluous, if he didn't say Yang Lei, he wouldn't have misunderstood, but when he said Yang Lei, he looked at him with contempt.

He clearly made an agreement with him. At yesterday's joining ceremony, he boasted that Haikou could teach him advanced ghost ways, but today he came to find someone else to do it for him. It was really unscrupulous.

But it doesn't matter, Yang Lei only needs to learn those advanced ghost ways that he has never been exposed to, and he doesn't care who is teaching.


At this moment, the door of the [-]th Division's team building was opened, and a member of the team came out to greet it.

Jingle Chunshui is already a frequent visitor to the [-]th Division. After all, he and Fuzhu are old friends, and they are classmates at the same time, so they naturally move around more often.

Therefore, the team members who came out didn't even ask the purpose of the two of them, they let them in after saying goodbye...  

When they came to the [-]th Division's team building, Jingle walked inside with Yang Lei, and after a while, he came to a small room built alone in an open space, and asked softly inside, "Floating bamboo , are you up?"

Shiruro Ukitake's health has never been very good, so he built a more secluded house here.

Usually when he is fine, he always looks like he is about to die. If he is disturbed, he is afraid that he will die immediately.

"It's Spring Water."

A response came from inside, and the next moment, a slender and handsome man with a long shawl and white hair on his head walked out.

He is the captain of the thirteenth division, Ukitake Shirou.

"This is Yang Leijun, the genius of your eighth team, right?"

Fuzhu looked at Yang Lei and guessed his identity, nodded kindly at him, and then asked Jingle Chunshui, "Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

"Is such that."

Jingle Chunshui Dao clearly came here, saying that their genius wanted to develop and develop in the ghost realm, so he brought him to the ghost realm master Captain Ukitake for help.

"What does that say."

Fu Zhu glared at Jingle Chun Shui angrily and funny, how could he not know his friend's temperament and his ideas, and scolded righteously: "Our talents in ghost realms are almost the same, I know you can, you No, I won't, and the power of ghosts is basically the same, you can teach him yourself."

Jingle 4.9 Chun Shui blushed. He didn't expect that his old friend would be dismantled in such a way to save face. The most important thing was that Yang Lei was behind him, so he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

"Then what."

Jingle Chunshui coughed dryly, finally told the truth, and said, "The main thing, I have a rest today, so I don't want to waste time, and I also ask Captain Floating Bamboo to help."

In the final analysis, he was lazy and didn't want to waste his time on Yang Lei.

Fuzhu had no choice. When he met such a rogue friend, he could only admit it, nodded, and agreed, saying, "That's fine, just let him stay with me for a few days, and I'll let him know. All the broken paths and the bondage are all given to you."

"It won't take a few days."

Yang Lei, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up, glared at his unscrupulous captain again with contempt, and said, "It only takes one morning for me to learn all the advanced ghost ways."

0297 Decades in a hurry

As expected, Yang Lei didn't talk big, Shirou Ukitake just told him once and let him learn all the advanced ghost ways.

All that is mentioned here only includes what Fuzhu knows, like the ninety-sixth of the broken Tao, which is known as the sacrifice. He will not be able to be cremated with a knife.

After learning the advanced breaking and binding of the floating bamboo club, Yang Lei left behind the floating bamboo and Jingle Chunshui who looked at each other, got up and was about to leave.

He joined the Eighth Division because he could get the maximum freedom, and he didn't need to deal with any work. Naturally, the spare time would not be wasted in vain. He wanted to continue practicing.

In the past three years of practice, Yang Lei's strength has been greatly improved.

For example, the surrounding attributes, from three years ago, with [-] points of physique, [-] points of strength, [-] points of agility, and [-] points of spirit, to [-] points of physique, [-] points of strength, and [-] points of agility. [-] points, [-] points of spirit.

increased by at least three times.

The load-bearing level has also risen, reaching a terrifying 16 tons. Fortunately, he can use the magnetic ninjutsu to make lead and iron by himself. Otherwise, [-], such a large amount of lead and iron is really difficult to collect.

Because he can clearly see the results of his cultivation, and as long as he improves, there will be no loss, which makes Yang Lei more fond of cultivation.

Unlike ordinary people, they will be boring because they can't feel the growth in strength, or because there is no attribute data-based relationship, resulting in attributes that have been improved after a few days of laziness.

Not only can Yang Lei see the changes in attributes at any time here, but as long as the attributes increase a little, even if he doesn't practice again in the future, and his laziness reaches the limit, there will be no situation where you will retreat if you don't advance.

"I'm going away for a while."

Before leaving, Yang Lei had greeted Jingle Chunshui, and it was considered a leave of absence, telling him that he would not come back for a while.

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