In fact, he can also practice in the eighth division team building, but he just doesn't want to be surrounded by people, he is used to the woods.

When he came out of the thirteenth division, he also happened to meet Rukia, and the two simply said hello and separated.

Since the two felt that the relationship had undergone a qualitative change, they had never been in close contact with each other, and only met a few times in three years, as if they had become strangers.

But only they themselves know that it is not like that.

Once someone pierces that layer of window paper, they become more intimate than ever.

It's just that one person is escaping now, and the other has been reluctant to take that step because of his inexperience and lack of courage, so he has been maintaining the status quo.

After leaving the [-]th Division, Yang Lei came to the woods again to start training. Now there are still decades, at least more than [-] years from the beginning of the plot, and he has no sense of the so-called power, so he simply takes advantage of this Time to practice hard, but to see where his limits are.

But in the end, he found that he had no limits.

With the surrounding attributes breaking through the [-], [-] million, and [-] million mark one by one, his potential has never been reached to the bottom, and he can continue to grow, as if it is a bottomless pit.

This made Yang Lei surprised. The general world has a limit of power. Once the limit is exceeded, the whole world will reject it, and he will have to be forced to 'ascension'.

But he did not encounter such a situation, and even the world seemed to not know that his power had reached a terrifying height, and he didn't even mean to suppress it at all, as if he did not exist.

The fact is also true, you think, if Yang Lei will soar because of his strength, how can he accomplish his mission?

The infinite system will definitely not allow this kind of loophole to happen. No matter how powerful Yang Lei is, you have to complete the tasks that you need to do before you can leave this world.

Besides, the so-called ascension in the world of death is just going to the Spirit King Palace, and this ceremony is not self-controlled, but decided by the Spirit King.

Therefore, he will not ascend at all, and under the influence of the infinite system, the powerful force will not have an impact on this world, and the biggest impact is that he is really invincible.

. . . . . .

Decades have passed in a hurry, as if passing by. In retrospect, Yang Lei can't help but feel a little sigh. He is also old, and he is dozens of years old.

At the beginning, Yang Lei would go back every few months to report to the [-]th Division team quarters, and then ask Rukia to help him trim his hair to satisfy his thoughts.

But as the number of departures increased, the time interval between his return became longer and longer. The last time he didn't return for ten years, and he didn't meet Rukia for ten years.

In the past [-] or [-] years, there have also been some not-so-trivial things, let's just talk about it first.

The first is that Shiba Isshin disappeared in the world. Just like in the original book, because of Aizen's experiments in the world, Shiba was alone in the world to investigate. As a result, Aizen was attacked from behind and was seriously injured.

Fortunately, the Quincy Master Kurosaki Masaki happened to arrive, which prevented Shiba from dying in the world. Needless to say, Kurosaki Masaki was infected by the virtual spiritual pressure because of protecting Shiba, and Shiba was unwilling. Don't connect with her, use your own spiritual pressure to suppress that virtual spiritual pressure.

In this way, Zhibo lived in this world with all his heart, and finally the two became married and lived together.

Because Zhibo Yixin disappeared, the tenth division became a leaderless state.

Originally, the commander-in-chief wanted Yang Lei to be promoted, but unfortunately he could not find him, and the tenth team couldn't afford to delay. In the end, they had to let Hitsugaya Toshiro take the position. Completed the swastika training of Zanpakutō.

In addition to the incident of the tenth division, there was also an incident in the 110th division of the thirteenth division. First, the third Xi Zhibo was killed by the sudden appearance of Xu, and then the vice-captain Zhibo Haiyan chose to fight the Xu one-on-one in order to avenge his wife. , In the end, he and Xu died in the hands of Rukia.

Because of Zhibo Haiyan's death, Rukia was depressed for a while, but fortunately Yang Lei came back at this time, so she didn't let her sink, but stood up strong again, but she would definitely leave a knot in her heart. , this can only be cured slowly.

In general, the past [-] or [-] years have been fairly peaceful, at least Yang Lei didn't care too much, it was just something that should have happened, and he didn't want to make any changes, because it had nothing to do with him.

Taking advantage of the blank period of these decades, Yang Lei seized the opportunity to cultivate hard, making his strength countless times stronger.

Today, his surrounding attributes have reached a terrifying stage, with physique [-] million, strength [-] million, agility [-] million, and spirit [-] million.

The load has reached [-] tons, and it is really about to catch up with a hill.

Because of the strengthening of the body, the strength of chakra and spiritual pressure has also risen. At this time, Yang Lei's outbreak is not only scary, but can really scare people to death.

(PS: As I said, we are invincible text... In other words, the next chapter will almost be able to transition to the official plot, so stay tuned...).

0298 Rukia is imprisoned in the Penitentiary Palace

"It's time to go back."

On this day, Yang Lei did not continue to practice after getting up in the morning. After washing, he put on clean clothes, tied the three-meter long hair ball together, and muttered.

He hasn't returned for ten years, and Yang Lei's hair has never been cut. As I said before, he is used to letting Rukia trim his hair. Others can't do it, not even his own avatar.

Co-author Rukia is his haircut servant, right?

That's not the case. As the saying goes, men's heads and women's waists cannot be touched by people who are not close.

But Yang Lei can let Rukia cut his hair, which shows that she has extraordinary meaning to him.

"By the way, let's see how far the plot has developed."

Yang Lei has another plan. He wants to see where the current plot goes. He is about to become deaf and blind in the mountains. There is no news at all. Although it is clean, it is too closed.

As soon as he said it, Yang Lei didn't think about it. He put away the weight-bearing equipment and went to the fruit forest to pick a bunch of Rukia's favorite fruits and threw them into the personal space. He lifted his foot and took a step and disappeared instantly, and he was already there in the next second. The eighth squad has appeared.


Yang Lei's appearance caused an exclamation. His room has always been cleaned, and today is the same, but this person is a new player, he doesn't know Yang Lei at all, and he doesn't know his methods. This is the first time I've seen it. He was so frightened that he sat on the ground.


Yang Lei raised his hand to say hello, and didn't introduce himself in detail. He only said that he called Yang Lei the third seat of the Eighth Division, and then walked out.

After coming out, Yang Lei first went to Jingle Chunshui to report his arrival, and was almost killed by Jingle Chunshui.

Jingle Chunshui was going crazy. There was a great opportunity before, as long as Yang Lei nodded, he could become the captain of the tenth division.

As a result, they couldn't find his whereabouts, and Jingle Chunshui was scolded by the captain because of this incident, saying that he was the captain in vain, and he didn't even know that he lost the third seat in the team.

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