In the final analysis, the source of the knot comes from the death of Zhibo Haiyan.

At that time, Yang Lei thought that Rukia would slowly heal her heart disease, but she didn't expect that Rukia's mind would be so delicate, no matter what, she couldn't forget it, and she always kept in mind what happened that rainy night.

Especially when Kurosaki Ichigo was almost hacked to death by Kuchiki Byakuya for saving her, Rukia blamed herself even more.

In order to save Kurosaki Ichigo, and also to save herself, Rukia shared her death spirit with Ichigo.

As a result, he almost killed him because of this, and he felt very guilty in his heart, and at this time, he didn't want to meet Yang Lei even more.


Seeing that Rukia still refused to look back, Yang Lei hurriedly rubbed his teeth and Hanako, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, regardless of the prison guards watching here not far away. went in.

What murderous stone is not murderous stone 137, he is a space-time ninjutsu, and it consumes chakra, but he will not be blocked by the murderous stone.

After entering, Yang Lei slowly came behind Rukia, gritted his teeth, raised his hands to hug her waist, and put his chin on her thin shoulders.

Rukia froze all over, and softened after a while, leaning weakly in Yang Lei's arms, and muttered in a low voice, "Why did you come in? Why are you so stupid?"

Yang Lei's actions are undoubtedly outrageous. Even if he does not rob the prisoner, he will be punished by the Forty-six Room for this incident.

But he didn't care about that anymore, raised his right hand and wiped the tears from Rukia's cheeks, and whispered softly, "You're so sad, how can you tell me to be indifferent?"

Rukia couldn't bear it any longer, turned around and threw herself into Yang Lei's arms, bursting into tears.

She has been holding it back for more than ten years, and the knot in her heart has never been opened. Instead, the knot is getting tighter and tighter. With Kurosaki Ichigo, she can't bear it for a long time, otherwise she would not be begging for death in the original book.

She was willing to die because she committed a crime, she clearly wanted to be liberated.

How could Yang Lei make her wish, if she was gone, his heart would die.


(bgfg) Yang Lei felt the feeling in his heart and escaped for [-] or [-] years. Now there is finally no way out. He raised the face of the girl in his arms and said word by word: "I found that I have fallen in love with you. , I fell in love with you, what should I do?"

Rukia has known it for a long time, and has been waiting for his statement. Now that she has finally waited for this day, she can't tell how it feels in her heart.

It's just that the place he chose wasn't pretty, and he confessed to her in the cell, what a fool.

"I don't know what to do either."

Rukia sniffled and snorted, what could she do?Doesn't he know what she's thinking?That would be stupid.

Yang Lei smiled. Originally, he thought he would not be able to admit this relationship, but he did not expect it to be so natural. He can only say that they are too familiar. They have known each other for more than [-] years. In the world of ordinary people, it is enough for two strangers People become husband and wife.


Yang Lei whispered the girl's name softly.


The girl replied, as if guessing what Yang Lei was going to do, her pretty face blushed, but in the end she didn't do anything, just slowly closed her eyes together.


The two pairs of lips were pressed together, holding each other tightly like a magnet, and after a while, they had to separate because Rukia was having trouble breathing.

"You bastard."

Rukia took a deep breath and cursed, not because of Yang Lei's request just now, but because the confession came too late. Rukia already knew that she was dying soon, and the forty-sixth room personally ordered her to be executed. .

Yang Lei didn't argue either. He took out a chair from his personal space and put it next to Rukia. The two sat down next to each other, the same as many years ago, but now they are closer. After all, they were just ordinary friends back then. , at most, shoulder to shoulder.

But now, half of Rukia's body was held in Yang Lei's arms, looking at the white clouds in the distance, even if she did nothing and said nothing, there was a sweet sense of happiness lingering in the hearts of the two of them.


Suddenly, Yang Lei let go of Rukia, untied the rope that tied her hair, and said to Rukia, "Cut my hair for me."

Rukia was stunned for a moment, and almost shed tears again. Looking at the scale, she could naturally guess that Yang Lei had never fixed her hair. She didn't understand what this kind of intention meant, and she was moved.

"Keep it."

Rukia stroked Yang Lei's long hair a little reluctantly. She was dragging the floor for three meters. How long did it last?How long have you missed her?

If he didn't miss her, Yang Lei could cut it off himself.

Could such long hair be out of the way?All get in the way.

But he was reluctant to leave his hair to Rukia to cut off.

In the end, Rukia took the scissors from Yang Lei's hand and danced around him, like a butterfly dancing around a flower, and soon helped Yang Lei to cut his long black hair into a worthy The short hair of the ears is broken.

"How how?"

Rukia presents treasures, her craftsmanship has not become rusty because of the useless for more than ten years, making Yang Lei even more handsome.

Yang Lei didn't answer, just hugged Rukia's waist and buried his face in her stomach. How could he be so stupid all these years?To fall in love is to fall in love, and unnecessary avoidance can only make them both uncomfortable, but cannot solve the actual meaning.

Love is a difficult word to understand, love is love, not love is not love, and it cannot be forced.

Yang Lei fell in love with Rukia, so even if he fled to the horizon, even if he didn't see each other for ten years, he couldn't stop him from loving her unless he lost his memory or one of them died.

The same is true for Rukia, even though Yang Lei has been alienating her since more than [-] years ago, he has been standing there waiting for him to turn around.

Fortunately, it was okay, fortunately he woke up in time, and fortunately she persisted.

There was only one thing Yang Lei had to confess to Rukia, and that was about Hinata and Sakura.

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