After hearing Yang Lei's remarks, Rukia couldn't help but her eyelids twitched.

But after thinking about it again, this shows that Yang Lei really cares about himself, otherwise he will not care whether he will hurt himself.

Another, she is a latecomer, those two are 'pioneers', and she can only make concessions.

In the end, Yang Lei also said that the two 'sisters' are in another world, at least they won't meet now, so what else is there to say.

"Yang Lei."

Rukia sighed softly, buried her head in his arms again, and murmured, "Maybe I owe you in my previous life, so I will pay it back in this life, I just hope you don't let me down, in the rest of my life. For the rest of your life, you have to love me well."

What does this mean? How can Yang Lei not understand? He can't help but sigh and ask for a wife like a husband, and then he whispers to himself in his heart.

"Whoever dares to touch my woman, I will kill anyone, no matter if it is a Buddha or a god, whether it is a virtual or a Quincy, it is best to provoke me and not my woman."

0300 Kyoraku Spring Water with Toothache

Rukia thought she was going to die. This was an order from Room [-], and even the captain had to obey, not to mention her.

In Rukia's heart, she thought that no one could save her, and she didn't want others to save her.

That's why she didn't want the friends she made in the world to take risks, and she never asked for help, so she accepted Yang Lei so easily, even if there were already two 'sisters' in front of her, she could only be a 'sister' Little Three'.

Who told her to fall in love with a bastard, there is no way, let her experience the taste of love before she dies.

Yang Lei was amused, how could he let her leave him without telling the truth.

However, he was smart and didn't say too much. One is that he should not know the truth. He stayed outside the Jingling Court for ten years, and he didn't even take care of the Eighth Division in the past forty years. It doesn't make sense to know too much. - many things.

Another one, let Rukia misunderstand, so that he can save a lot of trouble.

"I brought your favorite fruit."

Yang Lei stayed in the cell and accompanied Rukia. The two of them leaned closely together, ate the delicious fruit that Yang Lei had grown by himself, talked about the longing of these years, and talked about the interesting things when they first met. It will be boring, but very interesting.

During this period, the jailer also came to ask Yang Lei on behalf of the 'Forty-six Room' and asked Yang Lei what he meant.

As a result, the answer is only one word, and that is to roll.

"Yah ah ah."

This afternoon, Jingle Chunshui brought Ise Nanao around, and sat cross-legged outside the cell without any image, looking inside through the murderous stone, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Jun Yang Lei."

Jingle Chunshui looked at Yang Lei and complained, "I thought you were very smart, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid, why did you go inside by yourself? How can you save Miss Rukia like this?"

The guards who came along were startled, and hurriedly reminded: "Beijing band leader, please pay attention to your words."

Without him being so heartless, this is a prison cell. You say in front of others that you want to save the prisoners, leaving them speechless.

Yang Lei shrugged indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter, because no one can stop me."

This is the first time Yang Lei has shown contempt since he came to the world of death. That kind of disdain for the world and indifference, even Jingle Chunshui was shocked.

Jingle Chunshui knew that Yang Lei was not stupid, on the contrary, he was very smart.

So he wouldn't take Yang Lei as an idiot, so that means he didn't mean to be brave or ignorant, but to have his own confidence.

"I hope so."

Jingle Chunshui didn't say more, didn't refute, just nodded and dealt with it, then stood up, picked up the bamboo hat from the ground and put it on his head, and called Ise Nanao to turn his head and leave without looking back. He said: "There was a misfortune in the morning. Maybe I met Miss Lucia. I came here to tell you the news. And Miss Lucia, someone is not going to give up on you."

This sentence has two meanings. On the surface, it tells Rukia that someone in this world has come to save her.

In addition to this, there is another meaning, that is, what he and Ukitake Shirou is planning to do.

Rukia's crime is that she secretly gave the power of death to humans.

As a result, he was sentenced to capital punishment for such a trivial matter, and the execution date was moved earlier, as if he was in a hurry to execute Rukia, which made Jingle Chunsui and Ukitake Shirou.

Although they also noticed something, they just suffered from no evidence, so they could only consider the Forty-six Room to be corrupt, and they had to take advantage of this opportunity to resist.

Just don't know if they will succeed.

Especially Yang Lei's 'self-inflicted trap' made Jingle Chunshui's teeth hurt. This bastard, when he came back, Jingle Chunshui had guessed that it was bad.

It's just that Jingle Chunshui never thought that Yang Lei would be so impulsive that he ran into the cell himself, that's enough.

"It's them?"

In the cell, Rukia guessed who it was at the first time, and couldn't help but get anxious.

Yang Lei naturally knew who it was, but he had to pretend he didn't know. Seeing Rukia's anxious look, he couldn't help but get a little appetizing, and asked strangely, "What? It's your little boy in this world. Is your lover here?"


Rukia was amused and muttered, "It's so sour."

Because of Yang Lei's gag, Rukia regained some composure, took the initiative to grab Yang Lei's hand in the palm of his hand, and told him interesting stories about her life in this world.

Speaking of life in this world, the corners of Rukia's mouth remained upturned, and the smile on her face couldn't stop.

She has no friends in the Soul World, and the only person she likes is still alienating herself, which makes Rukia do not have much sense of belonging to the Soul World.

This world is different. She has made friends in this world, and it's not just one.

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