There is joy and laughter there, and everyone is alive, including her.

Therefore, although Rukia has only stayed in this world for a short period of time, she already has a great sense of belonging. Unlike the soul world that has lived for more than fifty years, she really doesn't have much to care about except for Yang Lei, whom she likes. live with her.


Yang Lei suddenly interrupted Rukia's words, looked at her very seriously, and suggested, "Let's go to live in this world? Just go to that empty town, get married there, and have a few children."

Yang Lei really wanted to do this. In the Naruto world, he left before he could get married and have a family. He really wanted to get married and have children in the world of death.


Rukia's cheeks blushed instantly, and she clenched her fists and beat Yang Lei angrily. They had just established their relationship, and suddenly they talked about marriage and childbirth, which made her shy.



Rukia stared at her big watery eyes, and said angrily, "You can only ask for one, at most two, not too many, and a few more."

Yang Lei smiled, but he was a little disappointed. Rukia didn't agree to his suggestion, but wanted to change the subject and didn't want to talk about escaping, so she couldn't help sighing secretly.

If he stayed in the Soul Soul World, he would not be able to marry Rukia in a short period of time, and things would come one after another, only the two-year blank period when he defeated Aizen would have a chance.

It seems that he has to continue playing as a bachelor.

Yang Lei and Rukia lived fairly well in the cell. They had food and drink. The two who had just established a relationship were sticking together and couldn't be separated. They didn't think the space in the cell was too small. Sitting together and looking at the clouds or stars in the sky, sometimes we exchange a few words in a soft voice, sometimes we just go silent at this moment, not to mention more 'comfortable'.

But outside, on the morning of the next day, a big event suddenly happened in Jingling Court. The captain of the fifth division, Lan Ran, Yusuke, was killed. It was only overnight, and one of the thirteen captains fell. , that is the powerhouse standing at the top of the Soul Soul Realm.

For a while, some people in Jingling Court became unstable, and even the captain level died silently, not to mention those ordinary death gods, who doesn't worry about their own personal safety?

Just because there was news of the intrusion yesterday, this incident was temporarily pinned on the body of the travelers, and Ichigo Kurosaki said that the blame was really inexplicable. .

0301 Aizen is dead!Travel disaster appeared!

Is the captain of the fifth division dead?

On this day, Jingling Court was in complete chaos. Captain Aizen, one of the thirteen captains, died, which made many people unwilling to believe this fact.

Especially the fifth squad.

Aizen's gentleness on the surface made him the most popular captain, especially the vice-captain Hinamori Tao. She joined the fifth division just to be close to that gentle figure, and more so to be closer to him. , he continued to work hard every day, and finally became his vice-captain.

But now, Aizen fell in a pool of blood and was hung on the clock tower. She couldn't accept the result.


Hinamori Momo went mad, screaming from her mouth and hot tears in her eyes. Without hesitation, she drew the knife and rushed towards the smiling third division captain Ichimaru Gin.


But suddenly, the vice-captain of the third division, Kira Izuru, rushed out, blocking Hina "[-]" Moritao's attack with a shallow blow halfway.

Although they are in the same class, especially Kira still has a crush on Hinamori Momo, but Ichimaru Gin is his captain, and he does not allow others to draw swords against his captain.


Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was also here, was taken aback. You must know that it was not allowed to draw a knife to the captain. It was a serious crime and even a felony, so he quickly stopped his childhood sweetheart.

Toshiro's worry was right, Hina Sentao was finally put in the prison, but not in Yang Lei and Rukia's confession palace, not that big of a crime, but was put in the cell of the fifth division. That's it.

There is also Kira Izuru, who was considered to have drawn his sword in front of the captain, so he was also locked up.

Because of Aizen's death, there was not only chaos in this place, but the hearts of the gods of death were also in chaos. Even the captain-level powerhouses died, and they didn't know who the murderer was, let alone ordinary gods of death like them.

Later, it was the team captains who came forward to stop the panic.

In the afternoon, the commander-in-chief convened an emergency meeting and strictly required all the captains to attend. In addition to the imprisoned Hinamori Momo and Kira Izuru, even the vice-captains were called.

At the meeting, the commander-in-chief changed his previous order to kill the perpetrators, but to capture the perpetrators alive.

A captain died during this time period. He must be confirmed on the brigade, whether it has anything to do with the brigade, and then he can confirm whether the enemy is from the outside or from the inside.

"Will the misfortune come again?"

From the command of the commander in chief, someone got a clue. Will the travel disaster that was repelled by Ichimaru Gin come back?

"It will definitely come."

Jingle Chunshui is very sure about this, otherwise, the travel disasters would not have appeared in the first place.

The news of the Confession Palace is very closed, so to speak, except for the news that Jingle Chunshui once brought disasters, Yang Lei and Rukia are just like blind and deaf people, they don't know anything about the outside world, let alone. It is ironic that the quietest place now is the Palace of Penance.

The building materials of the Repentance Palace are murderous stones. Unless special means are used to open the cell, ordinary people will not be able to break the doors and walls of the Repentance Palace even if they come, of course, except for Yang Lei's ninjutsu.

That is to say, as long as Rukia and Yang Lei stay inside, unless someone can open the prison door, no one can hurt them, because as long as it is Reiatsu, it will be blocked by the murderous stone, unless it is like Ichimaru Gin's Zanpo The knife can stretch and grow like that.

Because they didn't know the news from the outside world, the two were at ease. Rukia deliberately didn't think about the upcoming execution, and enjoyed their love with Yang Lei.

Because Yang Lei knows the plot, he can still guess something at this time. According to the plot in the original book, he speculates what will happen at this time. Fortunately, his memory continues to improve with the growth of his spiritual attributes, and he has long since reached an unforgettable memory. So much so that I can easily recall all the plots of the god of death.

"Yesterday was the day when the travel disaster appeared."

At this moment, Yang Lei was calculating, and muttered in his heart: "Then today, Yihu and Yeyi should arrive at Zhibo's house, and then they will break into the Jingling Court tomorrow, and in four or five days, the battle will be fought. already."

Thinking of this, Yang Lei couldn't help clenching his fists.

His two shallow beatings were taken away by the jailer the moment he came in.

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