Yang Lei tilted his head and slid over the vice-captains one by one. In the end, he only jumped over the vice-captains of the first team, and asked with a smile, "Do the five so-called vice-captains count? "

Broken bee anger knot, she also knows how big the gap between the so-called deputy captain level and captain level is, she just said it casually, at least it sounds very bluffing, doesn't it?

"Stop talking nonsense."

The commander-in-chief was enraged by Yang Lei's attitude, he stepped forward, his body spurted out a strong fighting spirit, and shouted angrily: "Little devil, I don't have time to correct your thinking here, teach you the correct concept, you can either get out of the way or be caught by me. Go flying, choose one for yourself."

"Don't be so impulsive, old man Shan."

Before Yang Lei could speak, Jingle Chunshui suddenly rushed out, waving at Yang Lei and comforting the captain.

"team leader. ......"

Unexpectedly, Yang Lei interrupted Jingle Chunshui's words, looked up to the sky, and said in a melancholy tone: "Rukia will not leave with me to go to the world, otherwise we will leave early."

"I brought her here, or even asked her to go up. This is to give you face and give the Thirteenth Division a room for relaxation."

"However, as her boyfriend, my position cannot be retreated again and again. There is no retreat here."

At the end, Yang Lei bowed his head, smiled at the captains on the opposite side, and said softly, "So, let's fight, try your best to defeat me."

Saying that, Yang Lei finally ignored it, and a huge pillar of spiritual pressure burst out from his body.

I saw a spiritual pressure beam with a diameter of more than [-] meters wrapping Yang Lei's entire body. The power released was like the power of the sky, but as soon as it appeared, the double platform shook and almost collapsed because of it.

Not only that, but the vice-captains all fell down clutching their necks if they were struck by lightning.

Even the vice-captain of the first team, whose real strength is at the level of a captain, and the team leader of the second team, Broken Bee, squatted there in discomfort. At this time, their faces were cold and sweaty, and they only felt that it was difficult to breathe, as if they were going to suffocate at any time.

Only Rukia was distinguished by Yang Lei alone, at this time she was only shocked but not at all uncomfortable.

"Is this his true strength?"

The commander-in-chief was shocked, and even he had to retreat dozens of steps to barely stand still.

"No wonder he's so reckless."

Jing 0.8 Le Chunshui ran out with Ise Nanao as early as the first time, and looked at Yang Lei from a distance with a strange expression.

The expressions of the other captains were different, but Kuchiki Byakuya was calm. He had been intimidated by Yang Lei before, so he guessed something, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. Even the captain backed dozens of steps.


After a while, Yang Lei finally put away the spiritual pressure beam, and he already took out two Kusanagi swords, one long and one short, and said to the captain, "I didn't intend to save Rukia in such a radical way."

The fact is also true, he originally wanted to wait for Aizen and the others to jump out of the water before shooting, but he changed his mind.

"Now, I must let everyone know how good I am, so as to form a shock and make others dare not to shoot at Rukia again."

"Let's fight!".

0307 Yang Lei's strength


A cold wind blew, and no one moved first on the double platform. The deputy captains had already passed out. Only the deputy captain of the first team was still persevering. Because he also had the strength of the captain, he was spared.

Yang Lei stunned the vice-captains just by exploding his aura. This method was shocking, and even the second-team captain, Broken Bee, almost gave in. He was looking at Yang Lei with weird eyes.

Yang Lei's name of genius has long been spread in Jingling Court, otherwise he wouldn't be so unrestrained. In addition to Jingle Chunshui's care, there is also the tacit consent of the captain, so he can often disappear without dealing with the affairs of the squad.

But no matter how many people looked forward to him, they never thought that his strength would be so amazing. He even crushed the captain in the spiritual pressure. This result was really shocking.

"You can only fight."

The commander-in-chief is not timid. He has his own beliefs that he needs to uphold, and he will never be timid.


The cane in his hand was heavily placed on the ground by the commander-in-chief, and the layers were peeled off to reveal the Zanpakutō hidden inside.

"My sword is called Flow Blade Ruo Huo."

The commander-in-chief looked at Yang Lei coldly. Since this battle was unavoidable, he would no longer have any hesitation or hesitation, and murmured, "Everything is ashes, and it is like fire."

"Boom." "Huh."

The captain's body first burst out with a huge spiritual pressure beam of light. Although the power is slightly worse than Yang Lei's, it is also very extraordinary.

Immediately afterwards, the long sword 16 in his hand was untied and turned into a slender sword with a fire body. Ryuren Ruohuo is known as the strongest Zanpakutō of the fire type. The captains are a little uncomfortable.

"Is the blade like fire?"

Yang Lei laughed, shaking the long sword Kusanagi sword with his right hand, and chanted: "Everything in the mountains is ashes, and the blades are like fire."


Seeing that the long sword in Yang Lei's right hand turned into a flaming blade, it was no different from the Zanpakutō held in the hand of the commander-in-chief, like twins, and like looking in a mirror.

"how is this possible?"

The captains present exclaimed and looked at Yang Lei strangely.

They were not surprised that Yang Lei had a Zanpakutō, although he himself always said that he had not awakened, but he was so genius that no one would be surprised if he really awakened the Zanpakutō.

But Yang Lei's Zanpakutō turned out to be the same as the commander-in-chief.

There is an unwritten rule in Jingling Court that once there are two identical Zanpakutō, the two masters will fight to the death. Only the winner can survive, and the loser will be destroyed together with the master and Zanpakutō. Lose.

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