With Yang Lei showing off his Zanpakutō, the meaning of this battle has quietly changed, not just because Yang Lei wants to save Rukia, but also because it's a life-and-death between the two Ryuren Ruohuo and their masters contend.

The captain's eyes also changed accordingly. He didn't expect Yang Lei's Zanpakutō to be flaming, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly. No wonder Yang Lei kept saying that he hadn't awakened the Zanpakutō.

Yang Lei may have guessed that others will misunderstand, so he had to make a statement before starting the fight, explaining: "Don't misunderstand everyone, my Zanpakutō is not a razor-sharp sword."

Yang Lei intends to use this opportunity to make up some random things, and he will definitely use the Zanpakutō in the future.

"The mirror flower in the water."

Yang Lei casually gave a name and said, "This is my Zanpakutō, I don't have my own entity, and my only ability is to allow me to copy the enemy's Zanpakutō. It can be regarded as one that is strong when strong and weak when weak. Zanpakutō."

After listening to Yang Lei's explanation, the captains were relieved, but they didn't seem to understand how terrible it was that they could copy other people's Zanpakutō. Once copied by him, it becomes his thing.

Yang Lei is not in a hurry to explain, what is a hole card?It's what others don't know.

"It's coming."

After clarifying the doubts of the captains, Yang Lei slowly lowered his upper body and let out a reminder. Before the captain could speak, he rushed out.


In an instant, Yang Lei was already behind the captain.


Without slashing with the blade, he raised his foot and kicked the back of the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief, who had no time to react, flew out instantly, smashed from one end of the double platform to the other, and almost fell. .

Yang Lei was showing mercy, otherwise, he could kill the captain with just one knife, but he didn't do that, because he didn't want to defect yet.

As for the Zanpakutō in his hand, he just took the opportunity to show the existence of his 'Zanpakutō', but he didn't think about who he was going to cut.


The captains were startled, but they didn't expect the captain to fly out in a blink of an eye. This scene shocked them.


Kuchiki Byakuya was the calmest and the first to react. He shouted loudly and then retreated first. He stepped on Shunbu and did not dare to stop, or flashed back and forth in the air or on the double platform.

But just like that, Kuchiki Byakuya was still caught up by Yang Lei, and a whip leg was pulled on his waist, instantly turning into a cannonball and smashing it down.

While chasing Kuchiki Byakuya, Yang Lei didn't let the others go. He once fought against Mao Zhihualie, and the huge force in his hands knocked her away.

There is also a broken bee, who was kicked in the stomach and fell down, and couldn't get up on his knees for a long time.

If it doesn't speak, it's already a blockbuster. It's just a moment. The situation changes rapidly. The two sides who were still facing each other just now have fallen.

Yang Lei tapped his feet in the air and came to the top of Xingtai, Shuangshangtai, sat beside Rukia, and said, "I'm venting your anger."

Rukia was already frightened, she knew that Yang Lei was very strong, and she had been chasing his figure all the time, wanting to have the strength to stand beside him.

However, she never thought that Yang Lei would have the strength to crush the captains by himself, which made her unbelievable, and even thought that this was a picture that could only happen in a dream.

"Did I just want to survive too much?"

Rukia muttered to herself and laughed at herself: "That's why I have such a beautiful dream, I really don't know what to do."

Yang Lei was speechless, first put away the useless double knives, waved and used spiritual pressure to forcibly remove Rukia's limbs, hugged her into his arms, and took a small bite on her earlobe.

"Is it a dream?"

Yang Lei asked softly, which made Rukia blushed, and the blush went all the way to the base of her neck.

"Yang Lei."

The commander-in-chief took the lead to slow down, Yang Lei didn't kill them, and none of the captains was seriously injured by being unable to stand up. At this moment, the commander-in-chief stood up straight with the Zanpakutō, raised his head and shouted at Yang Lei: "Since your beliefs are already dark, don't blame me for being ruthless."


Yang Lei sneered, shouted back down below, and rebuked bluntly: "Old man Shan, your beliefs are already rotten, are you loyal to the Pure Spirit Court of the Soul Realm? King? Or is it loyal to the so-called nobles? The so-called forty-six rooms?"

Yang Lei's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue, causing the captain's face to turn blue and white for a while.

The commander-in-chief knew in his heart that because the Spirit King would not frequently send orders, he was gradually captured by the forty-sixth room, and he was even on the verge of becoming the forty-sixth room's lackey.

And what kind of organization is the forty-sixth room?

Oh, it's just a group of so-called elders who are held by nobles.

So Yang Lei is disdainful, can a group of short-sighted people who only think about their own family listen?So he said the captain's beliefs had decayed.

This is simply too heart-wrenching, the commander-in-chief is swaying and almost can't stand, which is more unbearable than the impact of Yang Lei's kick.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

The commander-in-chief is the commander-in-chief. Although his mentality was already chaotic, he still forced himself to regain his composure. He gritted his teeth and roared angrily, shouting: "Ghost Dao Ban, release the seal of the Double Spear for me, and execute the execution."

A small team of Ghost Daoists have been waiting here for a long time, and they can unblock the torture tools at any time.

It's just that the commander-in-chief forgot because of his rage. Even the vice-captain was stunned by Yang Lei before, not to mention these ordinary members of the Ghost Daoists?It was still foaming there.

Seeing that no one answered, the captain finally remembered this matter, without saying a word or calling others, he took big strides to the front of the spear of double torture, and released the seal of the torture tool with only one person's strength. .

"Yang Lei."

The commander-in-chief glared angrily at the two people above the sky, and shouted, "I will use this double-blind spear with the power of one million Zanpakutō to purify the darkness in your heart."


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