On the other side of the sky, Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen Kao were also watching, and Ichimaru Gin was also responsible for improvising a live commentary for Tōsen Kao.

At this time, the realm of Lan Ran and Yang Lei has exceeded too much, and no one can use the method of perception to pay attention to them. used.

In addition to the commander-in-chief and Ichimaru Gin, the two battles originally fought at the foot of the mountain also ended. Among them, the battle between Yeichi and Broken Bee had a dramatic result. The two sisters were reconciled as before. When he came up, he stood not far from the captain and looked at the Shuangshangtai, looking for the traces of Yang Lei and Lan Ran.

There is also a battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Byakuya. The battle between the two will be much more tragic, and they are not affected by the double stage at all. They have been fighting head-to-head. In the end, both of them suffered seriously injured.

Fortunately, Yang Lei's avatar arrived in time with Rukia, and Inoue Orihime, who came from the other direction, did not let them die here, and gave timely treatment to the two of them.

This group of people did not intend to go to the double platform to watch the battle, but listened to Kuchiki Byakuya's narration. He took out all the words that were pressed and in the bottom of his heart, so that Rukia's heart could be unraveled. It's only the one who is right to Zhibo Haiyan.

In addition to these people nearby, there are also many people in other parts of Jingling Court who have been affected by the mutation of Shuangshangtai, such as Zenggi Kenpachi and Baicun Zuozhen, they have stopped fighting, and now they are rushing to Shuangshangtai together. Come.

The former is because the great momentum of Shuangshangtai has provoked a stronger fighting spirit, and the latter is because he feels Dongxian Yao's spiritual pressure in Shuangshangtai.

With the news of what they saw in Room [-], all the captains and vice-captains already knew that Aizen and Ichimaru Gin had betrayed, and they were likely to want to Go to Shuangshangtai.

This made Bai Village Zuozhen have an ominous premonition. Toxian, who had previously fought against Zenggi Kenpachi with him, would suddenly leave without saying goodbye, and then appear on Shuangshangtai. What does this mean?

Bai Village Zuozhen did not dare to think too much, because if Dongxian was his best friend, it could even be said to be his only best friend, so he hoped that it was just his own random guess, if Dongxian rushed to stop Aizen.

Don't mention these trivial things, go back to the field.

"Do you only have so much power?"

Yang Lei stood in the same place and took the knife from Aizen. There was no strangeness on his face. He looked at Aizen in front of him indifferently and said, "Then, let me show you my strength."

Saying that, Yang Lei waved his knife forward gently.


Aizen flew out in an instant. It has to be said that the two knives were pressed against each other. If Yang Lei chopped down at a distance, Aizen not only flew out, but would be blocked because he couldn't stop it. Zhu Yang Lei's attack was cut in half.

"A lot of power."

Lan Ran gritted his teeth and exclaimed secretly, Yang Lei just waved his knife and let him fly to a height of several hundred meters, which shocked him. If Yang Lei made a full effort, he would not be able to fly to the Lingwang Palace in the sky?

"Where are you looking?"

The moment Lan Ran had just stood firm, Yang Lei's voice suddenly sounded behind him.


Lan Ran's eyes widened, he kept looking down, but he didn't know how Yang Lei caught up. At this time, he didn't have time to react. When his mind moved, his body turned into a ray of light, just to avoid Yang Lei's fatal blow, Jinghuashuiyue's The blade passed through his waist in vain, but could not damage the elemental Aizen.

Please explain, don't laugh, Aizen has never eaten Glitter Fruit.

This is just a skill he got after evolution, which allows him to move at high speed while maintaining this form. It was shown in the original book, and he also avoided an attack by Kurosaki Ichigo.


Aizen was not in a hurry to change back to his original state, but borrowed this form to quickly travel far away, far away from Yang Lei's side, he was too dangerous.

"Very good ability."

Yang Lei didn't rush to chase him, but stopped in place to look at Aizen in the distance, raised his left hand and shook slightly, and his entire arm suddenly turned into a blue-cyan light element state, making Aizen stunned.

In front of Yang Lei's ancient eyes, no matter what ability, no matter what bloodline talent, he can copy it, and even the Zanpakutō unique to each death god can be copied, one can imagine how evil it must be.

Aizen didn't know this, but he could guess that the other party's light elementalization was forcibly learned from himself, and he was a little scared by Yang Lei's (bgcc) talent.

"I can't fight."

Aizen frowned, and she couldn't help but feel more frustration in her heart, even worse than the previous frustration.

Before, he still had Bengyu to fight, but now?Bengyu has been shattered, what else can he use to fight against Yang Lei?


Aizen's eyes suddenly lit up, since he could make the first collapsing jade, he would definitely be able to make the second collapsing jade, but he just didn't know how to make the collapsing jade evolve to the next stage.

But now it seems that since he has successfully catalyzed the power of Bengyu to evolve himself, as long as he makes Bengyu again, can he continue to evolve?

That is to say, as long as he can get rid of today's predicament, he will definitely find strength enough to compete with Yang Lei in the future.

Thinking of this, Aizen became confident again, and the repeated setbacks did not make him despair, and he soon found a new way out and direction.

"It's time to leave."

Aizen muttered to herself in her heart, looked at Yang Lei in the distance with dull eyes, and said, "Jun Yang Lei, I admit that you are very strong, even now I am not your opponent."

"However, I will not despair. I will find a way to continue to evolve, and strive to surpass you one day. You can look forward to the return of my king."

As he said that, Aizen suddenly raised his hand and threw a spiritual pressure light wave into the sky, which was a signal to act in advance.


The sky of the Soul Realm was torn open by three large openings, and a group of Daxu of different shapes stood in the opposite virtual circle and looked here. Suddenly, three transparent light curtains were cast down, just in time for Aizen, Ichimaru Yin and Dong. Xian wanted the three of them to wrap up.

"That's an anti-film."

Seeing Yang Lei rushing forward, Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shirou, who had left and returned, quickly reminded loudly, "Don't touch."

Yang Lei didn't care, he knew what the anti-membrane was, but he didn't believe that he couldn't break the anti-membrane with his current strength.


But the fact is that Yang Lei's attack did not break the anti-membrane. The attacks on the anti-membrane were evenly distributed by the great phantoms in the sky. I don't know how many great phantoms were hidden behind them, but none of them were shocked to death. Yang Lei couldn't help but be amazed. .

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