"never mind."

In the end, Yang Lei gave up his plan to use all his strength to kill Aizen here. It wasn't that he wanted to let the tiger go back to the mountain or raise the tiger, but he wanted Aizen to go to the virtual circle and bring out the so-called broken-faced army, and then he could do it all in one fell swoop. J, the province will have to go to the virtual circle again in the future.

The number of broken faces in the virtual circle is already huge. Even if Aizen dies here, it will become a hidden danger. It is better to let Aizen go back to rectify it.

"Blue dye."

Yang Lei raised his head and shouted at Lan Ran above the sky, and said, "I look forward to that day, and I won't hold back by then, so I must try to be as strong as possible."

Lan Ran frowned, did Yang Lei keep his hand?

The commander-in-chief also frowned, this bastard actually kept his hand?

Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shiruro looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile helplessly, this bastard is really smart.

If Aizen died like this, it is conceivable that the corpse soul world would not feel the crisis. No one knows what will happen next. Maybe someone will find Yang Lei Qiuhou to settle accounts.

After all, Yang Lei once made disdainful remarks about the forty-sixth room, and even the nobles of Jingling Court were included by him. It is normal for some people to be dissatisfied.

But it's different now. Aizen has run away. Depending on the situation, he should have his own power in the virtual circle. As a result, there will definitely be a war between the corpse soul world and the virtual circle.

Who would even think about fighting in such an environment?These things that happened today, in the end, is it still a matter of peace?

"This kid."

Jingle Chunshui laughed. The purpose of his rush back was to remind Yang Lei secretly that if he could let Aizen die, he would let him go as much as possible. Doing so would allow him and Rukia, as well as those who traveled in misfortune and Zengmujian. Eight saves a lot of trouble.

Now it seems that he doesn't need to worry about anything at all. Although Yang Lei doesn't like fighting for power and intrigue, he is not an idiot.

Leaving a dangerous enemy outside would only do him good and no harm. Otherwise, if he has such a powerful strength, it would be very dangerous if he were to be feared by others.

Soldiers are especially important only in times of national crisis. .

0314 The short end!

In this way, with Yang Lei's intentional release, the Aizen trio finally escaped from the Jingling Court successfully.

As for Aizen's ultimate goal, although the captain doesn't know yet, he has a hunch that there will definitely be a war with each other.

And this war will be the most dangerous and massive one in history.

Because Aizen's style has a faint look like he has already ruled the virtual circle, otherwise how could he easily mobilize such a huge large virtual army-group.

It is precisely because of this that the commander-in-chief did not continue to be pedantic. He first stopped the reorganization of the forty-sixth room, and did not trouble Yang Lei and Rukia.

In any case, although Rukia is the victim, Yang Lei has always been the messing stick.

And his rebellious remarks really made the captain unhappy, that is, his combat effectiveness was really good, and even the captain felt frustrated.

But even so, if there is no strong enemy watching, the commander-in-chief will still drive him out of the Jingling Court.

It's just a helpless move to keep Yang Lei now. In order to prevent Yang Lei from causing more troubles, this time the commander-in-chief didn't even say that he was looking for him to be the vacant team captain.

Twenty years ago, the commander-in-chief was angry because he couldn't find Yang Lei to succeed him as the captain of the tenth division, but now he wants to suppress Yang Lei.

This time, a total of three captain positions were vacant. Afterwards, Yang Lei was still a little puzzled. Why did Aizen and the others not cause too many casualties to Jingling Court, whether they were in the original work or here?

"Could it be that Aizen and the others are playing countermeasures?"

In the end, Yang Lei spoofed it maliciously, otherwise he really couldn't understand why Aizen was so good to Jinglingting. As long as he wanted to, he actually had several chances to kill Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, Asai Renmi and others.

But he didn't, and even took out the Bengyu by gentle means in order not to hurt Rukia's soul, which was very inconsistent with the role of the villain BOSS he played.

You must know that when Aizen was conducting the collapsing jade experiment, there were countless dead gods of death or spirits with the qualifications of the god of death. Have you ever seen him soft-hearted and unbearable?

Then why are you pretending to be a good person again?

"Maybe it's the so-called self-esteem of the powerful? Or maybe he's too arrogant and narcissistic, so he wants to leave some audiences to attend his promotion ceremony."

In the end, Yang Lei could only end with this guess. He was too lazy to speculate on Aizen's thoughts, and had nothing to do with him.

"Jun Yang Lei."

At this moment, Jingle Chunshui broke in from outside.

It has been three days since the three of Aizen left, and Jingling Court has finally returned to peace. Yang Lei is not in a hurry to leave and practice again. He and Rukia have just established a relationship, and he still wants to consolidate their relationship. Feelings.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei looked up at Jingle Chunshui, and fell lazily on the tatami, unwilling to get up. It seemed that he was the uncle, he was the captain of the eighth division, and Jingle Chunshui was working for him, but the truth was Quite the opposite.

Jingle Chunshui doesn't care about Yang Lei's disrespect to him. That's his character. If he is too serious, he feels pedantic and old-fashioned.

"Today is a misfortune, no, it's the day Ichigo and the others go back, won't you send them off?"

Jingle Chunshui leaned against the door, also looking lazy, opened his mouth to express his intention, and reminded him: "After all, they came to save your girlfriend, and they almost caught up with them. Life, you can't justify it if you don't go."


Yang Lei just sat up, got up and walked outside, but just two steps out of the door, he couldn't help but look at Jingle Chunshui behind him, and asked, "What are you doing with me?"

Jingle Chunshui rolled his eyes helplessly and muttered, "I have a good relationship with Chadu Taihu, and of course I have to send them off."

This is just a cover. Jingle Chunshui has already received news. Since Kurosaki Ichigo's power of death is inalienable, and his strength is enough to be a captain, Jingling Court intends to issue a death agent certificate to Kurosaki Ichigo. .

As for the real role of the proxy card, there is no need to say much.

Because the person who issued the death agent certificate was Captain Ukitake, Jingle Chunsui was worried that the good man would say too much, so he wanted to go over and take care of it.

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