Ichigo Kurosaki finally regained his sense of calm, took a long breath, bowed respectfully to Yang Lei, and said, "Thank you for your advice first, and then please train me, I will seize the time to master the power of emptiness, At least it can't let it go wild any more."

Yang Lei smiled, it's okay, he didn't waste his saliva, he couldn't help but turn his head and put on a smug expression at Rukia, which caused the latter to roll his eyes.

"I'm not suitable for the job of training you."

Yang Lei spoke again and did not agree to Ichigo Kurosaki's request, because he was lazy and his method might not be suitable for Ichigo Kurosaki.

Yang Lei's Xu's power and Quincy's power were completely awakened the day after tomorrow, and were copied from Xu's body and Ishida Yulong's body respectively.

Kurosaki Ichigo's is different, and his virtual power has awakened self-consciousness, because it exists innately.

This led to the fact that if Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to master this power, he first had to be approved by Shiro Ichigo, and he had to practice hard to master it.

and so.

"You should go to someone else to practice."

Yang Lei blinked to remind Kurosaki Ichigo, but he didn't say it too clearly, leaving others at a loss.

Ichigo Kurosaki understood, and recited Hirako Mako's name silently in his heart, and couldn't help but sigh with some pity: "That bastard didn't come today, it's really abominable, he was really annoying a few days ago."

After solving Kurosaki Ichigo's heart disease, Yang Lei ran to the side to hide in peace, holding a thick book and reading with great interest.

As Yang Lei's spiritual attributes continued to grow, his memory was getting better and better. When it exceeded [-], he would have been able to remember it for a long time.

In addition, he also has the eyes to see Jigu, it is really a golden finger that will never be forgotten at a glance, so that Yang Lei can firmly remember whatever he sees.

At this time, in order to allow himself to have more entertainment, he barely controlled his eyes, and did not allow himself to read the book in just one second, but deliberately read it word by word.

".. Yang Lei."

After a while, Rukia ran over, sat down against Yang Lei's shoulder, and whispered, "Thank you."

This is to thank Yang Lei for enlightening Ichigo Kurosaki just now.

Yang Lei frowned, put down the book and looked aside, only to find that everyone else had left, then he looked at Rukia and said with some dissatisfaction, "Your thanks will only make me uncomfortable."

Rukia knew what Yang Lei meant, they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and their relationship was closer, but Rukia thanked him for Kurosaki Ichigo, which made him very unhappy.


Rukia hurriedly hugged Yang Lei's arm, and changed the subject: "By the way, you are so blatantly exposing the power of the virtual and the quencher, aren't you afraid that the captain and they will be bad for you? ?"

Rukia could vaguely guess how terrifying Yang Lei's strength was, so when he opened his mouth, it was the commander-in-chief and the others, not the commander-in-chief. This sentence contained a wide range of things.

Yang Lei shook his head casually, and said, "Otherwise, why do you think I'm not the captain? One is to be lazy to mess with the messy team affairs, and the other is this."

Rukia was relieved when she heard that Yang Lei was not worried about this.

The two sat on the rooftop for a while and then went down. Their place to stay this evening has not yet been settled, so they have to find a suitable place to stay.

The reason why Hitsugaya and the others left first is precisely because of this. Even Hitsugaya has to find a place to live. Even though he is the captain of the tenth division, he has no identity at all in this world.

It is also that Soul Soul World does not plan to enter the world on a large scale. At most, it is enough to send some team members to station in the world. There is no need to develop their own industries in the world.

As a result, Yang Lei and the others were depressed, and they had to find a nest by themselves. .

0318 Grimmjow Attacks

The living problem is solved very well.

Yang Lei used magnetic ninjutsu to get a bunch of gold bricks as high as a hill, put most of them in his personal space, and kept only a few pieces in his clothes, and then left the school with Rukia.

After leaving school, the two first went to a nearby bank to exchange two large boxes of Japanese yen, and then went to a five-star hotel to open a senior suite. The so-called accommodation problem was solved in this way.

After opening the room, Yang Lei took Rukia and ran outside for a walk. It seems that since the two of them confirmed their relationship, it seems that they have never dated like this.

At first, they were trapped in the confession palace. After the incident was over, Rukia was trained by Shirou Ukitake. She had to deal with a lot of official business every day, which made neither of them have time to go. jogging jogging.

Later, Yang Lei had to give up his time and go to stay with Rukia every day so that the two could meet.

But even so, when Rukia was handling official business, Yang Lei couldn't open his mouth to interrupt.

This object is simple.

This time, Yang Lei finally found an opportunity. Don't worry about Kurosaki Ichigo, and don't worry about Hitsugaya and the others. The two walked hand in hand on the street, and they could finally enjoy their two-person world. .

In the following days, there were no emergencies in Kakuza-cho, as if the virtual 210 laps were completely silent, making the existence of the advance team in this world very embarrassing.

But Yang Lei and the others did not feel embarrassed, nor did they relax their vigilance. They knew that the calm on the surface was just an illusion, that what should come will still come, and it will not be too far.

Sure enough, this night.


Yang Lei sat up abruptly, and he felt the sensation the first time a certain black chamber was opened.

"what happened?"

Rukia was woken up by Yang Lei's actions, and sat up in a daze, forgetting what the two of them had done just now, and as the quilt slowly slipped, Yang Lei looked straight.

In the two-person world life in the past few days, Yang Lei finally succeeded. One day, while both of them were in a state, he opened his mouth to eat Rukia, and reached the final step.

"It's not the time."

Feeling a few spiritual pressures in the distance, Yang Lei couldn't help but grit his teeth and cursed angrily, and finally made Rukia wake up, exclaimed and fell down again.

"All right."

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