Yang Lei rubbed Rukia's little head in a funny way, and did everything, what else is there to be shy about?It's not that he hasn't seen it, he has passed all the dishes.

"Get ready (bgcj), the enemy is coming."

While reminding Rukia, Yang Lei changed his mind into a state of death.

Rukia stared blankly at Yang Lei, only then did she realize that Yang Lei wasn't actually using his body to act, but his own body.

It wasn't until now that she recalled that at the first meeting between the two, Yang Lei didn't seem to be a ghost, but a human?

There was no time for Rukia to be in a daze, Yang Lei picked up her righteous soul pill from the side table and pushed it into her mouth. After Rukia turned into a state of death, the two of them set off while holding her slender waist. .

The enemy appeared far away from the two of them, but surprisingly, it was very close to Kurosaki's hospital.

Maybe they felt Kurosaki Isshin's powerful Reiatsu?Or maybe their main target is Ichigo Kurosaki?

Anyway, they were destined to be disappointed.

Kurosaki Yixin didn't want to expose it yet, at least after avenging his wife, he didn't want to shoot again in a short time.

As for Kurosaki Ichigo, he is not at home, but has gone to the masked army to practice with Hirako Mako and the others.

Fortunately, Hitsugaya and the others arrived in time, so that the group of broken faces led by Grimmjow did not want to destroy them too recklessly.

"Oh? Did you meet a captain?"

Some bad luck met Hitsugaya, but he didn't seem to be timid, but very interested, as if he had a lot of confidence.

"Broken face?"

Hitsugaya frowned, and there were a lot of broken faces. This result surprised Hitsugaya. He did not expect that the face breaking technology of the virtual circle was so mature.

This team of broken faces is very similar to the advance troops. It is not all the combat power of the virtual circle. It is just a small team. It is conceivable how many broken faces there will be in the virtual circle.

Thinking about it like this, even Hitsugaya can't help but feel some scalp tingling.


At this moment, a man with blue hair wandered over, stood not far away, and asked the broken face opposite Hisugaya, "Did you see that guy named Kurosaki Ichigo?"

It turned out that Grimmjow's target was Ichigo Kurosaki. Ever since Yami and Ulquiora brought back the picture of the battle with Ichigo Kurosaki, he has been full of fighting spirit and wants to fight Ichigo Kurosaki. A fight.

Not to prove anything, he just wanted to fight.

"Ichigo Kurosaki is not here."

Suddenly, two figures appeared out of thin air. It was Yang Lei who hugged Rukia, and he heard Yang Lei say to Grimmjow, "You want to fight him, right? Why don't I take you on your way?"

Grimmjow grinned, he didn't know Yang Lei, and Lan Ran and the others had never mentioned how terrible Yang Lei was. Besides, Yang Lei was not the captain and didn't wear the captain's feather weave. He mistakenly thought that the other party was just a miscellaneous soldier, so he couldn't help laughing at himself: " Am I being underestimated? No matter what kind of cat or dog dares to provoke me, hehe."

Saying that it is self-deprecating is actually using self-deprecating methods to belittle and mock Yang Lei.

"I'll leave first."

Yang Lei let go of Rukia, he knew her character, she was very strong, he would not and would not stand behind him, so he didn't want to care about Rukia's battle, but pointed at Grimmjow and said, "Follow me. Come."

Since he couldn't control Rukia, he simply came out of sight and didn't bother, so he should leave and go somewhere else, the big deal is to wait until she can't beat her before appearing.

The two have known each other for decades. While living in the True Spiritual Art Institute, which actual combat class did Rukia not fight by herself?

This time Yang Lei simply did not persuade him, because he knew that it was useless to speak, and it would make Rukia even more angry, so let her fight.

Rukia laughed happily. She didn't want to be a burden, thinking that one day she could stand by his side without being overshadowed by his light, so she had to fight and she had to become stronger.

Yang Lei didn't know that Rukia wanted to become stronger because of him.

"Are you so eager to find death?"

Grimmjow still followed, although he looked down on Yang Lei and thought that no one except the captain-level figure was worth his shot.

But since Yang Lei took the initiative to provoke him, he had no reason not to fight.

"Am I courting death?"

Yang Lei smiled, but there was no happiness in the smile, it was full of mockery.

Originally, he thought that if he could spare Grimmjow's life, he would try his best to hold back his strength. After all, in the next thousand years of bloody battles, Grimmjow was a great force in the virtual circle and could help the Soul Society. .

But Grimmjow was not ashamed, so don't blame him.

"The thousand-year bloody battle is just like that. The big deal is that I will work harder on my own."

A plain and indifferent whisper, but it contained a full of scarlet murderous intent. .

0319 Leopard King and Three Swastika Zanpakutō


Under the night sky, two figures, one black and one white, quickly passed by, and finally came to a park.

"Is this place chosen for the burial?"

Grimmjow was very proud, and looked at Yang Lei with contempt and pride, his hands in his trouser pockets, and he didn't even take out the long sword attached to his waist.

It was also Yang Lei who hadn't brought out his Zanpakutō, so Grimmjow didn't draw his sword.

What Grimmjow didn't know was that Yang Lei didn't have his own Zanpakutō. Until now, he could only fight with ordinary shallow strikes, and he could only use shallow strikes to liberate other people's Zanpakutō.

So, it's not that he doesn't want to condense his own Zanpakutō, but that he really doesn't.

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