"It's fine here."

Yang Lei turned his head and looked around, and found that the park was very clean, and although the scenery was average, it was not bad.

"It's a good place to be your burial place."

Turning around, Yang Lei looked at Grimmjow, planning to do it.

It is just a broken face that is not at the level of Swartold, and he is not in his eyes.

Broken face is broken face, it is an independent system, not linked to the level of Daxu, just like the god of death is called the god of death.

For example, Grimmjow, he is just an Achukas, he is called a broken face because he has broken face, but he is not Swartold, and his strength is quite lacking compared to Swartold.

In the virtual circle, there are very few real Swatold-level virtuals. The known ones are the [-]th blade Kayatai Stark, the [-]th blade Balegang, the [-]th blade Helibel, and the [-]th blade Kayatai Stark. Forty-blade Ulquiorra, and the original Thirty-blade Nelly, also known as Nilu.

In fact, the eighty-blade Thrall Apollo was originally a big virtual at this level. He himself divided himself into two because he wanted to study something, and this degenerated to Achucas. It seems that it has not evolved until now. into Swartold.

Grimmjow is also a broken face of Achukas level, ranking sixth in the ten blades, except for Neutra, who is ranked fifth, he is the strongest existence in Achukas.

Even if he fought Neutra, he would not necessarily lose.

What Grimmjow didn't know was that even Swartold wasn't enough to watch in Yang Lei's place, let alone an Achukas.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Grimmjow was not a talkative person either. He was too lazy to talk anymore. He pulled out his right hand and pulled out the long sword from his waist. He shouted, "Show your weapon, God of Death, it's time for us to fight."

"of course."

Yang Lei nodded, opened his personal space and took out two ordinary shallow beatings.

A few days before he came to this world, Yang Lei had asked Jingle Chunshui for a large number of ordinary shallow beatings. Anyway, this thing is not expensive, it is still a public property, and he is greedy for ink.

"What kind of Zanpakutō should I use?"

At this time, Yang Lei was struggling. He had already copied a large number of Zanpakutō. At this time, he was suffering from a disorder of choice. He didn't know which Zanpakutō to use to send Grimmjow on the road.

Grimmjow frowned. He believed that he knew about the God of Death fairly well. After all, Aizen still had to rely on Ten Blades to attack him, so he had to explain something.

It's just that Yang Lei is an exception. He doesn't have his own Zanpakutō, and uses someone else's Zanpakutō.

So Grimmjow was stunned, what Zanpakutō?Could it be that Shinigami can awaken a lot of Zanpakutō?Did he hear it wrong?Or is Yang Lei crazy?

"Stop pretending to be a ghost there."

Grimmjow was angry. Ever since he came out with Yang Lei, his heart has been difficult to calm down. It was the instinct of the beast he abandoned to remind him that a great catastrophe was coming.

It's a pity that Grimmjow no longer acted instinctively, so he couldn't understand the warning in his heart.

Grimmjow turned into a virtual shape like a leopard, a kind of cat.

Anyone who has raised cats should know that the mood of a cat like a creature is difficult to understand. Sometimes it will let you touch it when it is happy, and it will give you a paw when it is unhappy.

Grimmjow may have been influenced a bit, or he didn't get rid of all his instincts, so he thought he was being provoked by Yang Lei, so he rushed up after a roar.


Yang Lei stood on the spot without dodging or dodging, and raised his left hand with a shallow punch in front of him, easily blocking Grimmjow's attack.

"In such a hurry?"

Yang Lei smiled, not seeing the huge power coming from the knife at all, his right hand suddenly loosened and threw the other shallow hit on the ground, he opened his mouth and groaned: "I know which knife to use. Sakura Jingyan."


The shallow blow in Yang Lei's hand just disappeared to the ground, and huge blades suddenly stood up on both sides of him and Grimmjow. Immediately after, those blades scattered with a clatter, turning into countless cherry blossoms.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

No, what kind of flowers are they? They are just sharp blades.

Grimmjow's eyes widened, it turned out to be a swastika?This shows that Yang Lei must have the strength of the captain.


Grimmjow laughed suddenly. He originally thought that the other party was just a scruffy fish, but he didn't expect it to be a beast. It seems that this hunt is about to become more interesting.


Pressing the long knife in his hand firmly, Grimmjow quickly retreated, dodging and blocking the attacks that knocked down countless cherry blossom blades, landing on the top of a tree in the distance.

"Since you've figured it out."

Grimmjow stood in front of the long sword in his hand and shouted, "Then I will use all my strength and creak, Leopard King."


As Grimmjow used his return blade, a large group of violent Reiatsu enveloped him, and when the Reiatsu group dissipated, he had changed into another form.

Although he was still human, Grimmjow's appearance couldn't be called a humanoid.


Yang Lei deliberately let out a soft cry, and took out a shallow punch with his right hand from his personal space. Holding the knife in both hands, he pointed at Grimmjow and shouted, "My swastika is not over yet. Swastika, Heavenly Lock Slash. moon."


The two shallow strikes have undergone great changes. First, two huge spiritual pressures erupted back to the host Yang Lei, and then they transformed into two slender black swords. There was a swastika-shaped handguard in front of the hilt, and a small one behind the hilt. The chains swayed in the wind.

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