In that state, Yang Lei's strength was suppressed to the weakest, and even Rukia, who had not been systematically trained, could kill him.

The same is true in this world. If the laws of the world are cheating, you have to add invincible laws to everyone in Fairy Tail. You can't do it.

So Yang Lei said in his heart, don't make trouble, I'd better hold my thighs, the ready-made protagonist's halo is not for nothing.


"Let's find out where I am first."

Yang Lei muttered, and stepped out of the corner where he was, but after a few steps, he was suddenly stunned and looked forward.

"I see."

Looking at the group of people in the distance, Yang Lei suddenly realized: "No wonder the main quest will mention the Iron Forest Guild, so they are right there.".

0355 Erza's request

At Oshibana Station, Yang Lei swayed from a distance and came to him.

"Please stand back."

A staff member at the gate of the station issued a warning, because the station inside was already occupied by the Iron Forest Guild. For Yang Lei's safety, they did not dare to let him in.

Yang Lei was obedient, shrugged and stood aside.

"Crack, click, click."

Not long after, there was a team of soldiers walking towards here from a distance, taking the lead, the captain briefly inquired about the situation inside, and then set off.

"Tsk tsk."

Yang Lei shook his head. These soldiers were just ordinary people. Although they were well-trained, it was a pity that they were facing a whole guild of mages. How could they possibly win.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard screams coming from inside, but after a long time, the soldiers did not come out. It is conceivable that the people who screamed before were definitely not from Tie Zhisen, but this team of soldiers.

The town is not big. I heard that the station was occupied, and many people came to watch the fun. It didn’t take long for the gate of the station to be crowded.


After a while, a small car came quickly in the distance. It was a magic item in the world of Fairy Tail, called the Magic Quadricycle. At this time, a good-looking woman with bright red long hair was sitting in the driving position. Control, and constantly release its own magic to drive the magic four-wheeled vehicle.

"Erza, it's finally here."

Yang Lei showed such an expression as expected. When he saw the people of Iron Forest, he had already guessed the plot of this scene, so he kept standing outside the gate and waited. , I believe that Natsu, Gray, Hubby and Lucy should also be in the car.


Elsa parked the car nearby, and the group quickly jumped out of the car. As expected by Yang Lei, he guessed none of the people who came, it was the five of them.

Hubby is also counted as a member of Fairy Tail, not Natsu's pet.

"How's the situation inside?"

Erza moved very quickly, pulling over a staff member who was standing at the gate to maintain order and inquired about the situation inside.

"I know."

Without waiting for the staff member to inquire about Elsa's origin, Yang Lei raised his hand in time to help him survive the disaster.

Erza really didn't knock out the staff member who didn't answer her question as in the original book, but quickly came to Yang Lei and raised her hand to grab his collar.

"Don't be so impolite."

Yang Lei frowned. He had a good impression of her at first, but it turned out to be just such a move. Yang Lei had no love for Elsa in an instant. It was too strong and too impolite.

He raised his hand in a simple block, flipped and pushed again and again, just in a blink of an eye, Yang Lei took Ersha's hand towards his collar and carried it back to her.

"How can I say that I want to help you?"

Yang Lei stood behind Elsa and said unpleasantly, "I don't ask you to thank me, please don't be so rude, okay?"

"Feel sorry."

Elsa was stunned for a moment, then followed with kindness, and after Yang Lei let go, she lowered her head and dared to admit her mistake and said, "I'm too impatient, please forgive my rudeness, if my apology doesn't relieve you, you can fight I'll have a meal."

"Then you don't have to."

Yang Lei was speechless, and quickly raised his hand and waved it. Although he would never let go because his opponent was a woman, he was also not the kind of scum who specialized in bullying women.

"I know what's going on inside."

Yang Lei didn't want to make extra troubles, so he quickly told everything he knew about the situation. It was very simple, just one sentence: "The Iron Forest Guild occupied the station, and a team of soldiers came to be resolved. The situation inside is very difficult. Oops."

"I see."

Elsa nodded, turned her head and ordered the staff aside: "Hurry up and disperse all the people nearby, there is a big crisis about to happen, hurry up."

Then, she rushed not far away, and at this time several partners who were staring at Yang Lei with admiration shouted: "Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy, come in with me to solve the Iron Forest, absolutely not Let them play LULLABY's curse."


On the side, Yang Lei deliberately pretended to be ignorant and said, "Isn't this what a lullaby means? What's the situation? What is the sound of curse?"

"No time to explain."

Elsa shook her head, raised her hand to grab Yang Lei again, but this time, instead of pointing at Yang Lei's collar, she grabbed his hand and asked with a serious expression: "People from the Iron Forest use forbidden magic. Murder the lives of people here, please help us defeat them, I believe that with your strength, you can definitely help us."

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