Elsa is a very decisive woman. She felt that Yang Lei was definitely not an ordinary person in the confrontation just now. She also thought that she spent a lot of magic power on the magic quadricycle on the way here. It would be best if she could find a helper. but.

Who is Elsa? She is known as the strongest female magician in the Fairy Tail Guild, and she is already an S-rank magician. Don't look at her consuming a lot of magic power, but even so, ordinary people can't stop her. A catch, because not only is she powerful, but also too sudden.

Who would have thought that she would be caught so suddenly, most people wouldn't be on guard.

But Yang Lei blocked her, and took advantage of the situation to control her, which surprised Erza, thinking that this person might be stronger than her, at least not weaker than her, so she sent the invitation.



Yang Lei nodded, the purpose of waiting here is to have an intersection with them, and then join Fairy Tail.

"Let's go from here?"

Yang Lei seemed to be more active than Erza and the others, and took the lead in rushing into the station.


Behind him, Elsa waved her big hand and led Natsu and the others to follow in Yang Lei's footsteps. The group quickly rushed through the station gate and came to the first floor lobby of the station.

Along the way, she saw that all the soldiers in the army had been wiped out. Lucy was a little surprised, and even a little scared.

"do not worry."

Yang Lei seemed to have seen through Lucy's concerns, and comforted him: "The other party is just a scoundrel, that is, it depends on the number of people to deal with the army formed by ordinary people."

"Yo yo yo."

There was a sudden sneer in the hall: "Who dares to speak so loudly? I want to see, who dares to regard our Iron Forest as a scoundrel."

The group looked up and looked forward, and saw a group of magicians in different clothes came out from the inside. There were more than [-] people, all of them were magicians from the Iron Forest. No wonder that group of soldiers came out. will be easily resolved.

"Is the gap in numbers too big?"

Lucy exclaimed: "There are only six people on our side plus Yang Lei. Among them, there is one cat, Hubby, who can't be counted on. The other side's people are ten times more than our own."


Happy glared at Lucy with a dissatisfied face and shouted, "It's too rude of you to say that."

Lucy was stunned for a moment, did she accidentally say what was in her heart? .

0356 "You have a fairy heart"

"A minion is a minion, and you won't become a strong man just because there are too many people."

In the face of the more than fifty wizards of the Iron Forest Guild, Yang Lei's attitude did not change at all, and he still called them minions.

"You flies of the official guild."

The people in Tiezhisen were all pissed off by Yang Lei's attitude, and they yelled in a nuisance.


Yang Lei raised his hand and shouted, causing the people of Tiezhisen to stop subconsciously, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"State in advance."

Yang Lei pointed to himself and said, "I'm not a member of any guild. I have never joined a guild, so the so-called 'fly of an official guild' should not be scolding me."

Hearing this, not to mention that the people of Iron Forest almost vomited blood, even Elsa and her party were looking at Yang Lei with strange eyes.

"That is to say."

"Two, three, seven," Lucy whispered with a black face, "You just picked yourself clean, and then pitted us all?"

"All right."

Among the group of Iron Forest, the leader of the team, Eli Gore, shouted loudly, stopped the clamor of his subordinates, and waved his hand and ordered: "Kill them."

After giving the order, Eli Gore himself did not intend to shoot, but got up and flew back.

Eli Gore's magic attribute is wind, so he can fly, and other magics rarely have the ability to fly. However, many magic items can also make people fly, such as armor that can fly, or shoes.

"Lalabay is in Eli Gore's hands."

Hubby's eyes are very good, and he has always been critical to the problem. At this time, he pointed to Eli Gore who flew away and reminded his friends loudly.

"In that case."

Erza turned her head to look at her companions and shouted, "Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Hubby, you go after Eli Gore and Lalabhai, and you must not let Eli Gore use the loudspeaker to play. Lalabai, leave it to me and Yang Lei."

On the way in, Yang Lei had already exchanged names with them.

"Is this too messy?"

Lucy exclaimed, there are more than fifty enemies here, are there only two of them left?

"Go, Lucy."

Natsu and Gray trust Elsa very much. They know that she is not an arrogant person, and that she is strong enough to deal with these people. Although they didn't consume a lot of magic power when they came, there was no one Yang Lei to help. .

Yang Lei can easily capture Erza, and in Gray and Natsu's hearts, he has been regarded as a strong man, so he walked very freely.

Lucy hesitated and left with Natsu and Gray, along with Happy.

The people in the Iron Forest looked at each other, and finally three quietly chased after them, while the rest stayed behind.

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