"How about it?"

Elsa first glanced at Gray's state, and when she found out that he was okay, she quickly asked, "What about Eli Gore and Larabay?"

"Not good, Erza."

Gray quickly said the information he had just obtained: "According to the person who fought against me just now, Eli Gore's purpose is not to use the loudspeaker here to kill people, the real target is actually the old man who is partying at the next stop. ."


Erza's eyes widened, and she felt a bad feeling in her heart.

It is said that Lalabai is a demon created by Zelf, who can play the sound of a curse, and all beings who hear this sound will die and be devoured by it.

Even the presidents of various guilds will be killed when they hear Lalabai's curse sound without knowing it.

"Where's Natsu?"

Erza forced herself to calm down, and instead of thinking of a way to get out, she asked Natsu where she was going.

"Should be fighting against that guy named Kageyama."

Gray said Natsu's direction and made a guess.


As soon as she heard Kageyama's name, Erza suddenly remembered: "The sorcerer named Kageyama lifted the seal of Lalabai by himself. Maybe he has a way to lift the wind barrier outside."

Just like that, the three of them headed in the direction where Natsu left.


"Speaking back."

As he was on his way, Yang Lei reminded: "There seems to be a woman in your team, right? Is it really okay not to look for it?"


Erza smiled confidently: "She is the wizard of Fairy Tail, I believe she can."

If Lucy could hear Elsa's trust, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh, at least Yang Lei and Gray on both sides couldn't help but hold a moment of silence for Lucy at the same time.

Fortunately, Lucy is not the kind of weak woman who doesn't have the power to bind chickens.

Just kidding, for now, she has at least three keys of the zodiac, namely Taurus, Aquarius and Cancer.

In addition, Hobby who was in charge of Tucao also followed. If he really wants to meet the enemy, it is really unknown who will win or lose.

Besides, it's not certain whether you can meet the enemy or not.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about Lucy's situation.

This city is just a small town, and one can imagine how big the station can be. The three quickly found Natsu, but they came a step late, and the guy named Kageyama was about to die.


Erza didn't have time to check whether Natsu was injured or not, so she shouted angrily from a distance, "Why do you have such a heavy hand? Kageyama is still of great use to us."

Natsu didn't answer, and continued to stand in the direction of Kageyama. When everyone came to him, he realized that something was wrong. There was still a person lying in a hole in the wall behind Kageyama.

In other words, Lucy had no enemies, but Natsu had two enemies.

"what happened?"

Erza and Gray hurriedly asked Natsu.

Natsu told the three in a cold tone. It turned out that at the beginning it was just Kageyama and Natsu fighting, but after Natsu defeated Kageyama, another guy suddenly appeared from the wall, but that person didn't shoot Natsu, but instead Killed his own people.

In other words, Kageyama's serious injury was caused by his own people and had nothing to do with Natsu.

The complexity of the matter confused everyone, only Yang Lei knew in his heart that this must be Eli Gore when he left because he was worried that Ying Shan could unlock his wind barrier, so he secretly issued an order to get rid of Ying Shan.

The dark guild is really the dark guild, not to mention the so-called companion consciousness, it is lucky not to be murdered by one's own people.

Kageyama is like this, and Erza can only sigh in disappointment. The strength of the wind barrier outside is very high, and ordinary people will be shattered if they touch it. If it is the usual Erza, there may be a way, but Now.

Feeling the weak magic power she had left, Erza was really about to despair.

But at this moment, Lucy and Hubby, who had not encountered the enemy, finally found the large army, and they seemed to be very happy. I got a key of the zodiac sign, it is the key of Virgo and Virgo."

At this time, Lucy had already gone through the mission of the Aibar Mansion.

"Is that the big fat star spirit?"

Natsu recovered from his previous state in an instant, exclaimed in exclamation, had played against Ba Luge, and couldn't help shouting: "I remember she can burrow, right? Come out and let me say hello. "


Erza waved her hand and patted the back of Natsu's head, scolding: "Now is there time for her to come out and play in the burrow? Don't you look at what time it is."

At the moment, 253 Erza explained the situation that Gray detected and the situation outside being wrapped by the wind barrier.

On the side, Yang Lei, who has been watching the show quietly, sighed silently, thinking to himself, when will these guys go offline?

one more.

Looking down at Ying Shan, who was in a dying state, Yang Lei said in his heart, "If I really want him to die now, I will lose an opportunity to show Makarov's strength."

"That's it."

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